Book 2: Chapter 8

Last night, Layla felt the dryness of her throat all of the sudden. When she quickly check herself in the mirror, she saw that her eyes were darkening. Like that of a siren.

"Oh crap. I forgot today's waning gibbous " Layla grumbled in annoyance but hastily left her place nonetheless.

Her feet led her in Tazzen university where she exited towards the Vado forest. Every month, she had to submerge herself in the circlet of Genus in order to quench the siren blood within her.

It somehow seeks the waters in the circlet of Genus at the waning gibbous of the moon. As this will be he sixth times going there, Layla won't worry about the Siren living there

As they all viewed her as already one of them. They felt that their very blood bonded well in her wolf blood.

Strange as Layla always thought about her condition.

When she arrived in the place, she saw Sirens were already surfacing.

The creatures eyed the constant visitor there