A Deadly Fight.

The scene unfolding was very intense. No doubt, Tanak had been pushed beyond a point where he was unlikely to show restraint.

Kane without no further hesitation pushed Clara away from him when Tanak began transforming. "Run as fast as you can to the castle, I will hold him off!"

Clara, with no further objection, obeyed and fled. Some of the wolves with Tanak pursued her, while the rest stayed behind to confront Kane.

"I have been waiting for this moment brother when you will be isolated and humiliated. Take a look around you, tell me what you see? I bet you could see more wolf warriors lining up to fight you? Tell me brother, have you faced a formidable force like this before? No doubt, you are scared because you know what is coming?" taunted Tanak.

"Why don't you stop talking and let's get on with it?" Kane folded his hands as if he was about to give Tanak the fight of his life.