Name: Blood Terror

Race: Human [Purity 0%]

Title: [Novelty Seeker]

Affiliation: None

★ Level: 2 ★

Main Class: None

Sub Class: None

★ Special Attributes ★

Health – 84/84

Mana – 20/20

Stamina – 54/60

★ Main Attribute ★

• Free Points [0]

Strength – 12, Agility – 15, Vitality – 10, Intelligence – 10

★ Unique Skills ★

[Twilight] [Perfect Meditation] [Supreme Sense]


Strength – 1 is equivalent to additional 2 Health

Vitality – 1 is equivalent to additional 6 Health

Intelligence – 1 is equivalent to additional 2 Mana

Agility – 1 is equivalent to additional 4 Stamina

Vitality – 1 is equivalent to additional 4 Stamina


Kent already distributed the first 5 free points to agility, while the other 2 he gained from leveling up goes to his strength.

Kent arrived closer to the torch, he saw strange markings and a weird looking ornaments with all kinds of bones, and small beast materials attached on it.

Seeing these things, Kent knew.

"Is this a goblin settlement ruled by a shaman?"

He thought as he has begun examining the strange things, a few seconds later footsteps could be heard getting closer.

Kent immediately moved to the side where the darkness is at the thickest, and in doing so, he could avoid the goblin's eyesight.

Goblins might prefer to lived in cave like systems, but that didn't mean their eyesight in the dark is good.

They're just forced to live in such dark places to avoid the attention of strong predators and other species that despise and hunt them.

Two goblins passed by the torch, they didn't notice Kent near them, waiting for an opportunity.

One of the two goblins playing with its dagger, the goblin didn't notice a large shadow looming dangerously appearing behind him.

One hand touched the right cheek from the left side of the neck, then a hand on its head from the right to it's left upper part of its ear.

The hand moved… Click…

[You have killed a goblin scout]

The shadow broke one of the two goblins neck instantly killing the creature, it didn't even know it died, a faint noise of something breaking sounded, followed by a notification alert confirming the goblin's death.

The other goblin didn't even notice its companion had died, so before it could notice something Kent moved as swiftly as the wind doing the same thing killing the other one just like before.

He could just stab the two and be done with it but if he did so blood would sure to splattered, other goblins is sure to notice him.

For now, Kent preferred to moved in a stealth mode as possible to not alert the other goblin.

He continued going inside there were torches lined up every so often on the side of the cave walls for every ten meters, so now he could at least make out a clear path.

A few minutes of exploration Kent ears twitched picking up a low creaking noise a distance now quite far from his current position.

The thing sounded like something is constantly whining in a low voice, but it was mixed in with inaudible annoying noises.

He continues to moved forward walking in a steady phase, a few seconds later Kent halted his step scouting ahead, he could see an expansive wide place underground.

Peeking from the cave hole where his at, Kent could see twenty goblin workers picking up blue light stones and seemed that they're in a hurry.

"Their mining something?"

Trying to discern what were they mining, Kent didn't notice a pair of eyes staring at him.

The Goblin seemed to be startled by the sudden appearance of an intruder, it didn't try to notify the other, but it did point its bow and arrow in Kent's direction.

Kent's sense of touch and instincts enhanced by [Supreme Sense] reacted.

Looking to his right side where a tall sturdy tower stood high reaching the ceiling of the underground place, Kent saw a goblin pointing a bow and an arrow at him.

The arrow shot straight aimed to his head, in the nick of time, he was able to react fast and was able to moved to the side avoiding the sudden attack.

The goblin archer was surprised for a human to impossibly react too fast and was able to dodge the arrow.

The goblin archer one's again prepared another arrow for a second attack, but before it could do, so a pickaxe flew straight at it, piercing its head.

[You have killed a goblin archer]

Before the goblin could send another arrow or notify the other goblins, Kent immediately acted, sending a pickaxe from his inventory straight to the goblin archer.

Kent isn't just good in both swordsmanship and magic, he is also skilled in other basic factors like throwing and many more things.

Being weak living for hundreds of years trying to survive day and night in a chaotic world, Kent developed hid skills, techniques, and knowledge to adjust in any situation that could be of help to him

From the corpse a blood dripped down, noticing this familiar smell, the other goblins immediately rushed to where the blood smell came from only to see one of their companion dead.


The goblins near the corpse started screaming out loud, notifying others on what they've discovered.

Unknown to them, a creature below is moving like the wind in an incredible fast speed going from corner to corner breaking the necks of every goblin it passed through.

[You have killed a goblin worker]

[You have killed a goblin worker]

[You have killed a goblin worker]

[You have killed a goblin worker]

[You have killed a goblin worker]

[You have killed a goblin worker]

Numerous notification sounded as Kent continued his way moving in the shadows dragging a goblin worker quickly breaking their neck instantly killing them then moving to another one repeating the same process.

[You have killed a goblin worker]

[You have killed a goblin worker]

[You have killed a goblin worker]

[Experience points 400/400]

[You have reach Level 3]

[You gain 1 free attribute point]

Achieving Level 3 Kent put the 1 free point into the agility increasing his speed and stamina by a bit.

The goblins were still oblivious, to the fact that an intruder is moving like a phantom dragging their brethren slowly but efficiently slaughtering each one of their kin.

A minute almost passed since Kent started his silent slaughter when a goblin worker suddenly divert its attention from the tower, it saw Kent dragging a friend of his to the side, breaking its neck.

The two locked gazes, Kent couldn't do a thing as this goblin worker is standing in the center.

The goblin was about to scream when a flying axe appeared out of nowhere heading straight towards its head moving in a horizontal motion flying in a speed it was unable to escape, instantly decapitating him.

Just as this goblin worker without its head dropped to the ground lifeless, the air seemed to freeze, the entire place went silent.

"Shit, I guess I can't continue being low-key anymore."

Sighing, Kent unsheathe his double edge common sword, not waiting for the other goblins' response, he quickly dashed straight to the closest one where a number of other goblin workers are at.