She Kept Running

She kept running until she saw the narrow turnout where she'd parked her vehicle. 

When she reached the location, she found Alex's truck parked behind hers, blocking her in. She could scream. But the fact he hadn't left set her to worrying about his safety again.

She didn't have any other choice. She used the keypad to unlock her truck, then tossed her clothes-- Axel Ash's clothes, rather--inside and yanked off the bandage over her shoulder. 

Sharp pain streaked through the muscle and radiated down her back, and she let out a sorrowful groan. She shoved his garments and the bandage under the passenger seat, relocked the door, and shifted.

The shifting hurt. Landing on her front paws in her wolf form hurt. Everything hurt. But if Alex's truck was still here, he wasn't safe. Neither was she.

  For now, she had a couple of frantic rescue missions to accomplish, and she wasn't stopping until she did.

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