He bow at Kent deeply submerging his face in the ocean, his eyes were bloodshot as blood dripped down from his eyes, mouth, nose, and ears.

"Either way, my work is done, so I'll be leaving."

The pressure dissipate, mana then gathered covering the elderly man's body.

The old man didn't try struggling, waiting for the punishment that awaits him.


He used both enchantment and enhancement on his two long fingers, turning them as sharp and as deadly as a sword.

Kent cut the old man's left arm, he didn't cut the man's right cause the elderly man is right-handed he didn't want the man to be crippled.

He might have grudges with Jamaica, but the same didn't apply with her family.

Kent is someone who wouldn't involve parties that aren't involved.

"This is the punishment for unsheathing your sword on me."

Hearing this the old man sighed, his glad that he wasn't killed, he didn't let out a scream enduring the pain.

'Thank god this youngster isn't like those mad hideous monsters that would kill anyone even those that aren't involved when they're offended.'

Sighing the old man looked at Kent's back hesitating at something.

'I need to appease him as much as possible, or our family wouldn't see the light of the day if this goes wrong.'

The old man thought calling out for Kent.

"Great master, please wait."

Hearing the call, Kent halted his step.

"Please let our family compensate for our misdeeds, you can ask anything out of us, so we can compensate for the mistakes our deceased miss did."

'This might be an opportunity.'

Kent thought for a while before coming up with a better way to make use of the opportunity.

"Send me titan metal and star ores, this is the location where you need to dropped off the items."

Kent send a telepathic image message straight to the old man's head.

Receiving this the old man nodded letting out a sigh.

Kent didn't request for money as he had enough to used for a month before the apocalypse genesis descended.

However, titan metal and star ores are a bit different, this precious material that been mined from Venus and a unique moon in Saturn is something even if one had the money, purchasing them is closed to the impossible.

The two said materials is the current most valuable materials in the world.

Kent planned to get his hands of these materials after the apocalypse genesis descended, but if he were to get them before the apocalypse descended, it's far more better.


Hundreds of years had passed, the existence of lost technology that is far more advance than the current era of Earth was shared to the public.

Information that been hidden all this time was publicized.

Existence of advance ancient technology.

Existence of ancient fantasy beast and monsters.

Existence of hidden power superhuman that had surpassed the capabilities of a normal human.

Existence of extraterrestrial life forms.

Existence of other races from angels, demons, spirits to Demi humans.

The things that been hidden all this time was revealed back then in 2025, the same year when world war 3 ended and the same year when humanity developed reaching a new era of marvelous development.

Yet even after such shocking revelations the world didn't change that much, the only thing that change publicly was the technological developments.

The other races aside still didn't interact with humans as most of them hated human to the core.

On the other hand extraterrestrial life forms, only interact with the leaders of the country as they don't give a damn about the public.

Super powered humans are people playing in the dark where public eye couldn't reach.

Existence of ancient fantasy beast and monsters aside are beings the government is taking care off even before things went publicized.

The one and only thing that affected the public was the advance ancient technology that helped human developed faster letting them mined in space.

The aliens, on the other hand, didn't share their technology to Earth is it was said that it's against a law in the galaxy to share another world's technology to another.


The elderly man returned to the Hundred Gem Palace, his shirt is covered in blood, one of his arm is missing.

"Elder Lao…"

A man called out in a worried tone, seeing the bloodied appearance of elder Lao and a loss of his arm, the man who called out was Jamaica's father.

"Elder Lao."

Nine other people called out, they were the parents of all the deceased teenagers that Kent killed.

"Call a doctor…"

Nia shouted, she's Jamaica's mother.

"Elder Lao, what had happened, did you kill the culprit?"

One of the decease parents asked.

No one stopped his from questioning as all of them had the same question.

Seeing everyone's expression, Elder Lao let out a heavy sigh.

"Lao are you ok?"

A man approached the crowd, he isn't a parent of the killed children his elder Lao's friend.

"I couldn't kill the person."

Elder Lao said in a bitter smile.

"Huh…how so, did you let him go?"

"What's going on here?"

"Elder Lao, how could you."?

"Everyone shut up."

A tremendous pressure spread out from the man who ask how's elder Lao is.

To the man's shout and intervention, everyone went silent, no one dare to mutter a word in fear.

"Lao, what had happened?"

The man asked.

"I couldn't beat or even touch the person, no not a man but a young man."

Elder Lao continued with a bitter smile.

"The children who died offended a disciple of an unknown force, the young man I fought said that miss and the others touch one of their disciple."

"So the said force sent a single person and just a student at that to punish the children."

Hearing these words, the parents were infuriated and angered.

"How arrogant of them."

One of the parents voice out their displeasure.

Elder Lao's friend looked at the parents of the deceased shaking his head.

'This business families became too arrogant not knowing their place.'

"You were defeated but a young man, how can that be?"

Elder Lao's friend questioned.

"He immediately saw through my stage and realm, he even knew my faults, I couldn't even sense him stepping in my head, while I was trying to kill an illusion he made."

"The battle is one-sided, he just laughed at my pathetic performance, he looked at me like a small bug."

Elder Lao's words dumbfounded both the families and his friend.

For elder Lao who could dodge laser bullets and disposed hundreds of people like killing flies to be laughed at and played by his enemy.

Just what kind of monster is the young man he confronted.

"You fools hit someone big this time, it would only be a matter of time before your hard-earned achievements will crumble then vanished."

"You let your children roamed arrogantly on the outside, now the one's that should be your future became your demise."

Elder Lao's friend laugh looking at the pathetic group whose face turned pale due to Elder Lao's descriptive statement.

"Your enemy should be a Grand Master or higher."

Elder Lao's friend commented.

Hearing the term Grand Master, the already pale expression of the families had turned paler.