
Sabrina P.O.V

When she had first sensed Daniel Sylph, she didn't know what to think. Of course, at that time, she didn't know his name considering he was just a fetus.

When she had sat down at that alliance meeting, she was certainly suprised to feel somebody walk into the room with such pure psychic energy. She was even more suprised when she had checked, and realized that person had yet to be born.

Normally she would have simply ignored it. Sure it was an impressive sight, but if she learned anything of her time growing up, it was to not concern herslef with things that didn't involve her. Then, she had noticed who exactly the baby belonged to. April Sylph, the wife of the CEO of one of biggest companies in the world.

This normally wouldn't concern her, but about a year ago her alakazam had reached the peak of quasi champion and had stopped moving foward since. The only thing that could help her at this point would be a twisted spoon, which would hopefully allow that final push for him to form his domain. Although it wouldn't be as good as a natural breakthrough, it seemed like her best shot at this point. Only problem was, that twisted spoons are inordinately rare, and whenever they do show up, almost impossible to get.

Originally she had come here today to argue that if she formed her gym, she wanted to be the first in line to recieve a twisted spoon when it next showed up. However, when she had seen the wife of one of the most powerfull men in the world, with a psychic powered fetus she had to change her plans.

Afterall, having an alliance gym was a huge and tiring time sink, but teaching a kid for a couple hours a day would give her plenty more free time. When she had approached April with the offer she was suprisngly quick to agree, espically considering the stigma around psychics, that they could control your every thought and move. They could, but only against another psychic who had reached the second cycle. Every human had a psychic core but it was the hard shell around it that prevented them from using it. Luckily for them, it also prevented other psychics from taking control of them.

She had been checking up on April for a few months when she had first brought up the cost of her future teachings. April was understandbly annoyed, but she couldn't bring herself to disagree. The only condition was, was that Sabrina would only recieve the payment after 3 years of teaching April's son.

It wasn't like she would actually be able to run from Sylph Co. considering how big of a company they were, but that rule seemed to reassure April, so Sabrina could only accept.

After Daniel was born she continued checking up on him untill he reached the liquid core stage. When she had started teaching him then she was certainly suprised at how fast he caught on. Although she knew he could undestand her, she didn't expect he would be able to understand her so much. He was a quick study, no doubt due to his psychic powers, but the weirdest thing was defintly how he acted.

Although at the liquid core stage one would become more aware of themselves and the people around them it didn't actually make them any more mature. Orginaly she had expected it to be a while before she could actually get down to teaching Daniel without him being distracted. But suprisngly, from day one he had been paying close attention, and hanging on to every word she said. Orginaly she had been planning to half ass teaching him, but it seemed that would no longer be an option.

At first she just taught him the basis of what it meant to be a psychic. From the most common of abilites like telekinesis, or creating illusions. To the more complicated ones, like how the psychics of Hoenn would communicate with the land and water around them. Or how some psychics in Sinnoh were masters of looking through space and time, to see far away places and events, in the past or future.

That of course, led into talks about the different regions culture of psychics. Like how the psychics of Alola worshiped berries and herbs, and it was a sign of distrust to refuse an offering of berries from an Alolan psychic. Included in these talks were of course signs of how diffrent regions psychics may be getting ready to attack, and how they would be doing so. Her student would be no slouch in comabt if she had any say in it.

In doing all that teaching 5 years flew by and before she knew it her alakazam had broken through to the champion level. She was hiding this fact from the alliance for as long as she could, because she knew the Kanto branch would make a big fanfare about having another champion, and she did not want that attention.

At the same time her student had taken to learning how to use scythes. She thought it was ridiculous, but he seemed invested in it, and it wasn't her place to say no. She had planned to teach him how to use daggers, her prefered weapon, but it seemed that was no longer happening.

She also started teaching her disciple about how to fight with and care for psychic pokemon. He already knew a little from learning about how to fight against them, but since he wasn't entranced in any regions culture it gave him the chance to come up with his own fighting style. Since she didn't know what his partner would be she couldn't get too specific but it was enough for now to give him some basic ideas and tips.

When it had been a couple of months before Daniels birthday she had managed to secure an egg for him. It had been born from two champion class pokemon so she knew the talent couldn't be too bad but he had suprisngly denied her. It was very frustrating, espically since he had always listened to her before, but she had a feeling she wouldn't be able to change his mind on this. She was also certain his excuse was bullshit, although she wasn't certain why he would lie about that. At least the egg wouldn't go to waste, she had also been looking for a new pokemon to train recently.

When he had come back a while later with a different egg and stold her the story behind it, she was very suprised for a few reasons. First of all was that a pokemon, most likely reuniclus, was able to enter the city at all. It was meant to be constantly under surveilence by state of the art detectors. Second of all was the fact that it was able to sense a suitable trainer from so far away at all, as the strength required to do that is certainly immense. It presumably presided in Unova since thats where the major Reuniclus clan resided and such a strong one probaly wouldn't live putside its clan.

Still she was at least happy that Daniel had managed to find a most likely good potential egg though. When the solosis had finally hatched she postponed her talks for a week for Daniel to get used to solosis. When she had come back she was suprised that the solosis, Moy now she supposed, was still in the novice stage. It seemed Daniel had held her back their, a good decision that a lot of novice trainers failed to make.

When Moy had broken into the novice stage she was even more suprised that she was able to hold up a piece of paper. It seemed Daniel had certainly made the right decison on waiting to find Moy's egg. It was only a few months later that she watched as Moy and Daniel prepared to break through together. She couldn't help but get excited at the fact that it was time for Daniel's true training as a psychic to begin.