After leaving Erica's school, Kent head straight to his best friend's house.

The travel lasted for about 2 minute, as Rezzie's house isn't too far from Erica's school.

As soon as Kent arrived at the front of Rezzie's family house, he caught sight of a thin and tall figure, it isn't Rezzie but his sister.

The tanned girl was pacing around the streets holding a broom cleaning the front of their house.

Kent thought for a bit, trying to recall the name of the girl.

"Right, it's Adeline."

Kent recalled that time Adeline in his past life died during the first day descend of apocalypse genesis, she was eaten by a large worm together with their house where she hid herself, that time his best friend Rezzie was too devastated.

Rezzie losing both sister and parents lost his will to lived anymore causing him to slowly deteriorate in health dying a pathetic death.

Kent couldn't blame him as when his sister died to Jamaica's hands he was also devastated to the point where he tried committing suicide multiple time.

"This time, for sure, I'll save you and your family."

Kent mutter as he promised, he then got out of the car.

"Bro Kent, you've finally decided to show up. Hopefully, they're still available helmets, so let's hurry…"

The anxious Rezzie stopped speaking after seeing Kent beside a cool looking car that he did know the name.

"Hy-hyper St-storm…"

Rezzie's eyes almost bulging out from their sockets slowly walking closer in a snail phase unable to divert his attention from the car.

Adeline cleaning the front of their house saw Kent sighing deeply looking at her brother's strange behavior.

She walked out of the house fence waving her hand to be notice by Kent's.

"Big bro Kent…"

She called out in a cheerful tone.

Kent wave back and motion for her to come closer.

"Come here, your brother might have eaten something bad."

Kent joked, looking at his best friend reaction with a smile.

Adeline quickly approached the two.

She is a small cheerful cute girl in her early young teenage year, she's a bit blackened due to the continuous sunlight exposure.

She is working at the beach in front of their house serving drinks and cooking in the store their family rented.

"Big bro Kent, is that cool car yours?"

Adeline asked.

"Yes, want a ride?"

Kent said.

"Bro th-this your car… when did you become rich? Don't tell me, did you rob a bank."

Rezzie asked, looking back and forth to the car and Kent, not buying Kent's words.

Kent let out a sigh.

"Come get in, come with us, we'll be buying something in the mall, I'll treat you two."

Kent opened the car using an eye scanner.

Seeing this, Rezzie and Adeline was taken aback, convinced that the car belong to Kent.

"But I need to clean the front of the house, mom might get angry."

Adeline said with a sad look on her face.

"This wouldn't take long, tell your mother I am with you."

Kent said.

Adeline immediately returned to their house to get permission from their parents, after quite some time she came out in proper clothing.

"Now let's go, what are you two waiting for, get in."

Kent pointed to the car.

"Wait bro, I might dirty the car."

Rezzie said in a worried tone.

"Just… get… in… already…"

Kent said in a stop in stop voice, pushing Rezzie inside.

Adeline followed her brother inside, she sat on the back while Rezzie sit in the front.

The three got inside the car, seeing the inside, the pair of brother and sister duo were amazed to see how futuristic advance and cool the designs of the inside.

Then out of thin air a 3D holographic screen appeared, it shot out from a small spherical orb the size of a fist from center of the car beside the sits.

[Master where do you like to go?]

The car's AI support showed up, surprising both the siblings.

"Wow, bro, that's too cool."

Rezzie commented.

"KCC Saint Mall"

Kent said then a clear holographic screen where a map and arrows can be seen showing the shortest route where there is lesser traffic.


The three arrived in the mall, Kent first brought the two inside a restaurant as he was feeling hungry himself.

After eating for a while the three left and head straight to the clothing stores.

Kent bought cloths for the two, the two were reluctant at first but after some push they decide to accept Kent's good will.

The two carried four bags of clothes each, joy can be seen in their expressions as Kent continue to buy them things here and there.

Gadgets for contacts and cooking set as Adeline and her parents loved cooking.

They also stopped at an arcade enjoying their time playing around.

Then time went by 3:45 PM.

The three entered the VR games shop, the helmets were sold out, but that didn't bother Kent as his target is something else.

Kent and the two entered a special corner of the VR shop, there they were welcomed by a beautiful receptionist.

She scrutinized the three from top to bottom, but the time Kent removed his mask and glasses he wore to avoid unnecessary attention the receptionist stopped.

She looked to the side a bit embarrassed.

She directly meet Kent's crystal blue eyes, mesmerizing her.

She stopped scrutinizing the three and accompanied them to the inside of the exclusive section.

"Sir, what may I help you."

She asked while swaying her pitch black long hair to her back, then showing her long white seductive neck.

"Four VR Emperor Class Diamond Capsules and Four high-end Quantum VR supporter."

"Yes… yes four… what?"

The receptionist staggered for a bit, stopping looking at Kent unable to believe what she just heard.

"Four VR Emperor Class Diamond Capsules and Four high-end Quantum VR supporter."

Kent repeated.

"I repeat… Four VR Emperor Class Diamond Capsules and Four high-end Quantum VR supporter. You seemed not to hear it, so I repeated it."

He repeated one's again.

Kent repeated the same words for three times, the receptionist snapping out from her stupefied state, upon realization she was shocked.

She bowed deeply then run straight inside a room in the exclusive zone.

Rezzie, on the back couldn't hold back his laughter letting out a loud laugh enjoying the spectacle where the receptionist was staggering as she run between her tails on her legs.

"Br-bro that hilarious, she thought she could bewitch the Cold Demon of our Saint National College. She must be dreaming."

Kent got the nickname "Cold" after ignoring numerous of proposals from different girls in their school.

The "Demon" aside Kent got that nickname added to the cold after beating up several jealous male students who came at him trying to bully him.

Some of the beaten students were sent to hospitals after receiving heavy injuries.

Yet after beating them into a bloody pulp, Kent wasn't reprimanded because of what had happened next.

He played smart and showed an evidence in the public that he's the one who been assaulted first multiple male students.

The bullies, the school and their parents were pressured by the public.

The parents of the hospitalized students was pressured by the public to the point of some small-time businessman's losing their business.