Thompson Smiled At Alpha Axel

When his people learned of his being paired off with regular lupus, accused of being the father of the pups...

He shook his head, irritated with himself. He didn't even want to think of what they would say. 

Not to his face, of course.

"When are you going to let her see Big Red again? Maybe since she's been away from him for a while, she'll be pleased to see a familiar face." Thompson glanced back at Alpha Axel Ash. "He looks anxious. Maybe we should let him go to his mate."

"As soon as she wakes, we'll move them to a holding pen."

Cassie lifted her head, and Alpha Axel Ash saw the look of disbelief in her eyes. He felt the same way, only he was responsible for her. 

How did he get himself and her in such a bind? More importantly, how was he going to get them out of it?

Cassie rose to a sitting position in her cage as Alpha Axel Ash desperately wanted to go to her, to comfort and protect her.