
April Sylph P.O.V

Today was a busy day for her. She had to attend a big meeting in the alliance, and it was espically tiring due to being four months into her pregnancy. She knew she would have to stop running around soon and settle down for some years and take care of her child. Today would most likely be her last major meeting before she finally took her break, and well deserved rest.

As she walked up to the alliance's headquarters she couldn't help but stop to marvel at the impressive building. It was flat, and low to the ground but she knew it extended far below the earth than most would expect. Of course one of the most impressive sights was the massive field nearby and the pokemon on it. It would seem normal at first, but as people went up to battle on it, it changed forms seemingly at random.

The battle currently going on was between a togekiss and breloom, both of which seemed to be elite level. A bad match up for sure, but she was suprised about seeing togekiss at all, considering their rarity. Perhaps even more suprising was the fact that breloom's trainer hadn't decided to evolve it yet. It seemed he was a pretty serious trainer. They were playing in a forest terain though, which at least gave breloom the ability to hold off for a while, after all beating a fully evolved pokemon while being in the second stage yourself was a tough task. Alas, she shook her head and walked off, she shouldn't get distracted on her way to the meeting.

As she approached the gate she soon noticed one of the two trainers standing gaurd had a houndeath out. Which although normally she would have nothing wrong with, she usually brought her parter along for important meetings like this, and her partner had a particular dislike for the houndour line. As she aproached closer and closer to the entrance she could practicly feel the pokeball on her belt heat up and shake.

Luckily enough for her, her partner was still prudent enough to not cause any trouble. Which was good for her because the alliance door gaurds were usually master level trainers. Although, she was no slouch of a trainer herself she wasn't quite up to that level, and although type advantages aren't everything, he would still most likely be able to handly beat her.

As she walked throughout the building and took the elevator down she recieved plenty of hello's and how are you's. Which although she never really enjoyed, was to be expected, being the wife of one of the richest and most important people in the alliance. She soon arrived at the meeting room and took her seat.

Nobody seemed interesting in talking all too much so she took out her papers and waited. She didn't actually do all that much at these meetings. It was supposed to be her husbands job but leave it too him to scheduale another important meeting on the same day. In the end it came down to the fact that she could sit in on this meeting just fine, but wouldn't have actually been able to do anything at the other one.

The meeting soon commenced, and it was the typical alliance talk. It ranged from all manner of things, certain invasive pokemon species and how they should be controlled, rewards for the next set of alliance sponsored tournaments, how many and where Sylph Co. arenas should be built. That was one of the few things she actually got the chance to weigh in on.

One of the major things was how to improve the detection and warning system of disaster causing pokemon. Recently a bunch of driffloon had floated through a town in Sinnoh and had managed to snatch up six children. Similar events happened every once in a while, all around the world, but Cynthia, one of the few quasi-god trainers, seemed very mad about how the alliance systems hadn't detected the mass of ghost type energies aproaching the town. Which to be fair was understandble, espically with a town that was so close to a city. Although it was certainly sad, it just made her more glad about the fact that she got to live in the city walls.

What suprised her most was that Cynthia would actually show up for the meeting. Her time was certainly valuable and she could have easily sent a representive along. She supposed that Cynthia really wanted to be heard on this matter and the only way to do that was show up here herself.

But as time went on the meeting eventually had to come to an end. As everybody started packing up their bags she soon noticed somebody approaching her. It took her a second but she quickly recognized her as she got closer. How could she not with those dead, calculating eyes that were a famous talk among the people that had seen them.

It was Sabrina, one of the up and coming alliance stars. She was only 28 years old and already a quasi-champion ranked trainer, certainly an impressive feat. She wouldn't normaly be at an alliance meeting, her family, although strong, didn't have much sway in the leauge, and it was expected it would take her a few more years for her to truly be a part of the big leauges.

But, Sabrina had come to this meeting to hopefully get enough support to open up an alliance sponsored gym of her own. As was every quasi-champions right to do. It was weird though because she hadn't actually brought it up when they were talking about alliance gyms, and instead hadn't said a word throughout the whole meeting.

As Sabrina aproached, April soon realized that Sabrina wasn't actually looking at her but at her stomach. It was pretty weird because although she had just started to show Sabrina was acting like she had never seen a pregnant woman before. When Sabrina finally reached her she seemed to draw her eyes away from her stomach and met April's own.

"Your name is April, Correct?" As Sabrina spoke April soon realized why she was so infamous with her dead tone of voice.

Regathering herself she replies. "Yes I am. And you are Sabrina correct? I have heard great things about you."

Sabrina just seemed to stare at herself for a while longer before finally realizing what she said. "Ah yes, . . . I'm sure you have. Onto the reason I have designed to talk to you is the fact that I can sense that your child has amazing psychic potential. I wish to check up on you every few weeks and if his psychic power continues to grow eventually accept him as a disciple when he becomes aware enough of his surroundings."

When Sabrina dropped all that info onto her head she didn't know how to respond. All she could do was think a million miles a minute. But realy the decision was almost made for her. After all the ability of a psychic would be helpfull at practically any stage in her sons life, no matter what her son wants to do. From being a trainer or following in the buisness footsteps of his father. And to be taught under one of the worlds leading pyschics would certainly help his progress. This also gave her the possible reason why Sabrina had never brought up her gym. After all the rumor was that the purpose of opening her gym was to eventually find a suitable disciple.

And so after what felt like an hour, but was most likely only a couple of seconds she finally responded "That is a lot to take in, but I would gladly accept your teachings of my son."

Sabrina looked at her for another couple of seconds before responding, "Very well, but do not get your hopes up, strong psychic energy may not necessairly mean he has a good natural control. For now you should eat a lot more than you normally do. Don't give me that look. It will not effect your physique. Your child will need it because producing psychic energy often requires plenty of nutrients."

"Thank you Sabrina but if I may ask what is natural control?"

"It is the ease of control a psychic is able to manipulate their energy without any prior training. Even if he has plenty of energy, if his natural control is garbage there will be little point in training him. I will arive at your house three weeks from now for another check up."

As she walked off after that it gave April a lot to think about, espically about the future of her son. No matter what she could only hope he was able to follow his dreams in the future. But she at least knew that for all the bad rap that psychics and other ability users often got, they were often the best in whatever fields they decided to pursue.

True to her word Sabrina would show up every few weeks. Brief as her visits were, she had never had the chance to get closer with her, not that it seemed like she would let her.

And as April sat there, five months later from her first meeting of Sabrina, giving birth and in pain with her husband by her side, Sabrina was also in the room. Which although somewhat awkward she couldn't really complain about, considering having a world class psychic by her side would most likely prevent any problems with the birth. Not that the chansey didn't do a fine job but you could never be too sure.

And as she laid there, in between concious and unconcious, when she heard her child's crys for ther first time, she couldn't help but smile.

And as April was doing so she missed the frozen voice of Sabrina uttering a single word "Sufficent"