"Welcome to New Genesis. I am the Navigation Angel, Rafaela."


"Blood Terror"

Satisfied to his nostalgic old kid like name choice, Kent continued.

[Player can adjust one's appearance by 15%]

Players were free to adjust their appearance, but when the apocalypse genesis descended, this fake appearance would vanish, returning to their original looks.

Kent adjusted his appearance, making his looks a bit simple. Unfortunately, he could only adjust his look for about 15%, so even after adjusting his looks to the limit, he still retained a quite handsome look.

Name: Blood Terror

Race: Human [Purity 0%]

Title: None

Affiliation: None

★ Level: 0 ★

Main Class: None

Sub Class: None

★ Special Attributes ★

Health – 80/80

Mana – 20/20

Stamina – 40/40

★ Main Attribute ★

• Free Points [5]

Strength – 10, Agility – 10, Vitality – 10, Intelligence – 10

★ Unique Skills ★



Race: Human [Purity 0%]

One's purity reached 75% a chance of racial evolution will be triggered, racial transformation evolution is a precious moment for someone as they could be something else apart from being a human.

This racial transformation evolution can only be triggered after injecting a bloodline serum in them, a precious product that can be used in every aspect.

After injecting one's self with bloodline serum one would stop being human, but that didn't mean they've undergone a racial transformation evolution. For one to trigger the racial transformation evolution, they need to first study and comprehend the bloodline they've injected in them.

One of the benefits of undergoing a racial transformation evolution is for one to increase their special and main attributes.

Not to say there's also the benefits of incredible new traits additional abilities and bloodline skillsa the person could gain from the bloodline they were injected into.

The more powerful the bloodline, the more benefits one could gain.

Either way even after undergoing racial transformation evolution they would still retain their previous humanoid appearance.


Strength – 1 is equivalent to additional 2 Health

Vitality – 1 is equivalent to additional 6 Health

Intelligence – 1 is equivalent to additional 2 Mana

Agility – 1 is equivalent to additional 4 Stamina

Vitality – 1 is equivalent to additional 4 Stamina


Finishing his name input and readjusting his appearance Kent looked to the Ten winged angel giving it a cold glare.

He knew that the angel in front of him isn't the same as the one's he had fought in his past, yet Kent couldn't help but despise the same creature in front of him.

He might be playing racist right now, but recalling the numerous casualties the bastard race had did just for a nonchalant entertainment made him furious.

It isn't because of their actions ruining Kingdoms and Empires creating chaos in the who continent but due to them killing several people he is closed to.

Either way he couldn't help but despise the very race, there might be different type of angels and had their own personality either way mostly of them we're the same.

In the outside angels might look like the perfect embodiment of holiness in anyone's eyes, but in truth this race is the one most merciless and blood frenzy race ever been created in New Genesis worst than demon's themselves.

Demons on the other hand while mostly insane and blood frenzy they have their own goals for their actions, while this angels aside just do their actions without much in mind.

The ten winged angel in front is named Rafaela, an Order level angel, an angel rank nearing the highest level. The ten wings she has give away her rank.

In his past life, if he were to encounter such a rank of angel, Kent would do everything he could to escape.

However, presently the angel in front is nothing but a monologue robot controlled by the system to assist players.

Looking back at his current pitiful stats, Kent couldn't help but let out a sigh.

In front of an Order Rank angel, Kent's pitiful stats is nothing more than an ant passing by.

The ten winged angel's presence is enough to terrify the most powerful people in his past life.

Yet before such presence Kent stood still as he raised his right hand a sword appearing out of thin air.

[Double Edge Sword] [Common]

Durability – [10/10]

Attack power – [5]

The moment Kent pointed the double edge sword, the one's impassive look on the angel's face change into that of a mocking, questioning look.

It was then an unbearable pressure overwhelmed him, the entire space seemed to shook as an unknown force was directed at him.

Kent's already pale face turned paler as the overwhelming pressure was directed at him. Yet in front of such being releasing the unbearable pressure he himself couldn't understand, Kent smiled and stand his ground, forcing himself to fight back.

It was then.

[Congratulations, you have gained the title – Novelty Seeker]

Title – Novelty Seeker

Novelty Seeker, the title is granted to those that personality trait characterized by a strong interest in having new experiences, someone who could smile and defy an almighty being.

Perfect resistance against any form of mental attacks.

20% permanent increase in users overall special and main attributes.

• Unique Title Skill – [Twilight]

Twilight, an absolute energy obtained by those who confront, slay, break, escape, survive, conquer, defeat, kill an almighty being.

User can freely manipulate twilight, it can be used to empower one's body increasing the main attributes, create a shield to protect one's body, or infused it to an item.

Twilight can only be activated when one is at combat mode, and when fighting stronger opponents Twilight will have its effects be doubled.

Twilight Force – [10/10]

Twilight Force serves as an energy count for the user to keep in track how much Twilight Force they have.

For each level the user gain an increase of about 10 Twilight Force is added.

Kent received the title and was surprised even do he anticipated something would pop out.

In his past life a famous swordswoman raise her sword in front of Order level angel in the same angel Rafael in the game starting point.

She triggered the hidden achievement where if one isn't mesmerize by the angel's beauty they'll be pressured.

Yet, instead of letting the pressure pushed her down she instead raised her sword pointing it at the angel. She didn't do it because she has an idea on what's going to happen, or she had some kind of loss in the brain, the truth it was because of a pretty simple reason and that is about the angel Rafael's humongous breast size that made her jealous and inferior.

Yet, due to such laughable reason she gained an early benefit, gaining the title Fearless and a unique skill called Bladeless Envy.

Kent, on the other hand, receive a different title called Novelty Seeker and a unique skill Twilight.

Kent who had lived in the far future knowing how the very system created by the Cosmos work used this advantage to gain a stronger title and unique skill compare to what the woman had gain.

But all in all, the real reason why she was able to gain such title and unique skill is due to her strong will overcoming the pressure the Order Rank angel released.

Kent that came from the far future someone who had experienced so many things and had survived numerous life and death situations naturally possessed a strong spirit and mind.

On the other hand the real reason why the woman was able to successfully achieve the hidden achievement was due to her being a Supreme Level Master in real life.