A Dark Magic Ball For An Aggressive Werewolf.

"Give up brother! You are surrounded and outnumbered. Think about it before you make a foolish mistake," Tanak talked tough.

"You must go through me if you must get her!" Kane reiterated. He never took his eyes off the attacking wolves. He knew they will put up a fierce fight against him, for this reason, he must be decisive if he must fight back.

"Tanak or whatever you call yourself, we don't want any problems with you. Handover Lora to me and then turn around and leave like a coward you are. We might as well spare your life. Do what I have said and live or disobey and die!" Clara dared. Her words had taken Kane by surprise just like Kane's own decision to defend her in the face of a formidable foe, which had also caught her off guard. For a few seconds, Kane wondered what she meant by 'we.'