Kent, who had reached the same level in his past life naturally, could resist the same amount of pressure, unlike physical power, magical, spiritual etc. One's spirit, experience, soul, and strong will wouldn't disappear even if one is to die and be reborn, so Kent naturally possessed the same aura the Peak Level Supreme realm masters release.

This hidden achievement was only discovered in later stages where players had already swarmed the game almost counting the entirety of humanity.

Those who came first slipping the great opportunity the hidden achievement provided were disheartened, unfortunately, for them, even if they knew how to trigger the hidden achievement if one couldn't comply to its demands overcoming the overwhelming pressure an Order Rank angel released gaining a title or a unique skill is still impossible.

Unlike any other normal title and unique skill the hidden achievements hidden title and unique skill grants in lieges above that of a normal title and skill, moreover, obtaining one is near impossible, only those brilliant and lucky people who genuinely understand how the world works could come up to ideas that might give a person a chance to trigger a hidden achievement.

After the woman only nine people from the Earth were able to achieve the same result of gaining a powerful title and skill and those guys were all strategic level people back in Earth.

Humans that we're giving the nicknamed walking nuclear bombs or to others they called them Catastrophic level transcended humans.

Kent was satisfied the angel return to her nonchalantly impassive look, as she isn't a real natural angel, she's only a programmed creature by the system.


Out of thin air a map appear showing the entire world of New Genesis called Arcane.

Arcane is a world that's a thousand times larger compare to that of earth, and in this world there were numerous Nations from Kingdoms, Empires to Republics.

Not to say, there's also those hidden nations inside dimensions, underwater, sealed lands, forbidden zones, underground and in the sky.

The entirety of the whole world is expansive and beautiful.

"Moonlight Kingdom"

Kent, pick a relatively weak and desolated kingdom in the outer parts of the Western Sky Continent.

The North of the kingdom is a mountain range of expansive cold snow and ice.

The East is a forbidden beast zone where countless terrible beast lived in.

The West is an expansive sea called blood chaos sea where calamity rank sea creatures are common.

Then there's the South a terrifyingly dangerous forest called Great Mystic Dream Forest.

The map then was displayed the entirety of the entire Kingdom.

The kingdom is said to be one's a powerful empire in the Western Sky Continent but because of its decline in power the Empire was demoted to being a Kingdom, and a Kingdom nearing its ruination at that.

Then a detailed display of cities and towns were shown, looking at the detailed landscapes presented Kent decided to pick a small town in the south-east bordering the forbidden beast zone and terrifying mystic dream forest.

In New Genesis, players were allowed to choose a destination they wanted to be at.

"Town of mischief"

Kent selected one of the most desolated towns in the kingdom, as he had prepared special plans for this specific town beforehand. The town must have an unusual name that give one the feeling of a lawless town but in truth this town is no different from other, the name is derived to a certain ancient god that was said to have died near the town.


Kent's sight turned blurred as a part of him being summoned to the town of mischief.

A few seconds later, opening his eyes Kent found that his inside a church, he appeared up above a platform of some summoning of sort.

Looking around he could see some relatively confused players, looking in a mirror at the side he found that his wearing the same common equipment all new players wore.

He immediately open up his status moving his finger towards the inventory page.

His currently penniless only having a couple of bread and a common sword the same sword he pulled out pointing at the angel

He doesn't even have a single decent equipment for defense or anything that could increase his defensive points, as he is only wearing a common shirt and shorts.

Kent walked out of the cathedral arriving outside he could see a few players who's already moving around trying to achieve something.

The supposedly NPC'S the inhabitants of this world walked in streets minding their own businesses, children play around with smiles plastered in their faces.

Kent walked passed this people, ignoring the players trying to approach the inhabitants, as he head straight to a stall.

On his way he saw guards patrolling issuing order in the town.

He saw an idiot player randomly lashing a child inhabitant who bumped onto him, a guard instantly made an appearance quickly subdued the said player.

"What an idiot." Kent grinned.

Player that just been summoned immediately rush out and started moving everywhere, these players were trying to gather as much information for them to easily adjust within the game.

Some of them started approaching the inhabitants of this world, trying to trigger any quest.

Occasionally, there were those idiot players who didn't have a control over their emotions or not having a restraint in their actions would commit crimes or any other acts that could caused for them to be subdued by the guards.

Subdued players that committed a crime inside a town would have their account be banned for a relatively long time, One day in real world, equivalent to 1440 hours in game.

Such players would miss 60 days in game, such unbelievable number of days one would miss is far too painful to think, so players that played New Genesis wouldn't dare to commit crimes or do anything that could cause for them to be subdued by the guards or other authorities.

Such unbelievable time dilation of one hour in game equivalent to sixty hours in real life that should cause a major brain damage if implement is fix due to the advance computer chip that been put inside every human.

Unfortunately, this chip isn't some kind of tracking device or any form of monitoring device, its only function is to enhance the host brain progress.

Specifically it's more like something so called as thought acceleration, enhancing the host brain capabilities by a notch.

At first when these chip is introduced to the public many had disagreed, even the government themselves, so the company that introduced the chip didn't force everyone and only allow those that wanted the chip in their brain to have one.

Years past even before confirming if there's no complications' people time to time would want one to have in their heads to increase their efficiency.

Unknown to them the very creator of the chips that has the effects of thought acceleration and the New Genesis is the same.

Thankfully, there were no ulterior motives amidst these things as the Cosmos is the one who planned everything in order to help mankind adjust to their situation and survive to the new world that awaits them.