Up atop him an unknown ancient looking cube inside another cube prism this one transparent surrounded by multitude of runic patterns and array formation circling.

This structure releasing an overpowering, oppressive power and might that Kent had never one's encounter in his current and previous life.

Even the gods and deities he had seen back then couldn't be compared to the share oppressive force the cube is leaking out.

"What the hell is that?"

Kent questioned and as if in response to his questioning one of the runes circling the cube let out a bright luster before sending a beam of light directly straight to his head.

He couldn't even react to the share might of this beam of light traversing through in an imperceptible speed.

In the next millisecond, his vision begun turning blurry.

"Now, where am I…"

Kent couldn't help but shout out loud in frustration, unable to comprehend a thing of what's going on.

He looked around only to see nothing but pure white in an expanse of infinity.

Then out of thin air, from the white space a pure white humanoid figure manifested, while also white, Kent could discern the creature due to it having some sort of life and presence.

This figure then begun to tremble intensely for a couple of seconds before finally taking an appearance of an overly gorgeous woman.

Seeing the gorgeous woman, an expression of utter disbelief can be seen on Kent's face.


He was about to mutter something, but before he could finish a single word another figure manifested similar to how the woman come to be.

However, this one is that of a man, a man perfectly resembling to himself but a bit on the adult side the same resemblance to his past life figure and looks.

"Father…! Mother…?"

This time, Kent finally able to finish what he wanted to say out loud.

In response to his words, the two newly manifested figures, supposedly his mother and father as he called out, looked at him.

Then as if realization struck upon them the expressions of his parents constricted in a strange manner.

A expression of longing, love and care, accompanied by deep sadness and regret is clearly shown upon his parents' expression as they look at him.

"My… son… my beloved son…"

His mother's first words rung, hearing this familiar yet unfamiliar tone of voice, Kent's heart shook.

The woman took a step forward.

Kent's father immediately extended his hand trying to stop her, but was too late, as she suddenly appeared beside her son in a matter of an instant.

The speed she displayed is in a wholly different level.

Kent himself couldn't react in the slightest, as for him time seemed to have stopped moving the moment his mother made a move.

She immediately hug tightly, wrapping her body around him, not wanting to let go or part ways no matter what.

Kent's father on a distance observed the scene with a bitter-sweet smile.

He also took a step forward, appearing instantly beside the two just like how his mother appeared.

Similar to that of a play bottom being press, Kent snap out of the momentary pause state his in.

Then, realization dawn upon him.

He is currently being wrapped by a pair of jiggly humongous melons probably H size level or higher, accompanied by a pair of soft slender hands holding him tightly.

Unfortunately, there's no warm in them because he is currently in his spiritual avatar form, an exclusive form one could access when they enter the spiritual realm or body.

The spiritual avatar form is a resemblance of the material body but somewhat translucent and luminescent, and as a spiritual form naturally this body didn't possess any sense of touch and taste.

"Mother, are you really mother?"

Kent called out loud, a surge of emotions bobbling up in him, threatening to explode at any given moment.

However, just as before these emotions get out of control, a hand as soft as his mother's yet more on a rough manly side pressed his back.

The moment this hand got in contact with his spiritual avatar form, the bobbling emotions threatening to explode; out of nowhere suddenly subsided.

He was momentarily dazed for the next milliseconds before an unfamiliar yet familiar manly voice called out.

"How's it been, little rascal?"

Kent's father who's like a replica of himself showed a gentle smiled.


"Celestine, what are you doing? I know it's too painful to endure, but you're putting our son's life at risked here."

Hearing his father's words, his mother; Celestine transcendentally beautiful face twitch terribly until it turned solemn.

"I… I am sorry."

Unable to contain her emotions, Celestine cried, her tears continuously pour down from her cheeks down to Kent's face who's being pressed under her breast.

Kent, who's confuse, couldn't understand what's going on, his mind going blank due to the series of surprises resulting for his brain to momentarily stopped processing.

His father pulled back Celestine on the shoulder, separating the mother and child from each other.

"Mother…? Father…!"

"I am sorry, son, but this isn't the right time for our family to unite."

His father said in a firm tone of voice.

"It seems that Earth has been reached by the Prime Origin System."

"What… no way how can that be, then aren't our children in danger?"

Celestine cried out clearly worried.

"Worry not, aren't they our children. Moreover, the fact that this rascal was able to access the spiritual body realm with is ease is an assurance itself."

Kent's father said in a proud tone, showing off his majestically gorgeous solid chest.

"That, but still, we…"

Kent's father immediately put his pointy finger onto Celestine's lips stopping her from continuing to argue.

"Celestine stop! You know that if we were to intervene in the slightest they'll be in a far more danger where death is the only way out."


Hearing this she fell silent her face constricted strangely, a trace of killing intent and rage almost reaching madness can be seen on her crystalline blood-red crimson eyes.

Feeling this killing intent and rage that isn't even directed on him, Kent felt an entire planet overpowering and pushing him down.

He gritted his teeth trying to endure the overpowering oppressive force unconsciously being released by his mother.

On the other hand, Noah; Kent's father observing his son intently, unable to understand how can his young early adulthood son was able to endure a killing intent of someone who had slaughtered countless beings.