Seeing a human dashing straight at him holding a sword, the goblin worker screamed, calling for help.


Seeing no help is coming, the goblin tried to fight back, swinging its pickaxe from the top to bottom.

Kent with an impassive expression nonchalantly dodge the incoming attack, stepping a bit to the right side, rotating in a strange motion his movement resembles that of a dance.

Sword Technique, Dance Of Carnage

Kent continued in swinging the sword in an arc like manner, he easily cut down the goblins that tried to attack him.

He continued dancing in the field, the beautiful dance even dumbfounded the monsters, the marvelous display of regality as blood splattered and rained down everywhere.

The sword continuously cut down a goblin after a goblin, they couldn't even react as the sword dance motion performed strange movements.

Even those at the level of Grand Masters and above level warriors would have a hard time predicting the sword dance, so what can several brainless creatures do.

Several goblin workers in terror didn't think twice as they run, to these goblins Kent looked like a reaper moving about, elegantly slaughtering their kin.

There were also those goblin workers who tried fighting back, but as they're not a battle oriented type, they could do nothing but watch as the said reaper move about slaughtering anyone that come near.

Some of the goblin workers that isn't an archer pickup a bow and shoot arrows, while they're not goblin archers this didn't restrict them from using a bow as a weapon.

Unfortunately, the difference of a real goblin archer and a normal goblin worker is lieges apart, so Kent isn't too worried about the archer as most of their attacks missed their mark.

The slaughter continued for about 2 more minutes until the last goblin worker that tried fighting back dropped to the ground covered in blood, losing an arm and a leg.

[You have killed a goblin worker]

[Experience points 1,600/1,600]

[You have reach Level 5]

[You gain 1 free attribute point]

[For being the first to have achieved level 5 in the entire world, you'll receive an additional reward of 2 more free attribute points]

[Congratulations, you have gained the title – Slaughterer]

Title – Slaughterer

Slaughterer, the title is granted to the very first player who successfully kill more than 50 creatures of the same species in a matter of 10 minutes.

10% permanent increase in users strength attribute.

• Unique Title Skill – [Bloodlust]

Bloodlust, a unique force originates from the spirit of the user, the bloodlust has the power to directly influence the targeted enemies metal prowess by 25%.

The [Bloodlust] is a unique skill that can be improved by increasing the kill count the user already has, the more one kill the stronger the power the [Bloodlust] held.

Bloodlust, can be used to enchant a certain weapon or a part of the users body, enemies that touch the bloodlust enchanted part will receive a terrifying powerful penetration mental and spirit damage.

"Sorry, Emperor Of Slaughter, I've stolen your signature title and unique skill."

Kent grin from ear to ear, successfully achieving one of the many plans he had sketched.

Emperor Of Slaughter, is one of the most powerful top-tier player in Kent's past life, the person became a real emperor in New Genesis.

Using his Slaughterer title and slaughter unique skill, the person was able to quickly level up in a short time and breakthrough Job Classes realms with ease.

Unfortunately, now that Kent gained his signature title and unique skill before him, he didn't know if the person could rise and achieve the same things as before.

Name: Blood Terror

Race: Human [Purity 0%]

Title: [Novelty Seeker] [Slaughterer]

Affiliation: None

★ Level: 5 ★

Main Class: None

Sub Class: None

★ Special Attributes ★

Health – 78/88

Mana – 20/20

Stamina – 8/80

★ Main Attribute ★

• Free Points [0]

Strength – 14, Agility – 20, Vitality – 10, Intelligence – 10

★ Unique Skills ★

[Twilight] [Perfect Meditation] [Supreme Sense] [Slaughter]


Strength – 1 is equivalent to additional 2 Health

Vitality – 1 is equivalent to additional 6 Health

Intelligence – 1 is equivalent to additional 2 Mana

Agility – 1 is equivalent to additional 4 Stamina

Vitality – 1 is equivalent to additional 4 Stamina


Kent stopped his sword dance, exhaustion is apparent in his pale complexion.

Stamina – 8/80

His stamina is drained to the bottom.

"My current body couldn't coup up to the higher grade techniques, I didn't even use any energy on it and just performed the simplest movements."

The marvelous and powerful sword technique, Kent performed isn't the original form yet just from using the weakest degraded version the pain that run through his body almost paralyzing him almost destroyed his muscles fibers and bones.

"This current body is too weak it couldn't contain such heavy burden, the backfire effect of the technique is quite unbearable."

Others might think that the body they're using is nothing but a virtual body, but in truth the said body everyone is currently using playing the New Genesis is that of a true human body, it has the same weakness just like any other mortal body.

The body has the very same weaknesses a normal human body has, having one's organs damage, the muscles being strained, broken bones etc.

The difference is that, the body in New Genesis has an auto-perfect recovery function that would activate and reshape the damage parts, no matter how severe the damages is.

Moreover, there's also the Origin System that grants everyone the chance to grow the said body increasing one's level to a Tier an ordinary human before couldn't hope to achieve.

Kent's search for a good hidden spot in the place, looking for a while he saw a small opening in the corner, a place the goblins used when resting.

He sat in a meditative posture, the unique skill [Perfect Meditation] activated, the skill is an automatic type skill, so Kent didn't need any form of activation.

"I need to quickly recovery the lost Stamina I can't fight like this, those goblins must have informed their leaders on what had happened, they'll be here in a matter of a few minutes."

He might be the first to have reached level 5, unfortunately this didn't change the fact that the enemy is a goblin shaman.

A goblin shaman is a Supreme E or Lesser D Tier Level Earth Category.

He had yet to know what level of power the enemy is, so Kent wanted to play cautiously and smart as much as possible.

He wasn't concerned about how much time he would spend in this goblin settlement, as the place is quite better than any other hunting grounds in outside.

Earlier the sword technique cost him about 80% of his stamina, but in exchange he quickly reached the Level 5 earlier than everyone.

So he isn't worried on how much time he would waste in the place, as he has a feeling that something precious is waiting for him at the end of this tunnel.

For now, recovering his lost stamina is a priority, the decrease in Health, on the other hand, didn't matter much as it would recover faster than that of the stamina.

Before Kent might have one-sidedly slaughtered the enemies not giving them a chance to for a wide opening, resulting for them unable to fight back, he still received a bit of damage.