Entire Atmosphere Felt Cleaner

She moped the floor starting from the cell door making her way towards me, and did a way better job than the cleaners that worked here! The entire atmosphere felt cleaner as I breathed dust-free air for the first time in the last few days.

The concern about the guard still haunted me a little bit, not for myself but sweeper. I knew she wasn't here to clean but actually brought me food which was probably at the bottom of the bucket she carried. I kept quiet so as not to alert the guard if he was awake!

My eyes fixated outside waiting for the guard to at least take a peep inside once, but it was around 3 o'clock in the night and the door to my cell was wide open with no signs of any security!

And then here it was, in midst of the pin-drop silence, a huge uncontrollable Whale call escaped my stomach like a loud morning alarm.