Save Hubby

so I don't really know what happened there!

"But, if What you said is true I will do everything in my power and find every last bit of evidence to help you out of this case! You saved my life, it's only fair of me to save yours as well!", 

  he had an Honest tone to his words and I could tell he meant every word he just said.

"Thank you, Alpha!", my hands trembled as I pulled them behind my back, I was so glad that I saved my hubby.

"You didn't answer my question", required he.

In my overwhelmed emotions I totally forgot the question, "Which one?"

"The very first one, Should I really believe in your story entirely?", He repeated.

"Yes!" I answered without any hesitation, "You can believe everything that I have said!"

"Good!" Said Knox, "Don't break my trust! And if there is anything else I need to know please tell it to me right now, we might not get a chance to talk properly after this."