
"Mom.. it's not wha..t you.. think, le..let me explain" I stammered due to the amount of intimidation present here.

"What's going on here!" mom yelled.

"Mom, let me.."

"Shut up Ha Na!" her voice is getting louder and louder.


Without letting Ji Hoon complete his sentence, mum cut in "Ji Hoon are you going out with Ha Na?"


"No auntie it's not like that" Ji Hoon said in a soft voice.

"I've never seen two friends hugging like this" mom commented

"Mom we are not even friends!"

"Oh! so you two are not dating, not even friends, next you'll say that you two were not even hugging and what I saw was just an illusion" she stopped for a second and then continued "By the way Ji Hoon, what's with your look, I've heard of bubble bath but I've never heard of bloody-bath?"

"Mom, can you please stop being sarcastic at this moment"

"Auntie, please let us explain"

Mom started moving inwards and shook her hand modestly "Well I am really tired of all the things"

Then she directly went inside her room

"Ha Na I didn't mean to.."

"Ji Hoon can you please just leave, I can't , I just can't take it anymore"

Then I slammed the door shut but I heard him calling my name several times.

When he stopped calling me, I headed to my mum's room.

"Mom can we talk?" but she didn't respond.

All those three months of effort that we put in to avoid each other just for my mum, went in vain. Now she thinks that we were together all this time.

"Ha Na, why did you lie?"

"Mum, I never lied to you, let me tell you exactly what happened"

"I am already tired from work, can you just go?"

"But mom.." I stopped when I looked at her weary eyes "Ok mom I'll just go" I said softly.

I came to my room and checked my phone, as someone has texted me.

Earlier I had only my mum's and In Na's number but now I have Minho's and Jungsuk's too. So the text must be from them.

"What's this shit?"

"Why are they cursing me?"

Both of them have sent me many texts but all of them are cursing words.

What has gotten into them all of a sudden?

I called both of them many times but none of them answered.

Oh god! Wasn't that Ji Hoon incident enough that you're creating another tragedy for me.


I woke up early so that I can make breakfast for mum to assuage her.

"Breakfast is almost ready. Now I should get ready for school" I wondered.

As I came outside from my room in school uniform I noticed mom all dressed up.

"Mom where are you going?"

"Where else can I go?" she replied wearily.

"Are you not going to eat?"

She started opening the door to go out for her work.

"I've made your favourite.."

she left in between.

"Kimchi toast" I mumbled to myself.


"What a starting of my day, let's see what happens next" I remarked as I locked my door to go to school.

I am still thinking about what have I done to make Minho and Jungsuk this angry.

And as of Ji Hoon, I don't know what to say to him.


"Ha Na we never expected this from you" as soon as I reached my classroom, Jungsuk and Minho started attacking me with their harsh words.

"But what have I done to you?"

"Ha Na I thought we were friends, is this something a friend would do?"

"But guys.."

"Ha Na atleast don't try to act innocent now" Minho entered in this argument with his sharp tongue.

"Why did you.." "Just why Ha Na, we trusted you" Jungsuk started sobbing, while Minho hugged him and his eyes are wet too.

Both of them have left me awestruck, I have no clue what's going on. All I can hear is chitter-chatter of our classmates. All of their eyes lying on us, while I am looking for only one eye, Ji Hoon, but nowhere I can find him.

Jungsuk's sobs are wrenching my heart, as if I've committed a sin.

I tried to move closer towards both of them, to give a hug.

But they moved backwards, unwilling to even see me.

"Guys atleast tell me about my mistake"

"Ha Na for god's sake, please, stop your act!" Minho yelled.

"No one else can do this other than you"

My eyes widened at his this statement, I wonder what have I done that they are feeling so betrayed.

"Traitor" Jungsuk commented in a feeble voice while crying.

"We thought you were our friend, who'll help us in hard times instead of being the cause of our hard time"

I want to ask again the same question, but someone's presence distracted me, Ji Hoon is finally here.

He quietly sat down on his seat, and probably wondering what the hell is going on here.

Isn't it so unique about him that every student is standing and gossiping while he is just sitting and not uttering a single word. How can someone be so aloof without caring a bit for other's life.

"How could you Ha Na? How could you reveal about our relationship, you promised us to keep it a secret!" Minho yelled in a cracked voice.

"I.. what!?"

"I never did that, what are you saying?"

"Ha Na, enough" Jungsuk showed me his palm, gesturing me to stop.

"Guys, I swear, there is some kind of misunderstanding, I haven't done something like that. Don't you guys trust me?"

"We did trust you and probably that's our biggest mistake" Minho scoffed as he said this.

His words are as sharp as a warrior's blade, which is trying to pierce my heart.

"I did that!"

I turned back at this voice.

"What!" Minho yelled.