[System Server Announcement: Congratulations player "Blood Terror" You have killed the (Field Boss) Rain Forest Yin Nightmare]

[You have received 5,000 reputation points]

[System Server Announcement: Congratulations player "Blood Terror" You have killed the (Field Boss) Rain Forest Yang Nightmare]

[You have received 5,000 reputation points]

[System Server Announcement: Congratulations player "Blood Terror" You have killed the (Unique Field Boss) Rain Forest Yin Yang Twin Nightmare]

[You have received 20,000 reputation points]

The two were supposed to be a unique field boss that needed to be taken down at the same time.

The two beast should have used their union skill to unite; becoming a whole new creature far powerful than their counterpart selves.

However, due to Kent's actions of actually able to turn the two against each other, resulting for a far easier hunt compare to it should have been planned for.

[You have level up]

[You have level up]

[Experience points 1,638,400/1,638,400]

[You have reached level 15]

[You gain 4 free attribute point]

[You have reached level 15 further increase in level is temporarily paused before the user gains his first Tier 1 Job Class. Gathered experience points during the time before the player reaches level will be put on hold and can only be distributed accordingly after the user gain his first Tier 1 Job Class]

[System Player Announcement: Congratulations player "Blood Terror" for successfully reaching and achieving the first Tier existence threshold. You are now allowed to undergo the first Tier advancement trial challenge]

[You have received 1,000 reputation points]

[System Server Announcement: Congratulations player "Blood Terror" for being the very first player to have reached level 15]

[System World Server Announcement: Player "Blood Terror" had successfully unlocked the Job Tier advancement trial challenge. Further information about the system setting regarding the job tier advancement trial challenge is available in the cities]

[You have received 50,000 reputation points]

[System Player Announcement: For some unknown reason player "Blood Terror" had successfully performed an unrecognized Divine Tier Technique]

[Player "Blood Terror" successfully manifested and precisely used the following types of energy without the support or intervention of the system: spiritual power, magical power, soul power, life and death essence, samsara essence, holy demonic chaos essence and time essence]

[Combining and controlling the following energies into one another player "Blood Terror" executed perfectly the undoubtedly and now recognized Divine Tier Technique; named: Limitless Unending Might]

Previously, while Kent really did use some high-grade techniques on the Epic to Myth grade category.

Unfortunately, those techniques he did use is nothing but incomplete one's.

The technique had been executed perfectly but not in the supposedly peak complete potential to trigger the system notification.

The difference of the Limitless Unending Might, Divine Grade Technique, and the previous one's he had used is the energy usage.

Using the Limitless Unending Might, Kent forcibly break the systems confines.

He ignored the system's assistance, he put aside the system destine support manual, he used his real bodies power to achieve the impossible.

This is something he wanted to avoid all this time, while it's advantageous to use the real bodies Tier 2 mage capabilities and power.

There be a backslash that would follow suit after this rushed action of his for the real body, and while this backslash isn't that bad to post great problems and can be recovered in a matter of a few hours.

Kent being an intellectual cautious person didn't want to risk a few hours that might decide his own lives and the lives of those he values.

That few hours of immobile due to backslash is enough for a Grandmaster of the peak stage to slaughter him dozens of times unable to retaliate in the slightest.


Kent this time let his emotions and greed got ahead of him and did the scenario he wanted to avoid doing the most for the time being.

He did use his real bodies power to ensure victory and end the time-consuming hunt against the Rain Forest Yin Yang Twin Nightmare.

He just hoped that nothing happens in the next hours to come in the real world.

For the time being…! Because in the next few days; real life capabilities and power can be access in a perfect 100% interval, when the first player reaches the city.

That time secret power organizations, hidden sects and clans, unnatural mercenaries and assassin groups, and some valued national hidden powerhouse would have begun joining the game.

[Congratulations, you have gained the title – Magisterial Divinity]

Magisterial Divinity, is a title granted to those unique individuals who opened their own path towards the almighty "Divine" without needing an ounce of assistance from anything, and have achieved things by their own power.

25% resistance against any form of non-physical attacks.

20% increase in recovery speed for every cost energies. [Twilight is excluded to this benefit due to the opposing and conflicting energy signature types coming from the two]

20% cooldown reduction in every category aspect.

• Unique Title Skill – [Divine Gaze]

Divine Gaze, an almighty power granted to individuals that had already built their own path towards divinity.

1. Golden Eyes Of Wisdom

Grants the user the power to analyze anything in existence, as long as such thing didn't surpass the threshold of divine rank.

2. Sealing Eyes Of Gods

Completely freeze the target's time for a limit period depends on the target's power and other characteristics such as resistance and traits.

3. Heavenly Eyes Verdict

Temporarily decreases the target's overall attributes by 20% in the lowest to 70% in the highest; depends on the target's power and other characteristics such as resistance and traits.

Kent didn't expect to gain a title after using a perfected divine grade technique, as in his previous life the first time he had achieved using one nothing pop up.

The title [Magisterial Divinity] is clearly a title superior compare to that of the previous titles he had gained.

The unique title skill granted him three alternative overpowered abilities to be freely used for his own accord.


Name: Blood Terror

Race: Human [Purity 75.1%]

Title: [Novelty Seeker] [Slaughterer] [Conquer Of Fate] [Magisterial Divinity]

Affiliation: None

★ Level: 15 ★ [?]

Main Class: None

Sub Class: None

★ Special Attributes ★

Health – 12/204

Mana – 1/22

Stamina – 3/168

Twilight – 33/130

Bloodlust – 32/130

Divine – [Lock]

★ Main Attribute ★

• Free Points [4]

Strength – 21, Agility – 25, Vitality – 21, Intelligence – 11

★ Unique Skills ★

[Twilight] [Perfect Meditation] [Supreme Sense] [Slaughter] [Fate Stasis] [Absolute Severance] [Perfect Breathing Concentration] [Divine Gaze]


For every free main attribute point increase an additional increase in special attribute increase is added.

Thereafter, ones a player surpassed the Level 10 mark the rewarded additional special attribute points is increase by doubled.


Strength – 1 is equivalent to additional 4 Health

Vitality – 1 is equivalent to additional 12 Health

Intelligence – 1 is equivalent to additional 4 Mana

Agility – 1 is equivalent to additional 8 Stamina

Vitality – 1 is equivalent to additional 8 Stamina