Book 2: Chapter 9

"Are we taking her with us?" Asked of the man to his companion, dragging Layla away from the waters.

" You saw her. She can understand their language. What a novelty. We can sell her out to the buyers." Said the others.

Layla turned to Walo whose skin had many cuts from the rough nets. Her body were in odd angle along with the others as they were literally cramped together mercilessly.

"We gonna be rich. See these fins. These are premium kind." Laughed the guy in black shirt.

" Let's not stay for long. This is Tazzen. Wolves are said to scout this area randomly. We don't want to catch some trouble." Said gruffly the other guy in green shirt. He tightened the rope in loop, securing their catch like fishes to be selled in the market.

"Let them go!" Layla screamed but her head was pushed down thr ground, shutting her up.

"Ay. This onr fiesty like the creatures." Chuckled the guy who dragged her first.