Attack His New Mate.

This morning but he'd had important pack business to deal with. Business that specifically related to her. 

He'd never thought anyone would outright attack his new mate. It is strange for him. Not when he'd made it clear vampires were now welcome under his roof. 

Natalia had been under his protection for less than a week and no one had made a move against her. Of course, her new mate hadn't let her out of his sight for a second either. And Knox shouldn't have let Angela out of his.

He rolled his shoulders, and then slowly opened the door. He'd been gone a few hours and knew she would have questions.

The second he stepped inside something soft and fluffy hit him in the face. As one of his pillows hit the ground, he focused on Angela sitting cross-legged on the trunk at the foot of his bed - their bed now. "What was that for?"