Axel Ash Ground His Teeth

Axel Ash ground his teeth. Hell, what if she'd been with this Alex Wellington and one of the murderers had shot her when she was in her wolf form? All along, Axel Ash had thought a hunter had shot her. "We'll find her, Sheriff."

"Are you sure? I could arrange a search-and-rescue mission."

"No. I've got enough men with me. I'll take care of it." Not wanting Evan out in the woods on a mission like this, Axel Ash waved at the teen. "Take the Jag back to the ranch, will you, Evan?"

Evan's whole face lit up. "Sure thing!" He hurried toward the sports car.

"Drive safely," Evan's father said, coming up behind Axel Ash. "No speeding."

"I'll follow him back to the ranch," the sheriff assured him. "Let me know when you have the girl safely back, will you?"

"Yeah, I'll do that, Sheriff." Axel Ash waited until Evan was behind the wheel of the Jag and headed back to the ranch with the sheriff following him.