Name: Blood Terror

Race: Human [Purity 75.1%]

Title: [Novelty Seeker] [Slaughterer] [Conquer Of Fate] [Magisterial Divinity]

Affiliation: None

★ Level: 15 ★ [?]

Main Class: None

Sub Class: None

★ Special Attributes ★

Health – 12/204

Mana – 1/22

Stamina – 3/168

Twilight – 33/130

Bloodlust – 32/130

Divine – [Lock]

★ Main Attribute ★

• Free Points [4]

Strength – 21, Agility – 25, Vitality – 21, Intelligence – 11

★ Unique Skills ★

[Twilight] [Perfect Meditation] [Supreme Sense] [Slaughter] [Fate Stasis] [Absolute Severance] [Perfect Breathing Concentration] [Divine Gaze]

Kent's [Purity 75.1%] one's again increase a notch after receiving the title [Magisterial Divinity] that grant him the unique title skill [Divine Gaze] the skill itself is a divine power, so its natural that divine power is now part of the energies moving through his body.

Unfortunately, Kent currently in a mortal flesh the system didn't allow him to conjure or control divine power, to avoid mishaps that could end up in a direct suicidal bloody explosions just by the mere release of divine energy.

Kent anticipated this the moment he gained the title and unique title skill, and he did felt a bit dejected.

So, to appease himself a bit he didn't dwell too much on it, and shifted his attention to other things presently at hand.

He slumped on the ground face first, he couldn't complain, he is beyond exhausted not just physically in mentally, but more likely in every aspect; every bit of his energy is completely drained.

While the new title [Magisterial Divinity] and other abilities in his arsenal started to kick in and begun his recovery in an extremely high speed.

This isn't enough to cleanse and calm down the bobbling energy surging inside him in a chaotic manner.

Every single energy inside him where overused beyond the supposed limited factor point that controlled and balance their intended use.

Kent ignored the systems free assistance and do things on his own accord; manipulating and controlling the density and distributed amount of energy by himself.

Such action should have been near impossible for a lower existence and a mere human at that.

But who's Kent; he's a reincarnated being hundreds or maybe thousands of years from a far future that been through things no man could have imagined.

Manipulating and controlling the complex energies that he owned is nothing but a simple task for him.

The problem here is the result of such action, as if he is in his previous body that could easily withstand a nuclear bomb like it's nothing but a sprayed perfume.

Kent's current body is that of a mere mortal, a feeble and fragile body that could easily break just from a small mishap.

"I need to calm these energies, or I might die…"

Kent gritted his teeth and begun attentively concentrating deeply inside his body.

His vision blurred and found himself standing atop an ancient looking abstract art designed black in white platform.

He had entered his own personal spiritual realm, the third part of a beings' existence.

A beings' existence is divided into parts.

First is the material part or most commonly known by many as the physical body.

Second is the astral body or astral part, the part that divided and link both the material body and spiritual body, this part also serves as the first barrier of protection.

Third is the spiritual body or spiritual part, this is the part where different kinds of energies is stationed at and organized if one possessed many.

Spiritual body is also called as the second main body, if a being of higher realms of power were to die and have their material body destroyed, resurrection isn't much of an issue for them.

They could just use the spiritual body, to plunder a body of someone with a weaker spiritual body than them or possessed an already prepared body beforehand like that of homunculus or soul less puppets.


This kind of methods only applies on natural or unexpected deaths, and can't be used when confronting someone of higher realm of power.

Naturally, higher realm existence is knowledgeable enough to not let an enemy they've work hard to end or planned to end to be reincarnated and be back anew.

They'll just destroy the spiritual body of such enemies to avoid the possibility of them reincarnating back with all their memories and powers.

Fourth is the soul part the most precious and complex part of a beings' existence.

The soul is divided into two parts, first is the outer core shell and the second is the so-called central nucleus.

In theory higher beings believe that the outer core shell serves as the central nucleus protection; because within the central nucleus there is the ego.

That what was higher existence believe.

No one had really dived in the deeps of the soul, or more likely no one has the power to go deep to that point and if there were one why would they share such precious knowledge?

In every world, realm, plane, dimension, reality, and other unknown lands; knowledge and wisdom is undeniably the priceless treasure of all.

While power could push one beyond imagination, amidst that beyond an unreachable and unbreakable wall is idly waiting ahead, and for one to climbed through such wall one need knowledge and wisdom.

… Spiritual Realm…

Standing atop the ancient looking platform in his astral form, Kent showed a complex expression, an expression of utter disbelief and confusion.

The spiritual realm's image he knew too well and had accompanied him throughout his struggles in the past is far from what he had remembered.

The place that should have been bringing with dazzling energies is present but not as magisterial and glorious compare to before he had die and reincarnated.

These energies were also in a chaotic state because of his previous actions of harshly and rush actions he had taken, they've entangled each other trying to suppressed one another.

Something he already expected beforehand.

He can also see in a distance the newly built Octagram Spiritual Magic Core Formation, dazzlingly glorious and present.

From these sights alone, everything should have seemed to be normal.