"Ji Hoon, not this time please" I said in a pleading voice.
Min Gyu is entirely puzzled, looking at me he asked "What wish? What's going on here? Tell me"
"I had to fulfil his three wishes as he helped me in something"
At this Min Gyu started laughing noisily, while me and Ji Hoon furrowed our brows, not aware what has gotten into him.
"Are you guys in elementary school? Who does these kind of things at this age? Oh! kids these days"
"Why do you care?" I scoffed.
Then Min gyu kept his index finger on his beautiful lips, gesturing that he won't speak anything.
"Ha Na ask what's my second wish" Ji Hoon said as he sat beside me.
I scooted towards Min Gyu and said "I already know, you want to talk with me"
"Yes and please grant my wish"
"Guys you all carry on with your kid's games, I am leaving, it's already four in the morning" Min Gyu stood up, ready to leave.
"No wait.." I tried to stop him, but he just left and said without turning back "Bye Bye kiddo".
I loved talking with him, I wanted to know more about him, I wish he could stay a little longer. Only if Ji Hoon wouldn't have come.
"Ha Na tell me what happened?"
"Why do you care? Go and talk with your Yeji" I turned my face as I don't even want to look at him.
"Ha Na it's not what you think"
"It is what it is, stop playing victim card here, I am the victim here"
"I know and that's why I want to know what happened, what's all that strip club and all?"
"You know what Ji Hoon, I can ask you the same question"
"Ha Na!" he yelled out of frustration, then he lowered his voice and said in a gentle voice "please talk to me nicely"
"Ji Hoon I told you to stay away from me, please just go" My voice cracked just how my heart is cracked because of all the pain.
"I'll go, I'll do whatever you say but don't go back on your words. You promised to fulfil my wish"
I am quiet, seems like I can't avoid him right now. I have to fulfil his wish, he is determined.
"Ha Na, no backsies please"
I nodded and turned my face back to him "Ok let's talk if this is your wish"
Ji Hoon released a sigh of relief.
"I just wanted some money for some reason that's why I was there" I responded gloomily
"Why? What money? I could give you, if you would've asked me, you shouldn't do these kind of things, it's risky."
I didn't respond, so Ji Hoon kept carrying on.
"How much is it? Tell me"
"Why would I ask you for help? I don't want to owe you more"
"Ha Na, you won't owe me, you haven't owed me anything. I am the one who owe you"
I pointed my index finger towards me and raised my brows.
"Yes, you're the reason for my happiness, you made me realise, how beautiful life can be, how happy I can be. Please I owe you a lot."
What a tearjerking line he has said, I can't even be angry with him now.
"It might be easy for you to say, stay away from me, but it isn't for me, literally isn't but I am still trying because of you, just because of you. You know what, your mom also asked me the same thing, to avoid you but I didn't because no one else can separate me from you, no one, only you can do this"
"Ji Hoon if I'll stay away from you, my mom will be happy and then Yeji will also not bully me, no one would say I seduced you, gossiping will come to an end. Overall it will be peaceful for me"
"Fine, if this is what you want, I'll do it. I won't even show you my face, I'll leave right at this moment. But.."
I looked in his frozen eyes which were once an ocean.
"But I want to tell you, how much you mean to me"
I nodded, because I want the ending of us to be memorable.
"Ha Na, I know you're gone but all I want is someone like you, nothing more nothing less, just you. You don't know but you have the ability to turn a frozen land into a beautiful ocean. Want to see the proof? Look into my eyes."
It's true, when I looked into his eyes which were frozen just few seconds back are now shining like a beautiful ocean. I can't believe that it's because of me.
"I'm struck like a grave in the space that you've left and I have no reason to get out. But you can leave me, because I've been trying to find the silver lining. I haven't found it yet but I guess I will."
"Ji Hoon sorry.." I just feel like a villian right now.
"I am glad I'll have your memory and all the feelings I felt with you. I will somehow manage to live with those things, don't worry about me" he said with tears in his eyes.
"And one last thing, I am really sorry about that kiss, I should've taken your permission, you're not a public property. I am terribly sorry" when he mentioned about the kiss, I zoned out to that time, tears appeared in my eyes on just the thought of that kiss. That alcoholic taste of Ji Hoon's mouth, I never thought alcohol could be this sweet maybe just because of Ji Hoon it was.
"Ha Na.."
No Ji Hoon, no, please don't say my name like that, I won't be able to bit back my tears.
"I will do whatever you say, but please promise me, you won't go back to that strip club or get involve in any thing like that."
I nodded, because I really won't go back there.
"And remember, I might not have you but you always have me"
Tears started oozing out but I don't want him to see my pathetic look so I started running away but I stopped when I heard Ji Hoon shouting "Ha Na one last thing, I have nothing to do with Yeji" then again I started running away, I don't want to show him how happy I am after hearing this statement and how gloomy I am for leaving him.