You're Weaker Now

If her bearings were correct. Stalking across the grassy yard, she headed for a lone gazebo surrounded by a cluster of trees. At least she could think and breathe and just be alone right now.

As she neared it, the hair on the back of her neck stood up. Glancing around, she frowned. She could smell someone nearby even if she couldn't see them. She didn't doubt Knox had plenty of security on his land but this was different.

It wasn't just another presence she felt. She smelled actual danger. It hung in the air dark and potent. Instead of walking up the steps to the gazebo, she kept going and circled around it. If someone wanted to ambush her, they were welcome to try.

When she reached the other side of the structure, she stilled. The male she'd seen earlier at the top of the stairs stood in the shadows of the bushes by the gazebo intently staring at her.

And he held a long, shiny dagger. No doubt silver.