Kent approached one of the fruit stalls, he didn't bother to asked for the price as it is already displayed. He picked up two random oranges, handing four copper coins to the old man, as each orange cost two coppers each.

Each player in their first join in the game is given 20 copper coins, a common weapon of their choice, ten dried bread, and a failure shirt and t-shirt.

"That idiot, what is he doing, does he think this game is an easy one for him to just spent a copper coin just to buy fruits."

One of the players lining up in front of a shop said.

"Don't bother with such idiot people, we have more things to worry."

His companion reprimanded him.

Kent heard their conversation as one of the guys, the one who talked bad about him, purposely made it, so he could hear him.

He just ignored their ignorance, yet the man who badmouth him, he memorized the person's features and planned a wicked thought for him.

Unknown to many, the oranges in New Genesis possessed a hidden special effect that allows level 10 and below players in lessening their consumption of stamina by 75%.

He looked back to the person and thought of this wicked planned for him to have an extra fun in the game.

"Wait for me, I'll be back for you." The corners of Kent's lips curled up into a wicked smile.

The man who continued what his doing felt sudden, a creepy chill running down his spine.

Leaving the orange stall, he head straight to a tool store where different types of tools and equipments were displayed.

"Excuse me, sir."

Kent called out to a man sharpening a sword.

The man didn't respond, Kent decided to wait, knowing that the old man is in a concentration state, a state every creator grasp when they focused enough to a certain thing they're doing.

Two minutes later, the sweating old man stood up from the small chair he is sited, his gazed looked at to Kent's direction.

"Thank you for your patience, what do you need."

The old man smile noticing the youth in front of him that been waiting for a whole two minutes for him to first finished what's his doing.

"Can I have a pickaxe and a wood axe."

Kent said?

The old man picked the items Kent requested and handed it over to him.

"This be 18 copper coins."

Kent gave the payment then left.

[Your favorability to Berd the blacksmith had increase]

Giving the notification a glance, Kent was satisfied.

Kent passed through the numerous players lining up in front of the town office, where the mayor stood above a podium to give off the town quest.

He head straight to the gates where straight to a green zone area, a free hunting zone where savage bunnies continuously spawn.

Up front, he could see about twenty players already engaging against their respected bunnies. Kent could see that these players seemed to be in a single team, maybe a large guild in the outside world, as they team up and let every member have their kill.

"For an official VR guild to have their eyes in this small town, how smart of them."

Just from the earlier numerous players nearing a hundred then to the wandering players walking everywhere, and to this twenty or so guild players, Kent could see that more and more players decided to be summoned in this near ruination kingdom.

"They must have been attracted to the good hunting ground surrounding the kingdom."

Kent thought, passing by the twenty guild players.

The twenty players were at the outer circle of the spamming zone where a few savage bunnies appeared, being level ones their choice is brilliant.

They didn't bother letting their ego got ahead of them and head straight to the center area of the savage bunny spamming zone.

The group played it smart.

Kent a single person passed them heading straight to the center spamming zone where their's about 30 savage bunnies.

Noticing Kent's reckless actions, the group started murmuring.

"Has he lost his mind?" one of the guys questioned.

"He might be insane." A curly haired girl said.

"Let him be, he might be one of those show off noobs." Someone who seemed to be the leader spoke.

Kent arriving inside the center green zone could see the ten of the nearest savage bunnies having their eyes turned red, indicating they've considered him as an enemy.

The ten savage bunnies dashed forward in great speed, surpassing the speed of those little beasts the guild player had faced back in the outer area. The ten little beasts near the distance in of 80 meters in a matter of 5 seconds.

"What's with this game that's too fast, isn't this supposed to be the green zone."

The guild players watching the scene started voicing out their complaints about the game.

They didn't bother looking at Kent, expecting that he'll die, unable to react to the speed, the savage bunnies displayed.

Unfortunately, for them, the one they've been underestimating all these time looked at the scene in a perspective where the ten little beasts were rushing as if in a slow motion video.

The ten savage bunnies tried to pounce at him baring their sharp two pointy teeth's, as they got near him, Kent did a serious sword stance quickly unsheathing then sheathing his sword.

A ray of flickering light shone for a second then disappear.

Sword Technique, Critical Flash

The little beast that pounced at him momentarily stop midair for a second before dropping to the ground.

[You have leveled up]

[Experience points 100/100]

[You have reach Level 1]

[You gain 1 free attribute point]

Each Savage Bunnies in the central area of the green zone give 10 experience points, so after killing ten of such beast Kent instantly achieve level 1.

For the next level up Kent needed about 200 experience points, this amount would then double each time he levels up.

He walked past the ten savage bunnies, the little beast dropped to the ground, in a second later their bodies spurt out blood scattering all-over the grass.

The scene of blood spurting everywhere is far too realistic for a game.

"What the hell just happened?"

One of the guild members observing from the side couldn't help but question what they've just witnessed. Unable to believe what just happened.

The others had the same question and reaction as him, their eyes were bulging, seemingly wanting to jump out from its sockets.

Kent ignored the group as he touched the glowing gray colored small pillar of light that appeared after killing the savage bunny, there's also the ten levitating copper coins above the corpses.

Touching these pillars and copper coins, the savage bunnies corpses vanished.

[You have gained 10× Savage Bunny meat]

The next moment, a strange symbol that has the shape of a bunny and a 10× indicating the number of items appeared in his inventory.

The small pillar of light presented the loot one gain after defeating an opponent, the color is recognized by the Grade level of the loot.

Gray – Basic

Green – Intermediate

Yellow – Advance

Orange – Superior

Red – Supreme

Silver – Unique

Golden – Transcendent

The color bases only applied to loot drops.