This line of thought grand master Chen played an advantageous role in Kent's plan that he didn't consider into account, he was not aware that a variable Chen would help him stabilize his gripped to the businessman's.

Kent's cunning nature is unbelievable to the level of deceiving even elder Chen a middle stage grand master, who's known as the cunning demon strategist.

One of the leaders of Sky Demon Cult, one of the many powerful forces in Asia.

Kent, who didn't know that his scheme, was revealed by a sly demon, but in an advantageous way, is currently eating in a restaurant in a mall near the Hundred Gem Palace.

Kent enjoying his meal inside a restaurant, time to time gazes from woman of different ages fell onto him.

Since young Kent had grown a costume to this and just ignored them.

He's a man who could make both gender of men and woman looked back to a mirror in question of their own appearance.

Kent was born with a well-defined superb above average in looks, but instead of being helpful, this trait of him became a hindrance.

"Is he a model?"

A teenager girl hiding behind on her phone questioned.

"Wow, he's too handsome."

"Never one's I saw such handsome yet beautiful man in my life."

"He resembles those characters from the novels."

"Slurp…! I want to eat him."

Kent could hear their muttering from his position, the last statement he heard gave him chills.

He ignored them looking onto his new phone, not the one the underground organization gave he already disposed of that one after transferring the money onto his personal four newly made bank accounts.

He then did a transfer to another four personal bank account then destroy the earlier four to cut the history money transfer connection data.

Enjoying the meal, he had Kent lined up to the counter again and brought another set of food for his sister.

Kent left the mall and in the outside a car is waiting for him.

This car is called Hyper Storm after letting the elderly man Lao lived Kent undo the face illusion then head straight to the mall.

He didn't give a damn to the businessman, whether they notice his scheme or not either way they couldn't do a thing thinking that they've offended a relatively strong hidden power.


Kent sensed a Grand master earlier, but it appears that the grand master isn't too closed to the business mans at it didn't get involved.

He even took precautions if the man would interfere to his acts yet after waiting the man didn't seem to care, and only Elder Lao dare to confront him.

But in truth Kent anticipated that the man wouldn't interfere, he also noticed how cunning the man is, he didn't interfere because he didn't want to but because of the overwhelming bloodlust Kent caused.

Kent purposely let out such overwhelming bloodlust to warn the man not to interfere.

The man noticing the bloodlust knew he was the target of such bloodlust and not his friend elder Lao.

Noticing how cunning and safe the grand master played, Kent decided to ignore him.

The moment Elder Lao step in a lesser stage master instead of a Grand Master, Kent knew that the man is playing safe and isn't one of those arrogant morons.

The grand master used a lesser stage master as a bait to analyze what level of power the assassin was.

Grand master Chen and elder Lao might be friend, but if life depends on it theirs no way he a grand master would just dive their without analyzing the situation.

He might have used his friend as a bait and almost died, but eventually, his friend did his purpose and he didn't die, he thought of Kent prowess just from the bloodlust and knew he couldn't win against Kent.

He thought Kent is at the peak of supreme master level due to the bloodlust he felt that came from years and years of experience and battle Kent accumulated and didn't want to offend such personage.

Unknown to him Kent is nothing but just a peak Tier 2 mage that has a prowess comparable to the same level as a peak master level.

Either way Kent could deal with a lesser grand master and might have a chance to subdue a peak grand master level.

So Kent wasn't too worried on fighting a middle/intermediate grand master level.

In fighting a life and death battle, realm of prowess isn't all that matter.

Experience, knowledge, technique, traits, abilities, wisdom, and many other factors can bypass such difference in realms.

Because of this Kent who had lived for hundreds of years and has the prowess of a peak master level isn't afraid to face grand masters.


Earlier Kent stopped on a phone store and brought two new phones for him and his sister, the phones cost him 200,000 credits, a price he couldn't dream to afford before.

He then head straight to a famous car store and bought the latest car model available, the car cost him 80,000,000 credits due to its unbelievable specs.

The items are expensive, yet Kent didn't give a damn about it, he has 8,000,000,000 credit in him a few million is nothing but penny money now.

Moreover, while the apocalypse genesis descend the items he just brought could still be used after the apocalypse and would have a higher price next time, so it's a win-win for him to buy them earlier.

Kent even planned to order a few more of the but shrugged the thought.

In the future he just needs to make them on his own as in his past life Kent reached a relatively high tier in subclass called mechanic.

Mechanic is a special subclass in New Genesis that functions in advance technological innovations and inventions.

Kent entered the car then put the key starting the engine.

The Hyper Storm let out a rumbling, beautiful rhythm, attracting several people.

He drove out the Mall's premises and head straight to his sister's school.

While in the middle of the streets, his phone rung.

Ring! Ring! Ring.

Kent's new phone rung, he put his old sim card in the new phone for early access.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Bro, it's me, Rezzie. You're still asking what's up? Didn't we agree to try the new upcoming game?"

Hearing Rezzie's words, Kent who's driving the car slowed down he gripped his chest as a surge of emotions rampage inside him.

The same feeling he felt when reuniting with his sister, a few tears begun to drip from his eyes to his cheeks.

'I became a crybaby since I reincarnated.'

Kent thought, sighing.

"Bro? Bro? Can you hear me? The VR HELMETS will be available at ten o'clock. If you don't hurry, you're not going to make it."

"You don't need to buy a VR HELMET… where are you now, I'll give you a ride."

"Your working as a driver, that's good, I am at the house."

Rezzie thought Kent got a part-time job and didn't take into consideration his friend having a car.

Kent didn't bother to explain, anticipating his best friend's reaction after seeing his new car.

"I'll be there in a minute, I need to dropped something in my sister's school."
