Ch-6: Just where was his golden finger?

After Zhao WuTian looked around, it had been exactly 5 hours sense Zhao WuTian entered the family's library. Within this time he had learned about the land he now lived in, Razia the capital of the Razha Empire also known as the Star Kingdom. Was home to the Sun Temple of the Light God.

Speaking of which, one would have to talk about the history of Star Kingdom's continent to understand the present. Thousands of years ago, this continent was very prosperous, there were many different races, there were fairies, elves, dragons, beastmen, dwarves, goblins, humans, etc. and every race had their own gods. Under their god's blessings, they lived free, unrestrained comfortable lives.

But for unknown reasons at some point in time, one by one the gods began to abandon everyone, leaving the land one after another. Without divine power to suppress the seal the demon fog within the Underworld began to leak through The Void to the mainland, contaminating the magical races into deviant devils, demons who wantonly killed anything and everything in it's path. They were monsters without a conscious.

A war inevitably broke out, but it didn't wipe out the demons from existence as one would think. It resulted in the goblins, dwarfs, dragons and other races in becoming completely extinct instead. Leaving what was now only the elves/dark elves, humans and a scarce amount of fairies, who soon went into hiding were left to struggle.

Under the combined prayers of three dedicated priests, the God of Life and the God of Death who intended to leave the continent, remained and gave their followers the power to destroy the demons.

The three races continued on, and the Light God and Dark God became the only faith in the continent. Like Yin and Yang they helped balanced the evil that spread across every corner in the world.

The power of light could identify parasitic devils in the body and expel them, it could also curb the spread of demon fog. The Light God lived in the Ninth Heaven, it was impossible for him to parade around the continent to save every creature, so he made the creatures that contained light attributes his messengers, allowing them to sow the seeds of hope in the continent.

And so the Dark God who was one with the darkness, did the same. Blessing the lucky ones with dark attributes, healing those who were infected by the devil fog and turned into demons or had their heart corrupted by it. Many became loyal followers.

But these types of people were very few, calling them rare was not an exaggeration, they were 100 within 100,000. If there weren't enough light priests to create light circles and worship the God of Light of Dark, the demon fog in the Underworld would eventually once again spread to the corners of the whole world .

At that time, the world would truly come to an end.

Looking at the book in his hands and the memory that somewhat aligned with it, Zhao WuTian raised his eyebrows in surprise. He felt that the characteristics of the demons were somewhat similar to zombies, but the demons couldn't infect people with a mere scratch or bite, the demons had to directly implant their power into a person's body to transform them into a demon. It was like a virus within an apocalypse, the end of the world as one would know it.

He sighed, tapping his pale finger across the table's surface. He indeed transferred into a cannon fodder character. During his little reading session, short but vivid memories slowly started resurfacing. And he soon came to find out that his older brother was a knight Major blessed with dark attributes and his second older brother was granted immense light power from the Light God, becoming an important person within the catholic churches and Sun Temple. As one of the greatest Priest's within the continent, destine to soon become the kingdoms youngest Bishop. And his father, the Duke?


His father wasn't no ordinary Duke, or merchant sitting on piles of money. No, his father Eric Daniels was an retired high Marshal with many military merits and contributions to the country. Retired or not he still had connections and the power to due almost whatever he wanted. Knowing that people with such high rankings were very rare, Zhao WuTian was sure that even the king would have to give his father some face.

But last and surely least, him.

Bonny unlike his talented family was born wielding zero attributes. Which wouldn't be shocking as such blessings were rare to anyone. But what was shocking was that his family of six centuries carried a strong blessed blood line of inheriting both dark and light attributes. Having strong constitutions to combat their power. Their were even rare cases where those were granted magic becoming mages. His family had long lines of many becoming, knights, magic knights, mages, Priest and Bishops and even a Pope. Their was never in history where one was born,.... well normal.

Bonny Daniels was born prematurely, having a weak constitution and inheriting absolutely nothing from the Daniel family. News spread wide over the continent entering everyone's ears, shocking everyone. Rumors of Bonny being the future downfall of the family passed around within and outside the city. Though no one was bold enough to out right voice their opinions on the matter, scared of the Duke. That didn't stop them from secretly ridiculing the family and their enemies bathing in their misfortune.

But Bonny's family raised him as their own, just like he was. And because he was different they cherished him even more, spoiling him with everything they had.

And that would be enough for Bonny if that was all it was to it. But it wasn't and so he grew up always feeling self conscious of everything he did, of who he was, and who he was around. It was a lot for him to walk within the streets of his home, seeing eyes filled with contempt and hearing words full of scorn and mockery. Him who was just a little boy at this time couldn't understand it. He wasn't the only normal person in the world. So why treat him less of what he was? It became worse after his mother died. At times he would cry his self to sleep almost every night not telling anyone about it. Just enduring it by himself.

Until he couldn't take it anymore. They disliked him for no reason. So he'd give them a reason to dislike him.

And that was when he started to 'act out' becoming a degenerate dandy. Visiting Taverns to drink, strolling around brothels for days on end, making trouble for youths his age no matter if they were in the wrong or right, bragging, using his fathers repreparation to threaten others, flirting with many women, common and noble. He was a local tyrant.

Zhao WuTian could only sigh once again and be thankful, that the past host of this body didn't do anything too outrages that couldn't be taken back or fixed. He honestly didn't blame Bonny for acting the way he did. It was his way coping with the situation around him. Zhao WuTian could understand the others pain of being an outcast, rejected and feeling lonely. He had went through a similar backstory as he was raised from a poor background without any family. No mother, no sister, brother, or father. No one wanted him and he had to live with such a thing until he was 18 and left the orphanage and went to college getting a degree and becoming a professor. He soon got used to society and became numb. The pain he felt was buried deep within and he could honestly care less about anyone at present. He no longer had a loving bone in his body.

And that was the difference between Zhao WuTian.

One cared and one didn't.

Zhao WuTian was a person who only talked and mingled with people if needed and when he didn't he wouldn't spare a single glance their way. He was selfish, he lived only for him. When his looks settled in as he got older becoming eye candy to almost everyone their was those who wanted to get close. He'd entertain the thought but it would never last. He knew there were good and bad people, but he didn't care about that. All he knew was those that were good to him and those who weren't. Being a good or bad person had nothing to do with him.

Yet he was oddly open minded to many things. Like now.

His transmigration was something he would have never thought about in a millions years. But from what he had just learned, was that no matter what world you were in, humans were all the damn same. Nothing would change. So why would he?

He gave Bonnies soul a farewell. He would now take on his life for him. He smiled lightly closing the book in front of him. While a dark shadow suddenly appeared, hovering over Zhao WuTian, outlining a silhouette that belonged to a tall young man.

Zhao WuTian frowned, slowly turning around to see who it was. Not at all aware of who approached him. He could only assume it was Aiden his butler, yet instead of his expression relaxing his frown deepened once seeing who it was.

The person wore a black brocade dress shirt with a suede jacket, embroidered with gold threads creating complicated and gorgeous patterns. However, this gorgeous jacket could not contain his elegant demeanor. The man's hair was pitch-black suffused with streaks of moon silver. His long eyebrows almost met at the temple with their tails sharp like knives, making him look very swift and fierce. His eyes were slightly sullen, but charming, and their ends were slightly raised. When gazing at people, there was always somewhat a feeling of cold indifference.

A pair of dark close set eyes slightly squinted, the corner of his mouth carrying a lazy smile. The top 2 buttons from his shirt were unbuttoned, revealing a honey-colored chest, making him sexy and dangerous at the same time. All these were enough for women to rush like ducks.

Even Zhao WuTian who was at times indifferent found himself in a bit of a daze that lasted longer then he liked. As the man in front of him was the same odd person from this morning. This caused him to slightly frown.

"We meet again."

"What are you doing here?"

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that?"

Zhao WuTian look became skeptical.

"I was told an accident happened here a couple years ago that resulted in you developing hemophobia. And being that your here, I could can only assume that you're over it."

Zhao WuTian stilled. How in the hell was he supposed to know Bonny had a blood phobia. If only the original host's memories weren't so damn foggy.

He responded stiffly. "Sort of, I'm not fully over it completely."

"Then I guess that also applies to your dead mother." Levi gave a smile that wasn't a smile. "You sort of gotten over her also, right?"


"Is that why you were staring at her portrait earlier?"

Zhao WuTian quickly stood up, taking two steps back. Creating a small safe distance between the two. A dangerous feeling trickled down his back.

Levi's dark eyes narrowed, the ends of his lips lifting up in ridicule at his actions. He couldn't help but express his inner thoughts. "Your a bit off." He mumbled.

He had sensed it this morning when the other walked in the room. This Bonny in front of him wasn't the Bonny he knew. Everything was different. And there earlier encounter had only deepened his suspicion.

"Your not supposed to be here. Leave." Zhao WuTian demanded.

Tilting his head in thought Levi answered "No." And within the next second, totally without warning, he forcibly gripped the youths throat.

The suffocating sensation from his neck caused Zhao WuTian to frown in pain. His cheeks were flushed abnormally but his unyielding gaze towards Levi remained unchanged.

Levi stared at him, his eyes still gentle with a smile on his face, as if the person that was strangling Zhao WuTian was someone else entirely. His hold tightening dangerously.

His voice though layered with frost, was smooth and melodious, almost enchanting as he ruthlessly spoke. "Tell me rabbit. Who the fuck are you really?" The corners of his mouth were grinning but his eyes flashed with a dark probing light. Gazing not at Bonny but through him.

Zhao WuTian shivered feeling cold sweat drip down his forehead. Pitch black eyes carefully studied every subtle movement he made. His instincts telling him if he did not answer correctly he would die instantly.

But how in the hell could he answer if he was being choked to death!?

Feeling his consciousness begin to flicker in and out he began frantically tapping against the hand around his neck. Signaling for a release.

Seeing that Zhao WuTian was indeed about to die Levi didn't let go, but instead lightly loosened his grip so a bit of oxygen could flow through. Only by killing too many people could he accurately grasp the line of life and death to this minute degree.

Knowing the difference between a little bit more force and death, and a little bit more looseness and life, all of that depended on his whim.

Zhao WuTian's position was painful but bearable. With some struggle he found his voice. "Z..Zhao.... W-wuTian."

Lifting his left brow he probed further. "And?"

"A...and I'm n-not from t...this world."

Levi frowned. 'Not a soul possession but a transmigration....?'

A large amount of oxygen suddenly poured into his lungs. He coughed violently, gasping hard for air.

Boy was his cover blown too quickly.

Zhao WuTian realized that Levi was the type of person to pull your heart out right in front of you while smiling with perfect

contentment. Not an ounce of guilt in killing you.

Finding his balance Zhao WuTian leaned against the table, rubbing his neck to ease the soreness. He looked directly at him with mild anger. "Your not who you say you are either. You're also pretending to be someone your not."

"Oh?" Levi slightly raised his right eyebrow as if he heard something amusing. "You've read a couple books and now you think you could understand me." He chuckled. "You could read a whole damn library and you'd still not have an inkling of who I am."

"I don't need to read a whole library to know you aren't human." 'All that evilness surrounding you as if you were the reincarnation of the devil himself?' Zhao WuTian wanted to roll his eyes.

It would be hard not to notice any abnormalities even if one wanted to. You could smell the very scent of death off him. Why wouldn't Zhao WuTian not be able to tell, the evidence was clear as day.

'What a perceptive little rabbit.'

He didn't deny it, it made no sense to. He wasn't exactly hiding his presence in the end, anyway. "Your right. I'm also possessing a body as my real form isn't able to enter the human realm. Do to the constant small rifts in the Void a peace of me was able to come through."

"Void? The one that separates the demon realm from the Human realm." It meant that the other was a demon. He had figured as much just a couple of seconds ago. It was just that demons ment trouble and he seem to be a magnet to trouble, ever since he came into this world.

First a pirate, then his secretive butler that always looks as if he wants to kill him, and now a demon. All within 48 hours.

Just where was his golden finger?

He inwardly snarled at the world.

"The Void doesn't only just separate the demon realm, the Void separates all realms. It's a dimensional doorway from point A to point B. This world isn't the only world that existence in space nor time and neither is yours. The Void is a shield protecting all parallel worlds from each other-." He corrected. 'And lately it's been weakening.'

Eh?.. "You know of my world?"


Zhao WuTian was a bit confused. "How do you know that?"

How the hell does he know that?!

"I've lived for a long time." Levi stated matter of factly. A very powerful being such as himself who was almost old as time itself, would of course have knowledge about Earth. He knew more about that planet then the life forms that lived on it. His knowledge of earth was vast, one could even say that it was a bit on par with the very God that created it.

But Zhao WuTian didn't know that and so he was fully on guard now, his golden eyes vigilant. "Just who in the hell are you?"

"You shouldn't be worrying about that."

Zhao WuTian laughed mockingly before clicking his tongue in doubt. "Then what should I be worrying about?"

"Your life." Two small words yet very powerful once said with a deadly coldness.

Levi didn't care for Bonny the original nor the one now possessing his body. He had plans for the Daniel family. Not once did he predict that a sudden wrench would be thrown his way, resulting in him having to relook a couple of things.

It caused him to wonder if it was some invincible force moving things behind the scenes. If it had something to do with the Gods and if so, he had a vague hunch of which one. If one of the Gods got involved things would soon become a bit tricky.

'Don't tell me those old farts, are finally deciding to make their move...?'

His gaze toward Zhao WuTian turned darker and darker by the second. Contemplating if he should kill him right here and right now. At this moment it was what would most benefit him.

His thoughts moving at high speed he quickly came to a temporary decision.

His plans would have to be altered a little and he would now have a new toy.

Life as they say it was indeed unpredictable.