Big Red

When Axel Ash left, she couldn't have been more proud of him. She knew he was getting food for the mother, and for now, he'd let her do what she needed to do, provide protection.

But that's when the real trouble began. She thought she smelled a human. She lifted her nose and breathed in the air. No, two. She froze in place. No, no, no. 

The zoo men were somewhere close by. She prayed they hadn't seen her or Axel Ash. That they hadn't spied on the mother wolf.

Then a shot sounded in the woods nearby and a familiar twinge of pain went through her shoulder as a reminder of the past, even though she hadn't been shot this time. 

She wanted to make sure Axel Ash was all right, but she couldn't leave the pups alone. No matter what, she couldn't abandon them.