Increasing his speed, Kent ran straight into the middle area of the Rain Forest.

He would cautiously look around, advancing to the inner reaches of the forest.

F and E Tier Level wolves can be seen scouting around the woods from time to time.

Kent is currently just a Level 2 player, fighting a few wolves using his techniques might be possible, but if he is to be surrounded by a dozen or so dying is a high risk.

Moreover, dying in game isn't too simple, the penalty it too high of a risk for a player wanting to grow fast, dying is far too time-consuming.

When a player die they couldn't log in for ten minutes, while ten minutes is just a few minutes on the outside, in game that has the time dilation of 1 second in real life is equivalent to 1 minute in game is something too time-consuming and wasteful.

The wolves in the Rain Forest bordering the outer to middle area section is at either Superior F Tier Level or Lesser E Tier Level.

The wolves is already strong to kill any normal Level 1 to 5 players single-handedly, not to say they moved in groups, being surrounded by such group of beast is something even the current Kent couldn't easily handle.

So, Kent's only option was to move as stealthily as possible to avoid the wolves notice.

He took a longer time, taking a big detour around the beast as much as he could.

Ten more minutes later Kent was now deep within the middle area of the Rain Forest, but strangely enough, in the way he had yet run into any other beast.

A frown formed on his face as he didn't run into any dangers on his way to this location beside that Snake from earlier, it felt strange like something is amiss.

He didn't like the feeling of something unknown watching him.

More importantly, how is he supposed to level up if he couldn't hunt down any monsters?

He knew that the Rain Forest is a strange place, similar to how rumors from his past said to be, but he didn't expect it to be in this level.

Just as he was about to turn back out of being cautious to the unknown, Kent suddenly noticed something peculiar to his south side, a few distances.

It was a waterfall not too far from him and if one is observed closed enough they would notice a strange deep darkness in the water.

Kent got a bit curious and walked towards the direction of the waterfall.

Just as he moved closer he immediately noticed that behind the waterfall seemed to be an entrance of sorts not just that, there's also the two small humanoid green creatures seemingly standing on guard.

A Goblin…

Goblins, one of the most vicious and most despised humanoid intelligent race living in the New Genesis.

The goblins is a smart bunch, they tend to dwell on the frontier lands untouched by militaristic forces.

These goblins have the tendency to attack villages and in great numbers, they can raze terror on the lands.

Goblins are a male-dominated species, they must depend on abducting females from other species, and they forcefully impregnate them by torturing and raping women.


Kent immediately recognized the humanoid green creature.

Noticing the goblins, Kent immediately moved to the side of a tree, quickly ducking down avoiding the goblins gaze.

He observed from a quite far distance waiting for an opportunity to strike.

"I need to wait for a couple of minutes before moving."

Two minutes passed, they change shifts.

Kent waited for another minute before moving, he slowly walked closer and closer, moving stealthily as much as possible, avoiding the goblins gazes.

He moved to the side where their vision couldn't reach, arriving near the closest one, Kent slowly and silently unsheathe his double edge common sword.

He swing the sword…


[You have killed a goblin scout]

Instantly, before they could've reacted, a sword passed through one of the goblins, then what followed is a lifeless head rolling on the ground.

The dead goblin's partner hearing something looked at where the noise came from, but the moment it did so, it was welcomed by a sharp pointy sword tip heading straight to its brain.

There's no time to react, the sword pierced through the goblins head straight to the brain, instantly ending the creature's life.

[You have killed a goblin scout]

Kent immediately moved and grabbed the corpse, throwing it to the side, cautious that the smell might attract the other goblins.

The two goblins is at the same Supreme F Tier Level as the savage bunnies Kent confronted in the green spamming zone central area.

He peeked to the side waiting that other goblins might appear at any second, but what he could see is complete darkness, no torches is used to light up the cave system.

"I am wasting my time here."

Kent utter as he walked in the cave.

Traveling into the cave-like structure, the deeper he goes, the darker it became until he could not even see his hands.

This didn't cause him to panic though, this disability didn't affect him much, in response he heightened his keen sense's to navigate the cave system.

Traveling for around 55 seconds, a small light came into view.

Seeing this, Kent quickly moved to the side, almost plastering himself to the dirt wall.

He cautiously observed the surrounding, trying to sense if there were any other living creature in the vicinity.

It was at this moment when a sudden notification sounded, jolting Kent in surprise.

[Congratulations, you have gained the unique skill – Supreme Sense]

Supreme Sense, passively increase the user's sensing capabilities to an entirely different liege.

The sudden prompt notification surprised him, he didn't expect to one's again luckily gain a unique skill just from focusing his sense's to the limit similar to what he always did. In his past life Kent always did the same action yet never one's he received a unique skill of a reward for doing so.

Kent thought for a second, trying to recall and understanding how was he able to gain the unique skill reward.

'I am too confident in my future knowledge, it seemed like I didn't know everything.'

Kent thought, trying to understand how the system works.

Cautiously moving forward, it looked, as he thought, it was the light from a torch hanging on the side of the cave walls.

'Should I try the new unique skill…'

As he thought of this activating the newly found unique skill [Supreme Sense] Kent's every basic sense's like touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste transformed.

Kent's touch reached a complete change in level, his sensitivity allows him to predict the behavior of the surrounding things within a certain range of distance, this also heighten his very instincts to a thoroughly different notch.

Kent's eyesight, allows him to see through the world in an entirely different view point, observing and analyzing the movement in energy flow in the surroundings; it also allows him to identify the said essences moving about.

The hearing allows him to hear and pick up sounds in a different form outside the normal range of perception, such as detecting a person's thoughts, emotions, and even their personality just by picking up the subtle vibrations from the sounds they produce.

Heightened supreme sense of smell which allows him to track down the movements in the surrounding area and notice fast speed incoming attacks; it also allows him to figure out people's true real intention.

The heightened supreme sense of taste grants him the privilege of doubling the positive effects from any substances he tasted, on the other hand, things like poison or other negative status alteration things that he taste will have their effects be lessened by a considerable notch.