Ch-7: What? Disappointed I didn't kill you?

Unlike the Captains gaze Zhao WuTian could see that Levi didn't look at him with much interest at all. He could tell that if the other decided on killing him no one and nothing could change his mind. No bluffs, nor tricks of persuasion could stop it.

So what was left now, was to just wait.

For someone who had their life on the line, Zhao WuTian didn't look the least bit worried. His expression calm as still water. Not a single ripple appearing. It made no sense to panic over a situation he had no control over. It was a waste of time and energy. He died once, if he could stop his death a second time he would. But if he couldn't then....

He'd just die. And unsurprisingly, he was fine with that.

Taking a closer step forward Levi lightly gripped Bonny's chin bringing their faces close. With a bit of amusement he gazed deep into two dark, honey gold irises, that were clear and tranquil, his cold eyes seeing a small reflection of his own figure within them. Slowly he moved his gaze down from Bonny's eyes to his upturned nose, then to his cheeks where two small black dots drew his attention.

'A double tear shaped mole...'

Brushing his thumb over the two dots a small light flickered through his eyes, feeling the squishy but pleasant soft skin under his finger tips. His gaze suddenly shifted further down onto two peach colored cushions of softness. His attention lingering their longer then expected before he gave a dashing smile that was more terrifying than pleasant. He brong his other hand forward, lightly biting his thumb, he drew out a drop of black-red blood. "Open your mouth." He ordered.

Zhao WuTian slightly frowned hesitating for a sec before obediently opening his mouth, allowing the drop of blood to land on the tip of his tongue. Immediately afterwards an astonishing sweetness covered his senses, shocking him. The moment that drop of blood poured into his mouth, Zhao WuTian's tongue that had tasted some of the world's best delicacies was instantly captured.

There was no metallic taste, no stale after taste just pure great sweetness.

Regardless the reason for it's purpose, it tasted very good.

Such a small drop fell on the very end of his tongue and it instantly occupied all the taste buds in his mouth from front to back. It stimulated the taste nerves and the feedback from his brain was a joyous feeling like fireworks blooming in a starry sky on carnival night. The feeling swelled fiercely, making him feel dizzy. Putting Zhao WuTian in a bit of a trance for a moment.

His golden orbs slightly unfocused as water formed at the creases.

Levi coldly grinned.

From the corner of his eye, through the reflection of the window. Zhao WuTian could see a seal of a snake encircling a moon, gradually appear on his forehead between his brows, glowing a deep scarlet red.

Recognition quickly flickered through his orbs. Back on earth in his first life being a literature professor he studied different types of handwritings eventually coming across a history Myth book. In that book there were stories of Gods and demons. The classic story of the Great War between angles and demons. It was a bit similar to this worlds war, but more in depth. The book hadf information on demon seals. Zhao WuTian out of boredom and light interest had read up on it. But never once did he think it would come in handy.

What he now possessed was a contract, a life contract. With a seal that represented it's owner. He could see how a snake reflected the demon but the moon puzzled him a bit.

Yet nevertheless just as he thought, the idea of him dying crossed the others mind. But just not in the way he had expectant.

This made Zhao WuTian frown. Discretely he tried searching for any signs within Levi's gaze that would determine why he wasn't being killed abruptly but having his death prolonged instead. But in the end of his careful search Zhao WuTian found nothing as the mans eyes were a steel-bottomless, black pool of darkness, that was unclear and murky like a eerie grey fog.

Dangerous, unpredictable, and unable to see through.

Zhao WuTian was at a bit of a loss, his frown deepening.

Levi gently raised his left eyebrow. "What? Disappointed I didn't kill you?" His voice returned back to it's original playfulness.

"No." Zhao WuTian responded emotionlessly.

'Disappointed? Oh, no.' He knew the seal on his forehead wasn't that simple. Far from it.

"By the looks of it, you appear to have some idea about what's on your forehead."

"It's a life contract." With a dead line. Though the seal was called a life contract it was more of a death contract. In particular a death sentence, one was given a limited time to live by the one who created the contract.

And Levi knew this as he casually held up his index finger. "One." He responded. "The duration is one month's time. Every month on this day you have to receive a single drop of blood from me. If not or you die."

Zhao WuTian visibly sneered. It's disgusting he wasn't a vampire.

Levi's smile grew bigger. "Don't get mad just yet. There are benefits to this deal."

'Like what? Me keeping my life.' Even that came at a price. He was annoyed but still listened carefully.

"For starters, if your in trouble, using the seal to signal for my help I'll appear no matter where you are. Second, if your life is threatened before the months duration is up, I'll know and I'll appear. Third, your able to temperately borrow a tiny fraction of my power. And last but not least-"

'You can communicate with me through telepathy.'

Levi's melodious voice echoed within his head. The sound low yet clear. Startling Zhao WuTian as his expression hardened coldly.

Seeing his reaction Levi laughed. As he was able to understand Zhao WuTian current thoughts. "Relax. I can't read your thoughts."

Zhao WuTian gaze was skeptical his eyes written with doubt, but Levi couldn't care less. "So, do you like our little deal?"

Zhao WuTian didn't answer. He didn't have to, his current feelings were fully displayed on his face. Instead he asked a question of his own. "What are your benefits?" This seal on him had to be beneficial to the other if not he would have been dead a long time ago.

Smiling devilishly Levi spoke vaguely. "That's a surprise."

"If you can't answer that then answer this. Why?"

Why keep him alive? Why use him? Why approach him? Why meddle in his life? Why not leave him alone? Why?!!

There were a bunch of silent why's and he knew them all. He answered simply but coldly as if it was obvious. "Because I dislike unknown variables."

While it was true that Zhao WuTian was an unknown variable but such a small thing could quickly be solved by Levi. With a single sweep of a finger he could end it all and kill him.

So just why did he make a contract instead of killing Zhao WuTian?


There was more to it than what meets the eye. A random transmigration? Levi doubted it. He has lived for many millenniums, he knew when anything out of the odds happened in this world, it was the handy work of the Gods.

One specific Goddess in particular.

And his plan so happened to revolve around this particular said God. Given the chance to play around with them, he wouldn't dare let it slip through his fingers. He couldn't wait to see Her face when she realizes that her little pon piece was now his.

Watching Levi's cold calculating eyes, Zhao WuTian clicked his tongue judgingly. He may be okay with death but he'd be damn if his life was played with. No one, man, thing, or demon would control him. He didn't agree with anything that was happening. But yet a part of him wanted to see how far everything would go.

He wanted a relaxed life this time, but it seemed that mother fate had a different plan in mind for him. So why fight it? Life on earth was boring anyway. And this life wasn't to his liking either but it would indeed deem interesting.

He read too many novels to know that things would never go the way he wanted as long as it involved being lowkey, or lazy. It was like the world would do everything in it's power to attract unwanted attention his way to compensate for his odd presence. If he tried to fight against it, it would only get worse from here on out. So Zhao WuTian decide to go with the flow.

If this world wanted him to get involved, he'd get involved for a bit.

He wasn't those mc's who wanted to go against heavens will and write their own path. Or the one's with knowledge of future events that wanted to either, conquer the world openly or be lowkey. Nor was he one blessed with godly abilities and plot armor. Nor did he have op skills with a heaven defying IQ. He wasn't gifted with a white lotus halo or a green tea bitch one to rewrite the protagonist or antagonist unfair upbringing. And he wasn't granted a system.


He was just an average man, with smarts and to him that's all he needed. But most importantly, what he had was patience. A whole lot of it.

Thinking like this the stiffness within him loosened and he was once again calm, his cold expression softening. He wouldn't take this contract situation to heart.

....If only he knew what would happen a month from now, his heart wouldn't have been so calm, and for the first time in his life the thought of killing someone would have crossed his mind. A surprise my ass!!! Is what he would be exclaiming in the near future as he was being pressed on the bed for the first time.