Becoming An Infant

Being born sucked. He was taken out of his nice and cozy enviorment and exposed to the harsh elements of the outside world. Even worse was the fact that he couldn't see, and everything felt overly sensitive. In the stories he read the protaginist often saw their parents faces as soon as they were born and understood the conversations going on around them. But that certainly wasn't what really happened. Babies can't really see clearly for a month or two.

So that's how his first day into this world was. Screaming, crying, milk (don't talk about it), and sleep. When he next woke up he was in a crib. As far as he could tell nobody was there and he did what he had been doing for the past months. Meditate. He was worried that after being born he wouldn't have been able to control his energy as easily, but it seems thst worry was unfounded. His core, the control he had on it, and its density were the same as always. And so thats how he spent his first couple of months untill he could finally see.

The first thing he ever saw clearly was what he assumed was his mother. She was . . . striking. Stunning red hair and emerald greeen eyes she was beauty incarnate. And also exactly his type. Which was very uncomfortable, because sure, if he had the abandoned father trope, when he was officaly the strongest, he might have given it a try. But his father was very much alive and seemed to care for both of them deeply, and he wasn't about to cuck his dad. It took a while but he was eventually able to catch his mothers name, April.

His dad was similary handsome if some what plain. He had coal black hair and eyes and seemed to be well built. Only thing was what that he wasn't around very often and whenever he was always seemed to be rushing to get to the next place. But whenever he looked at Daniel and held him, he could still see the love in his eyes. He eventually got his fathers name too and it was Jackson. Oh yes that was his name by the way, Daniel Sylph, a weird last name but it is what it is.

There was one other peson who often visited. She had green hair and seemed detached from the world. She looked to be in her late twentys to early thirties. I picked up that her name was Sabrina. She didn't come by super often maybe once every couple of weeks, but when she was here she would often just stare at me with cold eyes, thinking. It seemed as if she was looking into my soul. It certainley gave me the creeps.

He was about three months old when he had finally figured out what world he was in. It started off as normal day. He woke up from his meditation early in the morning. (He realized soon after he was born that he didn't have a need for sleep as long as he meditated). He soon realized that he had onced again pooped and peed his pants last night. It was truly embrassing but he didn't seem to notice it while he was busy compressing his energy.

In fact one of the few things he did notice when he was meditating was his hunger. He was often hungry and one of the few reasons he stopped meditating was to cry for his mother and her life nuturing milk. So as his mother cleaned his diaper and whispered sweet nothings in his ear, the process was soon over. And after she was done and started playing with him by poking his nose and grabbing his little toes, he soon realized what she was saying to him.

"Ready to go to the hospital sweet little pumpkin? We just got to get you all bundled up and then we will be off."

At first he panicked. After all, why was he going to the hospital, he was a perfectly healthy baby right? But he soon realized that it was most likely just a normal check up that newborns have to experience every once in a while.

And so she swaddled him and carried him off, he finally got to see the house for the first time. And let him say, it was gigantic. He couldn't really turn his head all that much but he could still see sweeping stair cases and hallways that seemed to never end. Another thing that he should had noticed but hadn't up to this point was light bulbs!

That at the very least meant he wasn't in a low technology world. But the house more importantly meant his family was rich and most likely had some type of higher social standing. Which was important because often times the greatest cheat of all was being rich and important enough to easily get all the hard to find, important resources.

When they finally arrived at the hospital he wasn't really able to gleam much. The car seemed normal if not a brand he recognized. The emblem on the hood was weird circle but he didn't pay it too much mind. On the card ride to the hospital he sadly wasn't able to notice anything due to not being able to see out the windows of the car. When he first arrived at the hospital everything seemed normal. Other than its massive size of course, but that might have been because he was so small. Sure there was the same insignia on the hospital that there was on the car but it was proabaly just a monomply of sorts.

So as his mother checked him in and recieved suprisingly good care from the staff, his mother and him were lead to their room. It was a fancy room, definitley expensive. He had never been in such a fancy hospital room in his last life. As he sat there thinking, as his mother cooed at him, the door finally opened. In walked the nurse . . . and behind her was a pink blob with stubby arms and feet and an egg on the center of their chest.

He had finally realized what world he was in. And in hindsight it should have been pretty obvious. After all that little inconspicous emblem on the car to the sign on the hospital, he could now recognise clearly as pokeballs. He really should have noticed sooner, he will have to work on that. And his name too. It seemed weird at first but as what seemed like a rich second generation in the pokemon universe, it carried a whole different meaning.

And to top it all off, right in front of him, with a cheery smile was a living and breathing chansey. He was in the world of Pokemon.