Minutes later the waiter who received Kent's blank paper came out, the man is trembling out of fear seemingly being chocked, the waiter is an ordinary person so the moment the killing intent Kent released touch him it was to make the man mad out of terror.

Unlike his other powers, his skills, magic power, spiritual power, blessings, traits, enhancements, and bloodline abilities that vanished after reincarnating back to the past. Kent's formidable spirit, marvelous soul and strong ego that been refined through years of living and surviving in that chaotic world didn't vanish.

He is someone who had lived for hundreds of years in a chaotic world where wars and apocalyptic events were common, him releasing a killing intent is enough to pressure even the hidden masters and monsters in the current world.

Moreover, Kent is someone who had reached a certain threshold of power in that life where only fear were able to even have a glimpse of.

The waiter hurriedly handed a phone, this phone is something used hundreds of years ago, after handing the phone the waiter immediately run back to the back of the bar in fear that Kent might kill him.

A normal person dying in a simple branch in a small county, no one would bother and care on what might happen to him.

Seeing the phone, Kent nodded satisfied, he stood up and left the place.

The phone is a disposable item used by the organization members to keep track of the job requests available.

A organization member is free to choose a job, then destroy the phone afterwards.

Exiting the place, Kent found no one apart from the two hooligans that looked at him with fear, their heads looked to the ground seemingly bowing.

Kent ignored their behavior, expecting such outcome beforehand.

Yet, Kent has a baffled expression, the bowing hooligans mistaking this as Kent making fun of them by purposely showing such behavior.

In truth, Kent's expression was due to a certain person earlier that wasn't affected by his release of killing intent, the person who keep questioning others on what's going on.

"Someone who possessed absolute perfect immunity against mental and instinctual attacks."

Releasing one's killing intent is a common moved for people who've experience a level in life had, it's a simple action that could be of used to disrupt one's mental state instilling fear that could result in a reduced of the other parties fighting power by almost 15 to 20 percent.

Such distribution could cause a big deal of damage when facing a life and death battle.

Such attack targets both mental state and instinctive feeling of a person.

Only those that has a strong will or people stronger than the attacker could negate such simple yet terribly annoying attacks.

This action also has other nicknames, such as realm suppression, bloodlust, aura presence dominance etc.

But there were exceptional cases were individuals who possessed a great resistance or an immunity existed, just like the man earlier who wasn't affected.

Possessing such remarkable trait to ignore such mental attacks might be great, but at the same time it's also a disability.

Usually people who possessed such trait has a dumb nature were they couldn't recognize the other parties' strength, as their trait made them dumb so that they could ignore outside metal interference.

In his past life, a man who has the nickname "Mad Blood" was well-known for his savage like careless nature, the man is a renowned fearless man who would dash straight to enemy front lines without an ounce of hesitation.

"Should I recruit that person, such person might be of use to me."

Kent mutter as he left the dark alleyway, arriving at the bustling public street.

Several establishments from brothels to bars and restaurants were opened in such early in the morning.

People of different status enter and exit the establishments, most people have a redden complexion being drunk.

Kent could even see some teenage female and male guys exiting brothels and hotels.

He passed through this crowd of people and stopped to one of the food stalls, smelling the delicious fragrance Kent smiled then brought two box of Takoyaki for him and his sister.

"Sir, two boxes please…"

Kent said to the man cooking and preparing Takoyaki.

"Two boxes that would be 300 credits."

Kent pull-out his original phone and put it in front of a scanner, after scanning 300 credits got deducted from 12,000 credits in Kent's account.

"Would you like it to be spicy or sweet."

Kent thought for a second before replying?

"I would like to have half spicy and half sweet in both boxes."

The middle age man nodded, following what Kent requested for.

Takoyaki is the sibling's favorite street food delicacy, even after hundreds of years the marvelous mixture of seasoning and ingredients didn't stagnate it even improved becoming more and more delicious.

After purchasing, Kent thanked the middle age man then left.

Kent then walk for about a few minutes moving in stealth insuring that no one is following him.

He travelled 6 kilometers of the distance from the crowded night streets back to his home.

3:14 AM

Kent put the one box of Takoyaki in the table for his sister, the other box was brought to his room as he relaxed himself trying to meditate.

He spent another thirty minutes in meditation trying to stabilize his spiritual and magical source as much as possible, before opening his eyes quickly pouncing at the box of Takoyaki enjoying the delicious texture of soft bites happily eating the food.


Early morning, 5:45 AM, the sun had just risen.

Di! Di! Di.

The phone alarm continuously rang.

Erica woke up resentfully, she helplessly reached for the phone bedside the bed atop a table.

Someone opened her room door.

"Early shine, sleepy head."

"Didn't you have a test this day, you're gonna be late, it's already 7 in the morning."

The sleepy Erica hearing her brother's words jolted awake, almost dropping from her bed out of hurry and carelessness, she quickly run to the bathroom washing.

What Kent did was a typical call any Filipino mom do to woke up their children early.

No need to force them to wake up, one false call saying that they're late at school is enough for them to have their low morning energy rise to the peak.

Two minutes of washing Erica exited the bathroom a bit annoyed staring cold daggers at Kent.

"It isn't even 6 in the morning, what seven?"

She sprung fast dashing towards Kent, sending a straight punch.

Kent, effortlessly dodge the attack, smiling.

"Hey, you should first get dressed up before attacking someone."

Erica in anger forgot the fact that she's only wearing a towel.


She screamed.

"You perverted brother."

Kent shook his head, replying.

"I am not into incest."

To Kent's remark, Erica face reddened, she lost her composure and was about to send another punch when the barely holding towel dropped.

Time seemed to slowed down.

Noticing her tower falling down, Erica tried to grab it back only to have her foot slipped in the floor, losing balance as the moisture of the body lotion stayed she slip.

Kent, who's near, tried to catch her.

Erica immediately reacted dodging her brother's attempt to catch her, she instead pointed her two long fingers straight to Kent's eyes.

Kent wasn't expecting Erica to evade his help not to say to even do a sudden sneak attack while losing balance, Kent was caught off guard.

Erica's pointy fingers reached her brother's eyes, feeling the pain Kent stepped back losing his balance dropping to the floor covering his eyes in pain.

The siblings slammed onto the floor, both of them rolling and were in pain.