Kent traveled for about 6 minutes before arriving at Erica's school.

11:45 AM

Saint National School Of Arts And Trades.

A school where students enveloped in beauty every day, from marvelous landscape and wide expanse of gardens and clean classical medieval European theme buildings.

Kent arrived in front of the school's gate, the guard quickly approached, seeing a very luxurious car waiting in front.

"Excuse me sir, how may I help you."

The guard asked.

"Can I enter for a bit, I am just going to give my sister her lunch."

Kent replied.

Seeing Kent, an overwhelmingly handsome man riding the newest model of Hyper Corp. the Hyper Storm, the guard nodded in reluctance.

Kent pull-out his phone and dialed Erica's number.

"Where are you, I am at your school, come down to the front, I brought you a lunch."


Erica wasn't able to reply for a few seconds before saying.

"I am coming down wait for me, ah by the way brother, I have something that I have to tell you."

Kent cut the call and pause for a second in thought because of his sister's weird and worried tone on the phone.

Kent entered the school's premises, students seeing the newest model of Hyper Corp. the Hyper Storm model started taking pictures.

Several girls who notice Kent's unbelievably handsome appearance started fixing their hairs and uniforms.

The male students, on the other hand, looked at Kent with envy and admiration.

Kent stopped beside a parking spot under a shade of a tree, he lean beside his the car and bought out the packs of food he brought for his sister.

"Who is he?"

"Isn't he too handsome."

"Does he have a girlfriend."

"Why not approach him, then ask."

Kent waited for about a minute before spotting Erica in the crowd dragging a male student behind.

Erica kept looking around searching for Kent, unable to see him, she pulls out her phone and was about to call for him when a sudden shout startled her.

"Yoho… my little sister Erica I am here."

Kent called out his voice silencing the crowd.

Erica and the man she's holding looked at the direction where the voice came from.

She saw her brother leaning beside an overly expensive looking car.

Seeing this, she froze at the spot, unable to understand what's going on.

Kent, raised the package of food, signaling to come.

Erica was reluctant to moved when Kent called out again.

"My cute little sister don't you want to see your big brother."

Kent shouted, some students in the crowd laugh.

Erica's face turned red, her cheeks puffing as she walked closer, stumping her foot while dragging a dumbfounded handsome young man behind her.

The crowd looked at the scene confused.

"Didn't they say Erica's family is poor?"

"Maybe that's just a fake identity."

"Look, can't you see her brother wearing a simple attire yet driving an overly luxurious car."

The crowd started discussing, muttering to themselves.

"Brother what's with all of this, get off that car you might damage it, we don't have the money to pay for it."

Erica said reprimanding Kent.

Kent didn't reply as he sent a cup on her head.


"Who's that guy?"

Kent pointed to the dragged blonde, handsome young man.

"Yeah, just like what you said I accepted his sincere feelings."

Erica looked to the side her face very red, she tightened her gripped on the young man's hand.

The handsome blonde young man Jacob noticing this as a signal Erica gave inhale then exhale.

"Good morning I am Jacob, your sister's boyfriend nice to meet you."

Jacob looking down to the concrete ground and introduced himself in a low voice.

He felt intimidated just by being near Kent, a strange feeling kept creeping in him that this man is extremely dangerous.

'It's the same Jacob I knew, the same a before, a kind, cautious smart, medium esteem guy but has a good discerning sense and eyes for people.'

Kent thought.

"Don't be so stiff, sorry for that I just testing you."

Kent said smiling gently.

Hearing Kent's words, Jacob became more stiff.

'His just testing me, what a fearsome guy.'

"Now brother, let's go somewhere else the car owner might get angry because of you."

Erica called out.

"Yeah about that I am sorry to say this but, this is my car."

Kent stated dumbfounding Erica, Jacob, on the other hand, is confused.

Based on his knowledge Erica came from a penniless family, and she's an orphan, he fell in love with Erica cause of her likable personality and other traits.

But now seeing her brother riding the currently most popular sought off car and Erica's confused looked at her brother words baffled Jacob.

"I am sorry to say this to you, little sister but, in truth, we are rich, it's just that I don't want people to take advantage of our wealth and started annoying you."

"I don't care how they annoy me, but I don't want you to be disturbed."

Kent made up a lie.

Hearing this words come from her brother's mouth that mostly doesn't like to lie dumbfounded Erica.

Jacob on the other hand immediately get Kent's logic and to his action, he found it amazing and unbelievable.

"Then why now of all time?"

Erica in a solemn expression asked.

"Yeah… about that it's just that I knew you'll find a suitable person for you, I've waited for that time, a person that wouldn't harm or discriminate you."

"So I find it the right to for you and that boyfriend of yours to know the truth."

Kent said, grinning from ear to ear.

The couple stared at Kent, unable to comprehend the person's unbelievable, sly thought.

"I've known all along that both of you have the same feelings for each other, so I find it the appropriate time for you to decide on your own and when that time comes I would reveal this secret of mine as well."

"I thought to show myself in a poor persona but after a bit of investigation I found out that your feelings is sincere."

Kent pointed at Jacob.

"I thought of testing you on how you'll react if you see her brother in a poor outfit."

"But now that I see you personally I knew that your feelings for her is genuine."

"You don't discriminate between status in the society, the same goes for your parents, so I think it's ok for the two of you to be together."

Kent's words stupefied both Jacob and Erica, they felt cold sweat running down their spines.

Erica could only sigh knowing how sly of a smart ass schemer her brother is.

Jacob on the other hand thanked his parents and his ancestors for how they raise their children and him.

He also thanked the heavens for avoiding a dangerously terrifying demon like sly man who thought outside the norm from becoming his enemy.

In his thoughts Kent is the worst enemy one could come across.

Kent's made up story felt so real for the couple, even do the actions he made up are far too unrealistic and too unbelievable.

For now, the two could only believe what they heard.