"Let me see how sturdy you guys are…"

Kent, surrounded by multicolored majestic sparks of light, activating multiple skills simultaneously at the same time, appeared before the heavily injured beast.

He raised the "Moonlight Double Edge Sword" enchanting it with [Twilight], [Bloodlust] not to forget [Absolute Severance] aiming the sword straight for the beast's eyes.


A simple horizontal motion attack, such simple attack is like that of the wind breeze freely passing through anywhere without any form of resistance blocking it whatsoever.

This supposedly simple attack caused too much pain, pushing the mighty beast to its non-existing knees as it let out a loud ear-shattering scream of pure agony.


The beast screamed out loud.

But as if annoyed by the loud scream a massive tail was swung strong straight to the beast head; that's now blinded.

The forced carried through this sudden attack was enough to forcibly shut the mouth of the screaming fella.

Like a cannonball the beast was shot a hundred meters far from its previous spot, the beast dangerously strong body that can be considered as a weapon itself was repeatedly smashed to the trees that block its path.

These poor trees were annihilated into smithereens before in front of the mighty beast body.


The thrown beast only stop after hitting a humorously large and strong stone, stopping the beast's continuous devastation in the ecosystem.

The beast that just attack the now blinded beast look around for the human that intervene.

Unfortunately, for the beast, the human moved like that of a ghost, appearing and disappearing before it could catch a glance.

Kent used the [Moon Necklace] "Silent Moon" item skill to vanished like a ghost.

Noticing that the human had vanished the beast activated one of its inheritance bloodline trait "thermal vision" granting it the ability to see through things in a heat signature realm.

This trait is usually useless for a combat oriented beast, but it has a good diversity against enemies that played like that of an assassin.

This isn't the first time the beast had encountered an enemy that turns invisible, as a territorial field boss, the beast has been put in numerous life and death battles for territory.

And one of the many enemies it encounters were enemies that like to hide using invisibility type abilities or shadow clothing ones.

Activating the trait the beast could see things through a thermal vision, but just as it uses this ability, a humanoid red figure appeared just in front of its eyes.

Kent who already anticipated such response from the beast, predicting things beforehand, already aware that any snake type beast no matter the tier and level possessed such annoying traits.

He didn't use the "Silent Moon" to hide.

He only used the item to increase his attack power, agility and buy a bit of time for an opening, and just as he predicted the beast let out such kind of opening.


This time he didn't slash both beasts unlike what had happened to the other beast squirming in the far distance.

He only stabbed a single eye and the left one at that.

He then gave the beast right eye a heavy kick.

Thereafter, he used the beast head to gather a bit of momentum and push himself back jumping backwards vacating the spot instantly.

The entire scenario happened in less than 3 seconds.

The now one eyed beast didn't even have the time to react, before the pain it's feeling, it couldn't even retaliate before the culprit disappears one's again like that of a ghost.

Successfully achieving these following actions Kent quickly flee straight to the squirming beast on the distance.

On the other hand, the now one eyed beast, screamed out loud in pain and agony.

But unlike the other beast that's still squirming beside a massive rock, this beast quickly recovered as it immediately searched through the place, searching for the one responsible to the pain it's undergoing.

Finally spotting Kent running in the distance, as he purposely did so, and it's not like he can use the "Silent Moon" again that's in cooldown.

The beast glared at him with it's now remaining eye bloodshot.

The beast immediately made a move, it chased for Kent losing a large portion of its sanity due to the pain, chasing after him in rage rampaging around like there's no tomorrow.

Seeing this anticipating such sure predictable action a smirk formed on his face, a smirk that clearly resembles that of a sly demon enjoying how things were progressing.

"Sigh… a beast is really a beast, no matter what it was; whether a conscious powerful one or a dumb mob, either way a beast is nothing but a beast."


Out of nowhere a sword flew straight to the squirming beast beside a massive rock.

Kent shoot his sword treating it like that of a spear.

The sword coated in multiple color dazzling sparking lights easily pierced through the squirming beast's scales.

The action forcibly snap the beast out of its stupor.


The beast let out another scream of pained, then it's non-existing eyes glacé at the direction where the sword was shot from.

There while it could not see a thing, it could feel the constant vibrations coming from the ground, as a land beast, it is understandable that it could freely sense even the smallest vibrating as long as it's in the land.

Furthermore, the vibrations coming from the ground, isn't small but huge, too huge like that of a tsunami.

It was towards Kent's direction, who's being chased after by another huge in rage snake beast.

The constant vibrations coming from the ground, was due to the in rage rampaging beast behind chasing after Kent.

On the other hand, the beast sensing the constant vibrations seemed to only able pick up a single creature in the vicinity.

So, it naturally assumed that this creature is the culprit.

The blind beast rushed straight to the wrong culprit, it opened its gigantic mouth, the two terrifying fangs coated in tick purple gooey slime substance; clearly poison.