"Son… just…"

Noah tried to ask something but stop his urge to question his son.

Kent, who regained and calm down a bit, recognized this and was about to ask back as multitude of questions piled up in him like that of a mountain reaching the skies.

His parents were supposedly dead due to a car accident that happened years ago yet here they were alive and kicking even though it's just a spiritual body form.

Furthermore, putting into account the strange cube that let him see them and the killing intent his mother Celestine could release.

That passive killing intent pressured him to the point that he couldn't move in the slightest just made things more mysterious, questionable and far more complicated.

Unfortunately, before he could question similar to how his father stopped his mother from continuing to argue his mother stopped him before he could question.

She put her pointy finger on his lips stopping him.

"The less you know the better, just wait this wouldn't take long one day our family will reunite again."

Celestine said in a solemn tone of voice clearly saddened to by this strange situation.

Kent regaining his wits to process things quickly reacted, trying to argue, but his mother profusely stopped him from speaking a thing.

Multitude of assumptions and theoretical probabilities surface in his mind, some too impossible and others were unbelievable to think of.

He started gathering every bit of pieces he got from the short conversation of his parents.

He didn't let passed anything even their slight changes in expression and behavior, trying to come up with a plausible explanation on what's going on.

'Danger, risk, death, reunite, Prime Origin System, unknown cube, runes, arrays, killing intent, rage, sadness, longing, etc.'

"Son, son… Kent, Kent…!"

"Son, son… Kent, Kent…!"

In his thoughts, Kent snap out, being interrupted by his parents calling out to him.

"I'm aware that you may have many questions in your mind, but for now and for your own and your sister's sake, put aside such tiresome burden. We're sorry that we couldn't answer any questions you have in mind, and we are sorry for not being with you. Our love for the both of you is eternal and infinite one day we'll surely reunite, as we aren't dead and even death were unable to separate us that long.

"You've already unlocked some of the seals that's been holding you back, now that the Prime Origin System had reached Earth, completely unlocking the seal wouldn't pose much of a problem. The moment the seal is completely unlocked, the questions you seek will naturally be answered. Grow stronger and try reaching greater heights for the unknown boundless futures that awaits you."

Noah said with a bright smile, clearly proud of his son.

"Be careful, don't let your guard down, please take care of your sister in our steed, remember that we both love you two, no matter how the situation separated us."

"By the way, don't continue to rely on your emotions when unlocking the Seal, now that the Prime Origin System had reached Earth it would be sure to guide you. Follow the system instructions, cost its existence is beneficial to not just for you but to everyone."

Celestine said in a firm serious tone clearly stating things that he should take note and to be done.

"I forgot this is important, so you won't misunderstand things, the me and your mother you're current interacting with is nothing but a fragmented link consciousness from the original. In an easier to understand terms, we now are nothing but copies of the original, similar to us who died in a car accident in Earth were nothing but copies of the main. However, we copies are completely connected with the original, the original themselves is expressing their emotions through us so as you may question we aren't really dead."

Noah said grinning mischievously.

Seeing this annoying expression from his father's shitty face, Kent had the urge to torture the fella into the point of him begging for forgiveness.

"Then as our programmed job ended this is finally goodbye, while we are nothing but mere degraded copies we truly love you both."

Noah and Celestine said in a perfectly synchronized manner at the same time their bodies begun crumbling into dust disappearing into nothingness.

"Yeah, goodbye, I love you back. I'll take care of Erica you irresponsible morons, but remember one's I meet you again, the original ones I'll make sure to pay you back tenfold."

Kent replied in a domineering tone of voice and action.

This surprised the two disintegrating pair but couldn't retort back as they could only smile and felt a bit bad for the main originals.

The two completely vanished and Kent was pushed back to the spiritual realm returning to his previous spot standing on the ancient looking magisterial eerie platform.

"You fools just you wait I'll make sure to punish you two."

Kent said a wide grin can be recognized on his face, yet for some reason a relief and saddened feeling is surrounding him.

From his eyes even in his spiritual avatar form a few tears here and there dripped down.

He put aside the multitude of questions he had in mind for the moment focusing every bit of his concentration onto the strange unknown cube his parents said that sealed something for him.

The unknown sealed cube that is also being sealed by multitude of unknown complex runic and array seals shown signs of crumbling.

He continues to observe the said cube with a complex sign of light in his eyes.

His gaze then fell onto the strange leaking energy from this cube that kept releasing overpowering power and might that could make gods and deities themselves bow down in reverence.

Unknowingly, for some reason one of the fragmented energies moving about in the spiritual realm head straight to the chaotic strings of energies he supposed to fix.

This scene terrified him.

The chaotic energies rampaging and bobbling about is already unstable enough that it is too dangerous to carelessly touch what would happen if the overpowering oppressive force coming from the cube joined the fray.

Wouldn't he explode into smithereens!