Benefits of Breakthrough

"Ready Moy?"

"Ready Daddy!"

With nods from both of them they get ready for their breakthrough. Technically Moy would be breaking through first, but the residual energy from her breakthrough would leak through their psychic bond, eating away at the core that held away his psychic energy.

"Here Moy goes!"

As she finished her last word she was envolped by a white light. As Moy and her energy grew under the light, Daniel was also experiencing a miraculous change. When he looked at his core he saw it slowly disloving away, layer by layer. Before he knew it, the shell of his core was gone, and all that was left was a clump of fine sand, floating in the center of his mind. This sand slowly dissolved into a liquid and then a gas, filling the whole of his mind. At the same time he felt like a new world was opened up to him.

He could feel the air currents rush over his skin in crisp detail. Things that he had been studying a couple weeks ago online made connections to other things he would have never thought of. When he looked at the katas for his scythe fighting, they had never felt so clear. As he opened the eyes he didn't realize he closed, he could, quite literally, see the difference. It felt like he had been wearing cloudy glasses for his whole life. He could see every detail on the wall, and if felt as if he could track specific pieces of dust through the air. It was a familiar voice that brought him back to reality.

"HeHe! Look at Moy now! Mr.Paper may not have been able to beat the evil scyther, but Mr.Book certainly can!"

As she said this Moy lifted a book from his shelf and made it float over to herself. Or, she tried to, but ended up dropping it half way towards her. After all, before her rank up she could only lift a couple dozen sheets of paper. With this breakthrough he had no doubt that she could lift a smaller book, but she had tried to lift his biggest book on pokemon anatomy. As he studied Moy in more detail he figured she was about half the size of a volleyball by now. He was glad he figured out that condenstion trick, otherwise it would be hard to imagine how big Moy would get.

The bookshelf had been a gift for his seventh birthday from his dad. It was full of info on pokemon that was hard to find on the internet. He hadn't actually read much of the things on it yet, there was still so much online afterall, but he used it fact check some things he found online.

"Don't get overconfident in yourself Moy, you still won't be beating scyther anytime soon."

"Moy knows . . . but that doesn't mean she can't try! Who else will protect daddy from the big, bad, evil, scyther!"

"I'm sure you'll be able to beat scyther soon Moy. You will certainly have a better shot once you learn some moves."

"What are moves, daddy?"

"People have debated on what moves truly are for a long time, but I would say that they are the crystalization of the experiance of doing a certain action. As you learn and master a move it allows for you to do more damage, at less cost, much quicker. Mastering some moves can even give permenant bonuses! With these combined I believe Moy will become the best ever."

"I will surely master all the moves and use them to defeat the evil scyther! Come on daddy! Lets get to training!"

"Not so fast Moy. Although I'm just as much a training maniac as you, we should get used to our new strength. Plus I think someone wants to talk to us."

"I'm glad you noticed me. I would have been severly dissapointed with you if you hadn't. As we had disscused you will first be learning telepathy from me. After that, have you decided what path you wish to travel in the future?"

He had only realized that Sabrina had been in the corner once he had broken through, using his newly enhanced senses. Telepathy was practicaly the first thing any pschic learned due to the comparitive ease at which it was learned, and being a good introduction to manipulating psychic type energy. After that however was what psychics called paths. Afterall. it was much better to focus on one thing than everything. Like how he only learned how to use scythes, instead of trying to learn how to use every weapon.

Paths were divided into many categories. Some psychics were seers, who could look into the past and future, or tell if someone was lying. Some were elementalists, who could control the elements around them. Although there was only one path for him to chose once he had heard of it.

"We both know there is only one path for me. The physical augmentation path of course."

"Hmph, I know, I only wish I could get you to switch over to the illusionist path. I would be able to teach you a lot more that way."

"It's ok Sabrina, we both know that isn't the path for me. Besides I plan to go the telekinesis branch first, so you'll still be teaching me for a while yet."

The reason Sabrina wanted me to switch over to the illusionist path was because that was the path she followed. Of course she also learned telekinesis along the way, something most psychics do, due to the major practicalities of it.

"Very well, your real training will begin tommorow starting at six PM in the yard at the back. You better be there."

"I know, I know, see you tommorow. Come on Moy lets get some rest."

Next morning he woke up bright and early with a Moy snuggled into his side. After sneaking out of bed and getting dressed he returned to Moy's side.

"Come on Moy, up and at it. I know your up already, I can feel it."


"Oh well guess Moy is asleep. It's a real bummer, guess that means Moy won't be able to learn any moves today."

"Moy is up! Moy is up! Lets go learn all those awesome moves daddy!"

"Breakfast first Moy. You need energy for all you move training."


After a hearty breakfast they set off to the yard where Daniel would be teaching Moy her first move.

"Are you ready daddy! Moy's gonna learn all the biggest, bestest moves and be the most awesomest!"

"Haha not so quick Moy, before you learn all the really cool moves you have to learn the basics. You may not want to, but it will make the best moves even stronger in the future Moy."

"Ok daddy! Whatever you say! What move am I gonna learn now!"

"First you are going to learn tackle. It's the most bassic move that almost every pokemon knows."

Moves were weird in this universe. Pokemon of a certain type could learn most of that types moves as long as they had the right parts for it. At the same time though their was some weird outliers. For example for some reason solosis could learn rain dance. It seemed to have no point to know this move, and at this time scientists have chalked it and similair cases up to a genetic ancestor.

As an outsider he had a little more context. For example he knew that in his old world not every pokemon could learn tackle, but in this universe every pokemon can. Another weird thing was toxic. A move that in the old games almost every pokemon could learn, and so could almost every pokemon in this universe, but for no seemingly good reason. This one scientists were even more confused on, considering it was in almost every pokemon, but they still couldn't figure it out in the end.

The pokemon alliance was this worlds leading power. It was a meeting point between all the regions that allowed them to mediate in peace and it proposed peace around the world. Of course a government this big had to stay in the good graces of the people somehow. Other than the catching of villian team members, one of the ways they did this was the national move compendeum.

This was a massive undertaking that took almost a hundred years of research and was a compilation of all the moves every pokemon can learn. It also recorded some of the reasons why this pokemon could learn the move, so if you had a pokemon that normaly didn't have a tail, mutate to have one, you knew it could probaly learn tail whip.

This of course also saved him a massive amount of time on researching what moves solosis could learn. In doing so he divided all the moves Moy could learn into easy, medium, and hard, for her to learn at ordinary, intermidiate, and advanced ranked respectivly.

"Moy, to learn this move all you have to do is fill your body with energy and slam into the opponent. Try aiming at this tree first."

"Got it! Hyagh Yah! Owie!"

May of course failed. Her violent comprhension gave her a huge advantage in learning moves but not enough to learn it on her first try. It was due to Moy's talent that he felt confident in letteing her learn as many moves as possible. Normal trainers could only focus on learning a few moves.

"Its ok Moy, try again. I believe that you will get it soon enough."

"If daddy believes in me than I can surly do it! Hyagh Yah! Ouchie!"

That was the rest of the morning, Moy was fine, she was resiliant enough to avoid hurting herself that easily. Plus any damge she did take on quickly healed by itself.

Finally near the end of their training time, "Hehe I did it! Look daddy! Look!"

Moy was right, she had done it. On the tree was a round indent that was distinctly Moy shape.

"Good job Moy! Why don't you go grab a book from the library to practice while I train with scyther. In fact why don't you grab a couple."

"Got it daddy! oooh i'm gonna get you this time scyther"

As he followed scyther's lead he quickly noticed how much easier it was to control his body and copy scythers motions. Scyther seemed to notice it to and quickly sped up. He still wasn't sparring with scyther as his body wasn't even strong enough for a light sparring, even though his gravity room was already at 2.4X. Another wierd thing he noticed is that Moy didn't seem to be affected by the gravity room, but he just put that up to her body structure.

If Moy sent oit a few Mr.Books to attack scyther and they were promptly slashed apart, scyther and him both ignored it.

In his free time he continued studying and directing Moy's training, when it soon reached six PM. As he met with Sabrina she went over the basics of how she would be teaching him.

"Currently what you should focus on is reaching out with your bond towards Moy. This is considerbly easier than starting with another pokemon or person. After you succed in this you will be trying to make contact with me. For now just sit down and reach as deep into your bond as you can."

He did as told and sunk into his mind. He soon found Moy's bond and reached for it. He continued going deeper into it for what felt like an eternity but getting nowhere. Eventually he felt a click and was able to feel Moy inside his head, but not hear her. When he finally opened his eyes it looked like a couple hours had passed.

"Good you finally managed to do it. But it took too long and wasn't perfect. We will be meeting here at the same time every night so I can watch over you and prevent possible dangers. Needless to say don't practice without me."

Later that night, as Moy went to sleep, he had one other thing to practice that he hadn't been able to for a while. That was of course meditating. After he had finally broken through to the second cycle he could once again meditate. As he sunk into his mind he once again saw the wispy fogs that he hadn't seen for years, except this time instead of enclosed in a core, they flowed freely throughout his mind.

Instead of the white tinged with pink the fog once was, it was know a deep and rich purple. You see in the first stage purity was determined by how dense your state was. In that case how does the purity from the first cycle carry over to the second?

The more pure and rich your purple mist was the more pure your energy used to be. His was simply incredible, espically compared to some of the people Sabrina had met, who had barely any purple in their mist in the second cycle at all.

And so he once again did the familair cycle of pushing and holding down his energy. Only this time the psychic energy restored much faster. This was a big benefit of having a psychic parter as it rapidly increased the rate of your psychic growth.

And so a few months later he had finally gotten a good handle on telepathy and would only increase in the ability through experience. The more important thing was that Moy had learned all of the begginer level moves. The next step of course was to master them. How to do that? Battle!