"I'll pay for about 50,000 credits a month that trice the amount of money your parents earn from selling food at the beach."

Rezzie thought for a bit, nodding to Kent's assumption, but it didn't mean that he accepted the proposal.

"I will try to persuade mother and father."

Rezzie gave it some thought.

But if he were to decide, he would sure to immediately accept the proposal Kent presented, as the current situation of their family is in a very bad state.

Their payment deadline for the rented food stall at the beach is at its deadline, and if they don't have the money to pay for it, the store would be force to close.

They'll lost the only thing that sustains their family's daily expenses.

Moreover, their house is also in a devastated state, as they didn't have any electricity and water having no money to pay for it.

Every single penny they have is being used for the store and their own personal daily needs.

The house is also rented, and its deadline is nearing, and if they couldn't pay the house they'll be force out to the streets.

Accepting his sworn brother's good will and job offer isn't too bad it's more like a blessing, but he needs to first asked his parents sides opinion whether they accept Kent's offer or not as form of respect.

Before Kent proposed his offer Rezzie's first plan is to request to lived in Kent's dilapidated house and play New Genesis.

The items he earns in game would then be traded to other people for cash.

He planned to subscribe a monthly loan for an VR HELMET, but never he had thought that Kent would turn out to be wealthy and bought them overwhelmingly expensive items then a whole another level VR capsule.

Earlier when Kent reveled that his a rich guy Rezzie wanted to borrow money from him to solved their home problem, but couldn't have the opportunity to do so because of shame and Kent's continuous good will towards the siblings buying items from store to store.

Unprecedented to Rezzie his best friend Kent purposely acted that way for Rezzie to not mutter a word about borrowing money, Kent already knowing the situation of his friends' family is in from the memories of his past life, he planned something.

Kent wanted to adopt Rezzie's family to lived in a single house in order to ensure their safety and well-being before the apocalypse genesis descended.

They can also be of great help to his prospects as he preferred to work with people he could trust.

Rezzie's family is also like a real family for Kent, their parents were closed to each other, and when Kent's parents died when they were young Rezzie's family was the one who helped them the most in finalizing every document.

Kent could only sigh inwardly, feeling bad for deceiving and controlling his best friend's actions all this time.

But such small sacrifice is needed for him to ensure his best friend and his second family's safety.

Moreover, Kent already bought two VR Emperor Class Diamond Capsules, 60 bottles VR liquid and 60 bottles Enchantment Liquid for him and his sister to use.

The four he just bought is for Rezzie's entire family.

Kent already prepared everything in scheduled even before he left his room after awakening from being reincarnated.

After handing the payment and doing some confirmation and paperwork, the three left the store.

Kent stopped at Rezzie's household and greeted Rezzie's parents, his mother is a kind-hearted middle age looking woman.

Seeing Kent after a long time she immediately hug Kent kissing him in the cheeks.

"Oh, Kent you've grown too much after a long time, I've missed you."

Edna said happily.

Edna behaves like a real mother to Kent so seeing her one's more, Kent has a teardrop from his eye and a pained expression as his feelings is a bit unstable.

He quickly clean this teardrop and fix his expression to avoid any further questioning.

"You've grown too much, it's unfortunate that your father and mother isn't here, they'll sure be proud of you."

Roy called out from the side, the atmosphere turned solemn.

Roy is Rezzie's father, a cheerful and easy-going man.

"Come here let me show you something."

Roy called out grinning."

He smiled at Kent grabbing him on the back shoulder dragging him to the balcony, where he handing a binocular pointing at the beach where many people are at enjoying their time.

"Use this…"

Roy pointed at the binoculars then to the beach, grinning.


"Don't teach the child something inappropriate."

Edna approached them, then smack Roy in the head.

"Haha hahaha that's a clean hit mom."

Adeline commented.

"What teaching something inappropriate, aren't you the one teaching out cute little Adeline something inappropriate by smacking her father in the head."

Roy pouted playing dumb joking around.

The atmosphere became joyful.

The five people spent a few minutes of joy chatting with each other, forgetting the worries they have in the world.


Then as time passed by, the talk accidentally got into the matter of money and problems. The cheerful atmosphere vanished, replaced by an eerie, awkward silence.

So, Kent took this opportunity to asked what he really aimed for coming here.

"Uncle Roy, aunt Edna I have something I wanted to propose."

Kent's tone was serious, the middle age couple looked at him a bit baffled.

"What is it you wanted to suggest young Kent"?

Roy asked.

"Please work for me…"

The words that came from Kent's mouth left the couple staring at him confused.

They were not aware that Kent is currently wealthy as while they were happily chatting the topic didn't slip in that side.

Moreover, the gifts and items the three bought from the mall is still on the car.

"What do you mean?"

This time, Edna asked him, noticing the series look on Kent and her children's faces.

Kent begun to explain in detailed on how rich he is, what they need to do and the things that must be done.

Ten minutes of explanation passed the two were dumbfounded looking at Kent in a stupefied state unable to comprehend the sudden development.

"Please work for me, I need people I could trust."

Kent looking down to the table showing a sign of respect.

"Don't do that, raise your head…"

Edna hurriedly call-out for Kent to stop bowing.

His aunt Edna and uncle Roy then looked at each other seemingly agreeing on something as they nodded.

"Thank you for accepting us…"

The two bowed down their head on the table.

"Auntie, uncle don't do that…"

Kent immediately stopped the two.

Roy smiled.

"You moron, this is payback for bowing in our table, hahaha, hahaha."

Roy's joking cheerful voice snaps the silent stiff atmosphere.

"So you want me to play VR MMORPG one's again, this retired bones of mine will show you how to play one."

Roy shouted in a prideful voice.

Edna looking at her husband with a bitter smile.

"It's been a long time since, I've played one, I might need to recuperate and adjust."

Edna said in a gentle tone.

The very reason why Kent really wanted to recruit the two were because of their fame in their time in VR MMORPG.

The two meet in-game as rivals being top guild leaders of two opposing powerful guilds in a certain game in the past.

The game closely resembles the New Genesis, a sword and magic game called World Seed.

Both of them has the same class called Battle Mage, each time the two would meet in fields a fight between them is inevitable.