In their past, the pair husband and wife duo were considered legends of the VR worlds, at first, they were rivals next time they're enemies, but eventually, they end up becoming lovers.

The couples love story itself ignited an unknown flame of desire to every gamer who dreamt of not just becoming the greatest in game but also to have someone, they wanted to protect.

Numerous players of the present where even admiring the old legend that had left unforgettable sensation in the history VR games.

The news of their marriage and unity of two powerful guilds in their time even shook the entire world online platforms and some media groups that broadcast mainly in games for years.

Unfortunately, during their reign, VR Games that time is just at its early stages and while it's popular, it wasn't too beneficial to play.

Moreover, during that time period items in game couldn't be traded to the outside world for money, to begin with the couple isn't born rich to, they also need money to sustain their daily expenses as they were married, because of these factors they couldn't just play continuously.

In due time one day the two legends vanished in the world of VR games, they were force to stopped playing anymore and divert their focus more to the real life matters.


"Go to this address after you finish your preparations, then when you arrive give me a call."

Kent gave instructions to Rezzie and Adeline as their parents we're busy preparing the whole place for a sudden leave.

He left the family for them to prepare and organize themselves.

He head straight towards the condominium he bought earlier in an online business platform used for an easy access.

The entire condominium cost for about 75,000,000 credits.

The place he chose is a large one, so the cost is inevitable.

The place has a beautifully marvelous overview of the city at the very 45th floor, it thrice the size of Kent's previous home, this place he chose that could accommodate up to ten people.

The place might be good, unfortunately, the place is only a temporary one, as Kent didn't plan to stayed there for a long time.

The condominium is just a temporary place to live in for the time being.

Kent recalled the scene when the Apocalypse Genesis descended, monsters and beast were unusually aggressive to massive structures that reached the sky. So, the condominium's building being a massive skyscraper is far too vulnerable and dangerous.

Flying monsters would be sure to swarm such places, and if the owners were to try escaping below, monster below that were also attracted would sure to swarm the bottom up to the top until the whole building is destroyed.

So Kent didn't plan to stay in such dangerous place for a long time, and he had already prepared another plan.

Buzz...Ring! Buzz…Ring! Buzz...Ring! Buzz…Ring.

Driving straight to the condominium building, Kent slowed down for a bit, feeling then hearing the vibration and sound of a ringtone ringing coming from his pocket.

He pulls out the phone and plug it straight inside the car's phone plug system function.

Then the car's system answer the phone for safety measures, so Kent could safely talk to the man in the other side while continuing to drive.

A holographic image of a blonde middle age man appeared.

"Hello sir, good morning, this is the Power Building Construction Company, we've been working to your request."

Scrutinizing the man Kent nodded.

"Good, please contact me after you finish the construction, the contract is good, and I've already sent an advance payment of 2,000,000,000 for your people to finish the work in 25 days."

Kent said with an impassive expression.


The other side of the phone was silent for a few seconds.

The man didn't expect the young man on the other side to be so blunt and straightforward.

Being a professional, he immediately recovered his wits and reply.

"Worry not sir, we'll do our best to satisfy your demands."

The man reply in confidence. He marked the project Kent requested as the top most priority of their company.

Kent nodded, ending the call.


What the Power Building Construction Company is working on is an advance designated shelter house Kent personally design based on his future knowledge and expertise.

The house is ultimate construction knowledge that came from the future.

The current materials might not be as strong as the original, but the design is enough to coup up to this weakness.

Kent could just remake the house when he got his hands to the original materials.

Ultimate construction knowledge is something out of the world and with earths current pathetic resources such ultimate construction designs is nothing but a piece of paper. So, Kent personally reformed and recreate the structural formula to fit the current materials of the world.

The engineers, architect, construction workers etc. that saw the design Kent presented by an online transfer we're all shock unable to believe that such complex design is possible.

They couldn't help but think what kind of man has the brilliant mind to come up with such groundbreaking design.

The very design could cause a change on how people of construction firms do their projects, increasing the quality of their works by leaps and bounds.

Unfortunately, the cost of such marvelous designs isn't something even the most wealthy man would take just to build a sturdy house.


A few minutes later, after some paperwork and confirmation in the receptionist side Kent could now head to his new house.

Kent arrives in front of a white marble mechanical door, he pulls out a card from his pocket and let it be scanned, the mechanical door then opened wide revealing the marvelous large room thrice the size of their previous dilapidated house.

He looked around and could see that everything he ordered online has been put already.

He scanned room after rooms, beds, furniture, appliances, utensils, and the VR Emperor Class Diamond Capsules were all there.

The room is already prepared, inside he saw six VR Emperor Class Diamond Capsules shining in multicolor light.

Kent, checked the time, 4:58 pm, two minutes before the New Genesis starts. He walked inside the VR Emperor Class Diamond Capsules, preparing the machine.

9th of August, 4:49 pm. Within the dark and silent room, where a few glimmers of flickering multicolor light shown.

"New Genesis, I am back."

As soon as he entered the New Genesis, Kent found himself fluttering slowly descending from the sky through a multicolored pillar of light.

A few seconds later he arrived at a circular platform of a marvelous ancient looking blue temple.

Out of thin air a beautiful female angel with ten pairs of wings made an appearance she then quickly flew towards him.

The angel is too huge about four meters in height, her two-massive breast almost shooting out from the tip threads of her clothes is way too distracting to watch.

"Welcome to New Genesis. I am the Navigation Angel, Rafaela."


"Blood Terror"

Kent, choose the same game name he picked in his past life, he didn't bother thinking for a new one as this name reminded him of all the hardships and experience he had gone thought in his past life.