The blind beast opened it's huge monstrous jaw wide readying to attack, extremely deadly poison can clearly be recognized on its fangs.

Kent, who's in between of the two beast, halted his run for a second, before pushing most of his strength onto his lower body parts mostly to the legs and foot.

From this force a strong momentum was successfully achieved, Kent used this force of momentum to push his body upwards, stumping on the ground hard before shooting straight to the sky escaping the encirclement.

The in rage rampaging beast whose focus was glued onto Kent was taken aback by this sudden action Kent took and wasn't able to pay much attention to the rushing blind beast in front.

The blind beast's fang successfully bite a portion of the one eyed snake's body, quickly inserting a terrifying amount of poison onto it.

The in rage rampaging beast screamed out loud in agony, feeling something like that of a lava being poured down directly inside it's body.

It forgot everything about Kent as it started trashing around trying to push back the blind beast that's biting it.

Unfortunately, for the one eyed snake, the blind beast coiled it's body entangling the other party so that it couldn't escape it's grasped.

The two-humongous beast rolled around everywhere, trashing everything in the vicinity as one tried to push the other while the other tried to hold tight.

The rare scene unfolded, causing great devastation throughout the entire place.

The man who's responsible for this event, observed the rare sight above a tree in glee with a wide smirk on his face.

"This should be enough."

Kent assumed, after looking carefully using the players exclusive privilege that let them observed the other parties' life force and magical power.

As instead of HP bars and MP bars indicators just like in other games, the one used in this world is far out of the norm.

It is called "Player Eyes" it allows one to see through another creatures' life force and magical power, this is the main method used in this world to measure another creatures HP and MP.

It's an unspoken knowledge that the higher a beings HP and MP the stronger they we're, and while there were cases where HP and MP isn't the bases of a creatures power something like that is for the players to discover.

While for the current time being, others mostly players treated this world as nothing but a game, as time passed bye, the truth would slowly surface, and at that time chaos would descend.

Granting too much privilege for the players that came from Earth or other planets that's connected to Arcane is just plain charity.

Players already possessed the miraculous privilege of reviving after dying for the time being, followed by the system assistant that allowed them to learn things quicker, there's also the Player Eyes.

Just from this three main privileges players have, gaining more than this is simply unfair for the Arcane world's own inhabitants.


Like a wind Kent appeared before the atop the two beast, one of the two is blind the other beast one eyed.

In his hand, the remaining frost grenades are present, removing the safety pins he shot the frost grenades onto the two beast.

None of the two was able to react or respond before a huge freezing explosion occurred directly hitting both of them, and before the two beasts could recover.

Kent like a ghost one's again appeared beside them, this time; beside the blind beast.

He forcibly pulls out the "Moonlight Double Edge Sword" that was stuck onto the blind beast's scales.

Pulling it out, in a slashing motion, a shower of gory blood splashed out from the wound.

The blind beast couldn't even let out a scream due to its mouth having been frozen.

There's also the thing about having its insides going through the terrible feeling of frozen burn spreading through its internal organs.

Kent raised the Moonlight Double Edge Sword using both hands in front him like that of what people usually see a knight describe from the scriptures.

Unfortunately, this image of a knight be like seemed to shattered as a smirk is present on his face, this smirk that could send shivers to anyone who saw.

Like that of a sly demon smiling joyfully, celebrating before after the outcome concluded.

With the essence of [Twilight], [Bloodlust] and [Absolute Severance] surrounding and coating the Moonlight Double Edge Sword.

Kent is like a that of a noble magisterial been reflecting an ancient heavenly knight wielding its sword to slay those that opposed the doctrine.

"Sword Technique, Limitless Unending Might."

Kent's figured started to turn blurry, he has begun flickering strangely, and before anyone could react, countless dangerously sharp sword reflections manifested.

"First Form, Limitless Unending Might Of The Undying Heroes."


Then before this technique, countless translucent almighty figures manifested behind him, this figures each one of them held a sword at hand, each one of them released tremendously terrifying auras directly pointed at the two frozen beast.

While the two beast couldn't really see what's going on as one is blind and the other has a bloodshot eye, from instinctive feeling of grave danger and death they're undergoing they knew they're done for.

The two beast tried to struggle strong trying to break free from the ice confinement that sealed their movements, trying hard to avoid the inevitable fate before them.

Unfortunately, and sadly for them, the man they're facing, or more like fitting to be called a demon itself, isn't dumb enough to let them break free.

Kent hastened his action, of performing the technique, a terribly deadly heavy aura encompassing the sword, as the translucent almighty figures were sucked onto it.

Then in a speed that break through the very sound barrier of the world, followed by an ear-shattering sound of a glass shattering, Kent disappeared then appeared a few meters of distance from his position.

Blood continue to drip out of his arms and legs that were terribly twisted beyond recognition.

But for some reason, instead of pained agony after having his limbs twisted in a traumatizing manner what might expect to be seen in his face is the complete opposite.

A mesmerizing smile from ear to ear of clear magisterial glee and joy, happy about something is shown in his face.