Moy's First Battle

Although he knew that he would have to start battling with Moy if she wanted to soon master her moves, the biggest problem was where to find an apropiate opponent. He had a few options for that. The first was just going to the pokemon stadiums and challenging people or have them challenge him. The problem with that was it was very unregulated and Moy could end up facing very strong opposition.

Their wasn't an inherit problem with facing stronger opponets, but he wouldn't want Moy to lose confidience. The second was going to the battle tower. Almost every city had one, and the workers there would match up pokemon of similair levels to fight against each other. The problem with that was that Moy was much stronger than most other ordinary ranked pokemon. Also the trainers there were typically fresh out of highschool and had little battle comand experience.

To be fair, he didn't either, but with his psychic abilites allowing for much faster reaction times to the battle, it probaly wouldn't be the hardest of fights. He wasn't planning to hold himself back in mock battles if it might end up hurting him in a real one. Plus another problem with both of these was his age. Although there was technically no age restriction on either, he was only seven years old and would certainly draw attention to himself by being a trainer at that age.

By far the best option was a battle tutor. These were people who often carried a varity of types of pokemon at different strengths and had plenty of battle experience. They usually taught high school classes on pokemon battles letting the kids get experience that way before going out. There wasn't many drawbacks to this but it would certainly be best if the tutor was trustworthy. He decided to ask his father first if he had anyone in mind and if that didn't work out, ask for Sabrina to put an illusion onto him to battle at the tower.

His dad had came back that afternoon so after dinner he made his way to his dad's study.

"Hey dad, Moy's pretty much got a handle on the moves I want to teach her at this rank. It will be a while for her to reach intermediate rank, so I was wondering if you knew any good battle tutors Moy could battle with in the mean while?"

"Already? That was certainly quick, good job and congradulate her for me, will you? I've got somebody in mind. I'll hit them up and see if they are willing. I'll let you know if and when he is coming"

"Thanks a lot dad. Love you!"

" No problem, that's my duty as a father after all, isn't it? Love you too son."

Later that night he once again met with Sabrina but instead of practicing telepathy, they were going to finally start on telekinesis.

"As I'm sure you know, telekinesis is one of the most basic skills to learn, but is a very difficult skill to master. At first it may just be moving things but eventually you can learn to crush, bend, rip, tear, shear, cut, and many others through the simple power of your mind. Of course I imagine you will be more focused on learning to control your own physical body through telekinesis. Through learning telepathy with me you have learned how to control your psychic energy outside of your head. Instead of directing it at me though I would like you to try and surround this piece of paper with it."

Although he would of course be learning all aspects of telekinesis due to its usefulness, she was right that he would be focusing on the physical part of it. As he grew in profiecincy in telekinesis he would learn how to push and pull his body through a forcefield around it. This would put heavy strain on his body if used too heavily, but it would allow him extra speed and strength.

He did as told and extend a thin tendril of psychic power from head toward the paper. By the time he made contact with it though he quickly realized that he hadn't put nearly enough energy towards the piece of paper, instead using the amount he would normaly use for their telepathy sessions. As he pushed more psychic energy down the line he eventually covered the paper. Without being need to told what to do he attempted to hover the paper off the ground, and managed to do so, but not before quickly running out of energy.

"Good, I'm glad you have managed it so easily. The reason you ran out of energy so quickly is because your mind is not yet used to using your psychic energy in this way. With more practice you will be able to increase this untill you hit the limits of the weight you can hold with your purity and total amount of energy. The only way to increase the strength after this is to further progress in your psychic abilities. For know go take a rest and recover your energy."

It took a couple of days for his dad to respond to his request with a positive, stating that the battle tutor would be here in about a week. In the mean time he continued doing what he alwayd did, while helping Moy out with her moves. Although it would take a while to master them without battle, she was still able to get some benefits from practice.

Their was one other thing that he had done during that time, and that was starting to teach Moy psychic strength enhancing that was unique to the solosis line. He had held back from this for a while, waiting for Moy to get a better control of her energy.

"All you have to do Moy, is run psychic energy throughout your body and try to tighten the space between you gel."

"Moy gots it! With this technique she will surly become the strongest!"

Moy, did not, in fact, "gots" it. But that was to be expected considering it was an adavanced technique. For now though all she could continue to do was practice.

Before he knew it a week had passed, and he and Moy went out to the yard that morning, not expecting to see someone there waiting for them. He was a big man, certainly some extra weight on him, although nothing crazy. He had some big bushy eyebrows and mustache, plus his hair was gray, even if he looked young.

"Ah ha you must be Daniel! I've heard great things about you from your dad. And you must be Moy! I heard I'm here for you! Don't worry I'll whip you into shape, in no time at all!"

That was certainly an . . . introduction. This man was certainly boisterous, and if he had to use two words to describe him it would be jovial and . . . loud. But before he could speak up, it seemed Moy wanted to talk first.

"Nobody shall be whiping Moy. Prepare yourself fat man, to face the justice of Moy!"

"Moy! You can't call people fat like that. Now apolgize Moy"

Moy certainly looked sorry, tilting her whole body foward and offering a "Moy is sorry". He could practically feel the pout.

"Ah I'm sorry, am I missing something here?" The man asked confusedly.

He then realized that the man couldn't understand Moy at all. It made sense, after all scyther could understand Moy because he was a pokemon, and Sabrina through telepathy, but this was just a normal man.

"No. Sorry about that. Sorry, but I don't think I had caught you name Mr. . ."

"Ah! Sorry bout that. My name is Peter Hold, and I am to be your battle tutor for the forseeable future. Now I propose we get right to it! Prepare yourself youngin!"

He had figured that this man was his battle tutor considering what he had said early. Plus, he doesn't think he would be able to get onto the property if he wasn't permitted to be there. He certainly didn't expect Peter to want to get right into it but he wasn't complaining.

"Are you ready for your first battle Moy?"

"Moy is ready!"

"Alright lets go!"

"Not so fast! Give me a chance to summon my pokemon first. Come on out, geodude!"

He wasn't very suprised to see a geodude. Afterall, it was a pretty common pokemon all around, but espically in the Kanto region. It was also easy to feed and golem was a pretty strong pokemon making it a popular choice. Lucky for him geodude had a pretty bad special defense so a couple of hits should be able to take it out. One of the things he had been studying all these years is how to tell what pokemon are in what ranks, and as far as he could tell, this geodude was also an ordinary rank.

"Moy! Use telekinesis then psybeam!"

In this universe telekinesis for pokemon worked weird. It allowed the user to control the opposing pokemon but for some reason they couldn't even lift a piece of paper using the move. Also unlike psychic's telekinesis the move could only move things and not rip or anything else. Also another advantage he had in this battle was that he didn't have to voice his commands, due to Moy and his link, giving less time for his opponet to react.

"Geodude rock n' role!"

Codenames for moves weren't rare for trainers as it gave the opponet an elemniate of suprise and shortened the talking time. Luckily he didn't have to think of any due to the quick and silent link between Moy and him.

As Moy's telekinesis closed in on the geodude it unexpectadly used its arms to lift and fling itself out of the way. When Moy had started to use psybeam on the area geodude once was it had used rock polish, and started aproaching Moy with a rollout.

"Moy, dodge!"

Sadly before she was able to she had already been hit. It certainly seemd to hurt her with her low health and defense.

"It's ok Moy, hang in there! Use flash and then minimize!"

Moy's flash managed to startle the geodude out of its rollout, giving Moy time to use minimize. As she did so her body shrunk in size by about half, but her speed greatly raised.

"Moy, use psybeam!"

"Geodude, rock throw!"

Due to still being slightly dazed the geodude wasn't able to react to the psybeam and was hit. It certainly did a considerable amount of damage but not enough to stop geodude. The geodude quickly dug up a rock from the ground and chucked it at Moy. Moy wasn't lucky and ended up being nailed by the rock.

"Ok! We concede!"

"Mm, Moy can still fight!"

"I'm sure you can Moy but this is just a spar and there no used getting badly hurt over it."

"Good job young man! That was certainly impressive, although you made a couple of mistakes. You shouldn't call out multiple moves at once unless you are sure they can hit, otherwise something like what happened at the start of the battle can happen again. Also at that point it would have been better to use confusion because it costs less energy and is only slightly weaker. Good call on the flash and minimize though! The flash certainly put my geodude on the backfoot, plus the minimize would have been helpfull had my geodude not been trained to hit small targets. All in all, well done! I expect to see you out here every morning!"

Peter certainly gave him a lot to think about. Although he had read up a lot about pro trainers he still wasn't one yet and didn't need to get too fancy. But he wasn't very upset he lost. That was the whole point of this battle training. He even expected to lose a lot more in the coming years.

"Thanks for the advice Mr.Hold. Come on Moy lets go get some rest."

"Moy isn't tired . . ." Yet even as she said that she floated over and sat atop his head, quickly falling asleep in his hair.