"Now that all are settled…"

Before Kent finished his words, a punch came below.

Erica sent an upper cut, but Kent quickly reacted blocking the punch, grabbing her fist.

"What's that for?"

"You damn idiot brother, why did you block my attack, let me hit you as a payment for deceiving me all this time."

"Why would I let you punch, you meathead of a little sister."?

"Huh, what did you say?"

The two started arguing, Jacob watching the spectacle unfolding let out a sigh.

Jacob tried to meddle in the situation.

He was trying to stop Erica's actions, holding her onto the shoulder but was instead injured receiving an elbow attack to his side rolling in the concrete.

"See what you've done, you just sent your boyfriend rolling."

"It's his fault for being weak, then he needs more combat practice."

"I am amazed that someone is willing to be your boyfriend, you gorilla."

Jacob crouching on the ground has a pained genuine smile.

'They're really closed.'


The siblings continue their fight for about 5 more minutes before they end up reconciling thanks to Jacob's work.

"Gluttonous little sister, have this."

Kent called for Erica, handing over a pack of food.

Erica happily accepted the food, ignoring Kent's first word.

"Let me carry them."

Jacob said.

"Oh ho, a gentleman I feel bad for…"

Kent talk but stopped midway seeing Erica glaring fiercely like a wild beast readying for an attack.

"You're not going to eat with us bro…"

Jacob said, stopping.

"Just call me brother."

Kent, knowing what's on Jacob's mind, reassured him.

"Ok, you're not going to eat with us, brother."

Jacob repeated and continue his words a bit glad and happy.

"You two can enjoy your time, I am quite busy, I need to leave immediately."

The two was about to leave when Kent remembered something.

"Wa-wait Erica, come over here."


Erica asked, a bit suspicious.

"Just come… or I'll take back the food."

Erica hurriedly complied.

"Here, have this, it's your new phone."

Kent handed over the newest model phone he brought.

"Congratulations on being a couple."

Kent then handed two small rings to both Erica and Jacob.

"Brother what's this all about?"

Erica asked.

Jacob was also confused why a ring.

"That thing is called defensive magic artifact."

Kent said, grinning.

"Defensive magic artifact?"

Erica raise her eyebrows confused.

But on the other hand, Jacob who's carrying the packs of food out of shock almost dropped them, his eyes were bulging out from their sockets.

"Su-such precious items."

Jacob mutter in a low voice.

Erica might not know what a defensive magic artifact meant, but Jacob knew.

Kent ginned.

"Your boyfriend seems to know about them, so you should ask him, he should be able explain what that ring signifies and how important it was."

The ring is recognized as a defensive magic artifact in this world but for Kent, it's nothing but a low-level defensive magic item.

He created it using alchemy, pouring a bit of his mana in it writing some runic magic patterns turning a simple concoction of metals into becoming a defensive magic artifact.

Receiving the ring, Jacob couldn't help but tremble.

"Then I'll be on my way, ah by the way, little sister, you wouldn't be heading home to our old house."

"I will send an address to you where we'll be living from now on."

Hearing this, Erica was overjoyed.

Now they don't need to worry anymore about the electricity and water.

They have been living in that dilapidated apartment for 3 years now, since the day they got kicked out from their old house where they spent their time with their parents before the accident that change their lives happened.

The house was demolished by the government for a construction, so the two was force to move onto another house.

Kent entered the car exiting the two school premises, leaving the couple behind.

Erica and Jacob and some spectating crowd was left.

"So that's Erica's brother, isn't he too handsome."

"You jest, does he have a girlfriend."

"So Erica isn't really poor, it's just an act."

"Now let's see the look of those girls who despise Erica."

A female friend of Erica Tia said grinning.

"Look, look, aren't their expressions hilarious."

One of Jacob's friend pointed to the group of women bath in sunlight.

"They kept messing around with Erica because she's far prettier than them, and she's poor, now that her brother showed up flaunting their wealth they froze like a statue."

One of the boys, Jacob's friend couldn't help laughing.

One of the women forgot about her ice cream that melted on her hands.

Erica and Jacob ignored the muttering of the crowd, heading straight to the canteen.

Some of their friends followed the two, grinning to the group of woman who became a statue.

"Sh-she isn't poor all this time, she has just been playing the Cinderella status all this time."

One of the girls who despise Erica because of her status said, unable to accept reality.

"I think we should stop messing around with her anymore."

"That might be a good idea."

One of the girls immediately agreed.

The group of five girls who ones despise Erica quickly change their minds, they're the one's people called free spirited spoiled brats.

Realizing Erica isn't some poor girl they could just bully they thought for a new target.

Their minds are too simple, that one's a problem arise from what they're doing, they'll quickly change without thinking too much out of it.

Erica and Jacob together with their friends sat on a long table.

Jacob and Erica put the packs of food onto the table and started unpacking them.

One's they do so, one by one sweet delicious fragrance permeated the surrounding.

The delicious smell spread throughout a small portion of the canteen.

Erica shared the food to their friends happily.

Kent brought dozens of foods, anticipating that Erica and Jacob would share it to their friends.

"So, what's all the fuss all about that said defensive magic artifact my brother gifted to us?"

Erica asked Jacob.

Tia, Alex and Hanzo looked at Erica and Jacob dumbfounded, as they themselves knew a thing or two about such items.

"You said your brother gave the two of you a defensive magic artifact as a gift."?

It was Hanzo who asked his jaw dropping.

Erica nodded, feeling more confused seeing Hanzo, a calm joyful guy behave too serious after hearing about the gift.


Hanzo about to talk was stopped by a hand, it was Alex hand.

"Let Jacob explain."

Alex said in a soft voice.

Hanzo nodded.

"Defensive Magic Artifacts is a very precious item that every upper-class people crave for, it's an item that couldn't be bought even if one has the money tons of money to do so."

Jacob raised the small ring in his pinky finger.

"These items is specially created to serve as a second lifeline for its user."

"So it's magic? I thought magic isn't real."

Erica thought.

The other's could only shake their heads to how clueless, their friend, that's one of the smartest and prettiest girl in their school.

Year 2025 many things was revealed in the public, things that people thought as fiction, but the majority of people mostly civilian's didn't believe to this fact.

Certainly while those unbelievable fictions was said to be true, no concrete evidence were shared to backed their claims that could serve to convince the masses.

"You can think of it as your brother giving you and Jacob an extra life."

Tia stated.