Being Talked At

Finding out he was in the pokemon universe didn't really change anything. Oh sure, it would certainly affect his future plans, but for now he was still just an infant. And so, for the next couple of months nothing really changed.

When he was around 6 months old was when he would say the second major event of this new life unfolded. The first of course being him finding out he was in the pokemon universe.

As he was meditating, just like he did every night, he soon hit a stopping point. He could no longer condense his gas any farther. His core was filled to the brim with what he had gathered, like the densest possible fog imaginable. When he first started condesnsing his energy, all that time ago in the womb, he could see through his core to the other side. Now it felt like his gaze couldn't even look though the first quarter of it.

Now came the next step, turning this gas into a liquid. He actually felt like he could have done this a couple of months ago but had he done it then, he is sure the purity of the resulting liquid would have been less than it was now. Which was certainly a big no no, after all it wouldn't have been perfect in that case.

When he went to turn the gas into a liquid it felt as easy as flicking a switch. He supposed that was because he had been holding off on doing it for so long. As he flicked that switch the changes were immediate. The gas swirled and bellowed throughout his core and started to gather in the center of it condensing farther and farther before finally reaching a single point and gaining the signature luster of a liquid. The tiny drop than rapidly expanded refilling his whole core but this time with a liquid instead of a gas.

As it did so he immediatly noticed a couple changes. One was the immediate improvment in his memory. It had been improving somewhat as his energy got more pure, but it seemed changing to a liquid state was a major improvment. Although it wasn't yet near perfect recall, something he assumed would happen in the future if this improvment continued though, he could still remember some small deatils about things that he normally wouldn't, like the color of the desks in the nurse's office.

The other major improvment that was in a similair vein, was his thinking ability. He could feel the improvment in his thinking ability increase to much more than what it was as he was condensing his energy. He couldn't do much to test it but some mental math helped him realize its improvement even if he couldn't really check for sure how much his thinking ability improved.

He eventually looked back into his core and the differences were obvious. The core itself wasn't any bigger but inside of it was a liquid, that he would say was slightly more viscous than water, flowing about in almost the same way the gas did. He assumed that the higher viscosity of the liquid was, most likely, due to his more pure energy.

One thing that soon became clear was that he couldn't hold any more energy than he could at the gas stage. Which seemed weird but he guessed that was just how it worked in this world. He also had tried manipulating his energy to actively do things but that wasn't happening. Either he couldn't figure out how to do it, or it wasn't possible at this stage.

In the next couple of weeks he noticed a couple of other things. First off was it seemed that his vision and dynamic tracking had improved as he was able to have better awarness of his surroundings as his mom whisked him about the house. Because of this he assumed that his reaction time had sped up too, although he couldn't really tell, considering his limited control over his motor skills. He also noticed he was still able to condense his liquid energy just like his gas so that was what he continued to do.

It was two weeks after he first condensed his energy that he really got the shock of his life. It was just a normal boring day of condensing energy and him reluctantly playing with his mom when he no longer could condense his energy. There seemed to be a limit to how long he was able to condense his energy a day, but he hadn't noticed it before. His mom had to run off and do something so she left him alone in his room. Not very responisble if you ask him, she was lucky he wasn't an average baby.

During his lonely stay in his room, Sabrina once again gave him a suprise visit. As she studied him under her eyes, for the first time she finally said something.

"Hello Daniel, yes I know you can unerstand me. At least some what. Sometime since my last visit you have hit what is known as the liquid core state in psychic energy. This usually happens to normal people in their thirteens to fourteens. For talented psychics it often happens younger. For example I reached it when I was four. It is hard to explain but you could say this stage is where humans truly devolp awarness, or in a way, sentience."

As she paused he wasn't sure if it was to catch her breath or think but it at least gave him time to do some thinking of his own. At her first sentance he was justifably worried that she had somehow figured out he was a reincarnator, but it seemed his recent breakthrough would give him sufficent deniablity for his smarts in the future. He also finaly realized that there was a good chance that this was the Sabrina from the games or show though obviously not exactly the same. As he was about to think farther on what she had said, Sabrina once again spoke up.

"Because of your apparent talent every day or two I shall be joining you to teach you relevant knowledge of psychic energy, how it works, and its uses. Shall you disapoint me I will no longer teach you. Goodbye, I shall come again tommorow to begin you lessons."

As she finished her curt, to the point, sentance she didn't walk away like usual but instead disapeared in a flash of purple. He was wary about this whole situation but he knew that if it gave him the power to do what she just had, their was no way he couldn't accept the offer. Also he couldn't exactly able voice his opinion if he wanted to.