"Just as expected of the future Shadow Rose Saint, her reaction speed and response is out of the norm."

Kent mutter in a low voice.

"What you do that for?"

Kent voice out his complaint, feeling a great deal of pain in his eyes.

"Shut up you perverted dumb brother, don't you dare open your eyes or…"

Erica shouted, she was blushing.

Her remarkable perfect curves was displayed, her skin that as smooth and white as a snow shown sparkling beautifully due to the reflection of the house lights.

Kent couldn't see a thing as his eyes were in pain.

Erica stood up quickly, grabbed her towel, sending a kick to her brother's butt before heading upstairs to her room.


Kent, received another attack, unable to react.

Erica inside her room jumped to her bed covering her face using a pillow.

"That dummy, she didn't see me naked right, right, that should be impossible."

"Is he ok he wouldn't turn blind just from that right, right."

Erica naked rolled on her bed nonstop.

She might have behaved serious and strict on the outside, what she's doing is her trying to hide her true self behind a persona.

Knock! Knock!

"Little sister, come out, the food is ready."

Kent recovering from the pain called out.

"Don't knock on my door, go and eat first it's still too early in the morning, I will eat later."

Erica shouted in an angry voice.

'She seemed angry because of what happened.'

Kent thought walking downstairs, but his thoughts were wrong.

He thought that Erica is angry because of him waking her up too early.

Kent might be very smart and cunning but not when it comes to common sense, woman and feelings, in these fields Kent is at the weakest.


Early in the morning, Kent leaves the house after eating, he left a bunch of food in the table for his sister to eat.

Erica seeing the delicious food presented on the table immediately grab a spoon, fork, and a knife enjoying the meal.

But she felt bad for what she did to her brother who work hard to prepare this much food early in the morning.

"I should apologize later."

Erica thought as she munched the delicious beef stake.

Kent walking in the street where tick fog is still apparent halted in front of a small park and sat down to one of its benches.

He pulls out the old model phone the terrified waiter handed him over.

He began scrolling for the thing and information his searching.

☆ Assassination Mission ☆

Target: Jamaica White

Reward: 2,500,000,000 Credits

Jamaica White also named as the frozen calamity in Kent's past life, she is a prideful woman from a powerful family in Asia, she's a spoiled brat who would do anything she wanted.

In Kent's past life the woman is one of the most notorious slayers of an organization called Guilty, a group in the Flame Dragon Empire, one of the most powerful nations in the New Genesis.

Slayers is the name given to the Guilty's most powerful executives.

Flame Dragon Empire one of the most powerful and most corrupt nation in the New Genesis, in this country slavery, murder, human experiments and sacrificial rituals is a pretty common thing.

Most notorious and famous criminals in the world had gathered in this nation, and one of such group of bastards were the Guilty.

Kent's purpose for targeting Jamaica White isn't something like a pathetic integrity or justice, he wasn't concerned about such meaningless stuff.

He isn't a saint or anything like that, Kent is himself is more like a mad demon, he is a person who would do anything no matter how vicious the act in order to achieve his goal.

Kent's true goal for accepting this assassination request is revenge as Jamaica White is the person who killed his sister.

He could perfectly recall the scene as clear as the day, where Jamaica White punctured Erica's chest pulling out her heart using it as a sacrificial item for a Hell Demon Summoning.

In that timeline, Kent was able to succeed in his revenge after defeating the summoned hell demon and torturing Jamaica White, but it didn't affect his mindset of not taking revenge in this timeline as well.

Kent planned to uproot the enemies and those that would become his enemies before they could grow to be a threat to him.

By joining the underworld association, Kent could kill his enemies while following the rules and at the same time he could also earn money, something like striking two birds with one stone.

He might have all of his power, but this didn't impact him except for a bit of regret.

Him now is equivalent to a peak Tier 2 mage in New Genesis, this current prowess of him, he wouldn't even be afraid to even confront an army battalion.

Moreover, the experience and technique's he honed for years is still available, he could easily dispose peak master's or even normal grand masters that was treated as national heroes and secret weapons by some countries.

Kent accepted the assassination request.

500,000,000 credit down payment was immediately sent to his secret account the organization made for safety purposes.

One's someone accepted an assassination mission they couldn't back off from the mission, regardless of what happened.

So a down payment of 20% the initial price is immediately sent.

Escaping the organization might be possible if one backed off the mission, but carry the money is impossible, as the secret account is still lock while the mission is still ongoing.


Hundred Gem Palace, General Saint City.

Hundred Gem Palace is a high-end 30-story oceanfront property set in front of the wide expanse of Pacific Ocean.

The duplex penthouse sitting atop of the building has been sold this spring for a record-shattering 250 million credits, the most paid for an apartment in General Saint City.

Philippines might have been a small country, but the nation itself couldn't be underestimated.

During the end reign of the Pink party after their hidden current and history crimes and acts were publicized and got a justified judgement, the economy begun to rise in the reign of following brilliant presidents.

Philippines joined the title tigers of the Asia.

8:45 AM

Kent arrived in the place, his currently in a concealment state being invisible.

He's currently underwater using a magic that let him breath underwater.

Seeing from afar a distance of about two kilometers, hundreds of people had gathered for an event in Jamaica's birthday.

Kent didn't purposely choose such date because it was the given request in the mission.

The one who requested for Jamaica to be assassinated wanted her to die on her very birthday.

Kent couldn't help but smirk, liking the contractor's choose of day.

Jamaica is an heir of a powerful enterprise and trading corporation, so it's natural that many has their eyes on her life.

Killing an heir of a powerful family wouldn't just shame and damage their reputation, it could also cause for the said family to have a bleak future ahead of them.

Kent waited for the target to show up, while waiting.

He spotted other targets that he saw being requested as well, recognizing them an ear to ear smile creep on his face.

Seeing this Kent read the information about them before grabbing the opportunity and accepted multiple requests.

He used water movement and water control to make himself float above the water surface without much of a problem.