☆ Assassination Mission ☆

Target: Leon Gold

Reward: 800,000,000 Credits

☆ Assassination Mission ☆

Target: Harold Glen

Reward: 1,200,000,000 Credits

☆ Assassination Mission ☆

Target: Eren Yeager

Reward: 2,000,000,000 Credits

☆ Assassination Mission ☆

Target: Jerome Cromwell

Reward: 1,500,000,000 Credits

Kent accepted the request for these new four new targets, all of them being new generations.

The same as before, this new generation geniuses that been requested are people that would be an eyesore in the upcoming future.

Kent waiting for his targets to show up floated above the ocean, he's currently eating a delicious cheeseburger he brought before coming here.

He used water movement and water control to make himself float above the water surface without much of a problem.

Time passed more and more people joined the party, it was at this moment when Kent sense a particular person.

Kent ignored the man and focused back on waiting for a good opportunity to assassinate his targets.

Kent two kilometers afar from the target used an enchantment magic called hawk eyes to see through the target clearly.

Kent focused, two of his target Leon Gold and Jerome Cromwell exited the venue and sat at the balcony.

Jamaica is in the center surrounded by dozens of people happily chatting with her.

On the other hand, the other two targets Eren Yeager and Harold Glen are in a Yacht flirting with women.

Kent raised two arms conjuring and preparing a powerful offensive spell.

Just to be on the safe side.

Before doing so, Kent established a runic concealment array he prepared beforehand, to hid his location and masked the superb gathering of mana causing an intense fluctuation.

Moments later six marble sizes blazing magma miniature spherical orbs manifested, large quantities of mana gathered in one point swirling like a strong storm, causing the surrounding to vibrate.

Kent aimed this blazing magma miniature spherical orbs to the five target's head.

Each one of them were targeted by a single magma bullet, except for Jamaica where two magma bullets are aimed at both her forehead and heart.

Kent focused, perfecting his concentration, reaching the realm of absolute sense.


He shoots the magma bullets moving at a speed surpassing that of a bullet by double.

The magma bullet passed through the bulletproof glass of the abode reaching Jamaica.

The woman who didn't know what's coming for her was smiling talking to her friends when the glass of the abode shattered.

Then in the next instant both her chest and head exploded.

The same goes for the other four targets that had their heads blown off by the magma bullet.

Time seemed to have stopped, no one was able to respond, it was then a girl speaking to Jamaica seconds ago screamed.

She was covered in blood and some lava fragments that splashed from the miniature explosion caused by the magma bullet.

She screamed rolling in the ground in pain.

Confusion and panic begin to arise in the crowd.

Chaos begun the spectators, shambled as they started running straight to the window, the panicking people begun running like there's no tomorrow.

The host of the event, Jamaica's parents, were in days' as they didn't expect for such a thing to have happened.

Jamaica's mother run to her lifeless body crying out loud, seeing her daughter slowly being burned by the extra effect of lava bullet melting the target until nothing left.

Successfully disposing the five targets, 8,000,000,000 billion credits was unlocked and available to be used in his secret account.

Kent after assassinating the five didn't quickly leave, he pulled out his phone and took a selfie taking a picture of himself relaxing in a float above the water surface.

A smile creep on his face.

"I really hate when people tried sneaking around me."

Kent spoke in a nonchalantly attitude.

"How dare you act too cocky little guy, for you to do such hideous act in my watch."

Out of thin air an elderly man wearing a luxurious pitch-black suit appeared.

On his right he held an unsheathed long double edge sword.

"You sure about that old man, for you to pull out your sword it means you're declaring a fight is inevitable."

Kent continued taking pictures of himself, said.

"You bastard, you dare to touch the White family that in my protection, so you should know the consequences of your action."

The elderly man shouted, his eyes bloodshot.

"Old man better go back and have your medicine, I feel it would be better not to kill people like you, but if you insist I may not be too kind and to let you experience true despair."

Kent said smirking.

"You should forget you see me or…"

Before Kent could finish his sentence, a sharp sword directed to his heart flew.

But as the sword punctured Kent's heart his image distorted as it dissipates, what the sword punctured was an illusion.

Seeing this, the elderly man was furious and was about to search for Kent when he felt a sudden chill creeping behind him.


He swing his sword to his back only to hit air.

"Stop hiding, you hideous bastard."

The elderly man shouted, his face already fuming in rage.

"Hahaha haha… for a lesser stage master realm to be this hot headed, no wonder you couldn't break through the shackles of lesser stage, and was about to die out of old age."

Kent's laughing and mocking voice rung above the old man head, he was standing above the elders head unnoticed.

Seeing this the elderly man's complexion darkened a bit taken aback and terrified.

For the enemy to quickly recognized his stage realm, his faults and to be undetected even in a closed proximity it means that the young man his trying to kill is leagues above.

But this isn't the reason he is terrified, the fact that such a young man possessing such prowess is targeting the White family is something he considered.

'Did the family offended someone we shouldn't, or did the young miss prideful and careless actions offended someone powerful.'

The elderly man gritted his teeth frustrated.

Exhaling heavily the elderly man sheathed his sword, he looked at Kent, his earlier fierce raging behavior was gone.

"Oh great master I am sorry for my earlier actions."

The elderly man apologized, bowing while floating above the water surface.

"May I asked why the great master has come to visit our family."

The old man didn't mention the fact that Kent just killed their family's successor.

"Worry not my master didn't care about that puny family of yours, I am just here to punish a group of little insects that been cocky all this time even dare to badmouth one of our master's disciples."

Kent knowing what the thoughts running inside the elderly man's head made up a lie to deceive the man.

But to the old man who heard Kent's absurd words cold sweat dripped all-over his body, he could feel an imaginative image of a ferocious venomous serpent circling coiling around him.

Moreover, the young man in front of him didn't even bother to hide his appearance.

Unknown, to him Kent purposely did it to make things more realistic that he has a great master backing his back, in truth the face Kent is currently using is nothing but a fake.

"I came to punish some cocky insects that didn't know their place."

Saying, so a tremendous pressure of bloodlust spread throughout the ocean, the old man who's the target of such extreme bloodlust throw out a mouthful of blood.