He jumps from the platform shooting straight to the chaotic strings of energies rampaging and trying to suppress each other, in a speed comparable or near light speed.

Unfortunately, the distance between him and the strings of chaotic energies is too far wide of a distance for him to reach before the strange unknown energy coming from the cube reach it first.

Looking at the now about to joined in energy, in his perception; time seemed to have slowed down multiple times.

In his eyes ten micrometers, five micrometers, 2.5 micrometers, he could perfectly discern every bit of distance separating the strange energy and the chaotic bunch of energies.

One micrometer, reaching this point of distance Kent didn't bother to continue perusing to stop the collision.

He stopped to his tracks closing his eyes preparing and waiting to woke up back in Earth in the VR room.

However, unlike what he had expected and foresee of him exploding into countless smithereens didn't happen.

He opened back his eyes only to be shock speechless to the scene unfolding in front.

The supposed chaotic surge of energies rampaging about clearly calmed down and amidst the previous chaotic area a single string far magisterial and ticker manifested.

This string behaved like an almighty paragon, suppressing the other energies like [Twilight] [Divine] [Severance] [Fate] [Luck] [Slaughter] [Misfortune] [Heroic] [Elemental] [Spiritual] and [Soul] The newly manifested string looked down at the other energies like a king looking down at its servants.

[System Player Announcement: Congratulations player "Blood Terror" an unnamed unknown ancient and mystical almighty energy sprouted in your very origin. This new energy took charge of the other energies in you, controlling them into complete absolute submission]

[Congratulations, you have gained the title – Primordial One]

Primordial One, is a title exclusively given to those unique individuals that gave birth to newly found energy that surpassed the realm a mortal could handle.

50% to 75% resistance against any energy form attacks of a lower level energy might and density than the energies the titleholder held.

50% primary resources' reduction to any energy the user owns.

50% additional resources' recovery to every energy the user owns.

Complete nullification against any form of energy attacks from a level lower realm existence.

Essence alignment privilege to skip any chanting, formation, construction etc. of anything that involves energy.

• Unique Title Skill – [Origin Devourer]

Origin Devourer, a newly born power that sprouted within you due to your very existence giving birth to a newly found energy that surpassed the realm of power any mortal could wield.

1. Gluttonous Devourer

Power to devour and digest any form of energy in existence as long as the user can endure and assimilate such energy.

Devoured energies can then be converted to empower the user, build up resistances for such energies and create new techniques and skills that could possibly bloom from such energies.

2. Origin Of Wisdom

A unique alternate parallel ego commonly called as Conceptual Intelligence born due to your existence that separately supports you based on the needs and situations you're in. This alternate ego has a heartless and emotionless personality that's solely driven by pure logical computations; it cares to no-one but for the benefit and desire of its master/host/father.

- Thought acceleration: enhances your thought processing speed by a thousand times.

- Parallel thought: the ability to detach your thoughts and analysis them in a separate organized parallel copy.

- Analytical appraisal: the ability to analyze anything in enhanced one million processing speed by either through any senses.

- Chant annulment: when using any spell of sort chanting or constructing is no longer necessary.

- Reality revelation: the ability to comprehend, assimilate and integrate any form of phenomena you've encountered.

- Origin Synthesis: The ability to perfectly synthesize and separate anything to it's very micro origin body.

- Origin alteration/modification: The ability to change and modify energies, essence, skills, abilities, and other unknown characteristics you personally owned.

- Probable Fate String: The ability to predict a small fraction of your fate and the fate of others around you. This ability also allows you to see through 0.5 seconds perfect accuracy of the unknown limitless future.

- Essence Of Truth: The ability to see through other peoples thoughts, emotions, hidden desires, true natures, history, and true name.

- Virtual Simulation: The ability to replicate things in a perfect virtual illusion. This let you study and take note of the past encounters and other things you've undergone.

[System Player Announcement: Congratulations player "Blood Terror" a new feature in your origin has been unlocked]

[Sealed Nexus] (Unknown)

• Unsealed rating [20%|100%]

- First requirements to unlock 10% rating point of the seal: become a Tier 1 existence, gain a myth grade higher class, gain 5 titles and gain 10 unique skills.

- Second requirement to unlock 10% rating point of the seal: devour 10 supreme rank grade items.

- Third requirement to unlock 10% rating point of the seal: devour 5 apex grade rank items.

- Fourth requirement to unlock 10% rating point of the seal: devour 1 end grade rank items.

- Fifth requirement to unlock 24.4% rating point of the seal: devour 100,000,000 Earth Category Souls, devour 1,000 Sky Category Souls, and devour 10 Transcendental Category Souls.

- Sixth requirement to unlock 25.5% rating point of the seal: Form a spouse origin soul blood bound contract with 10 creatures of an opposite gender. Share a portion of your origin soul blood to your contracted spouse, allowing them to give birth to your children; children amount required [0/10]

- Seventh requirement to unlock 0.1% rating point of the seal: successfully evolved your unique skills into that of an ultimate skill; ultimate skills amount required [0/10].

- Final requirement, to break the Sealed Nexus on your own.

Sealed Nexus: Current available 20% unsealed perks

(Passive Privileges)

- 0.02 reality essence resources point generator.

- 0.20 fortune essence resources point generator.

- 2000 low tier basic to intermediate energy crystal of the energies you possessed is generated every 50 hours.

- 200 mid-tier advance to great energy crystal of the energies you possessed is generated every 50 hours.

- 20 high tier grand to superior energy crystal of the energies you possessed is generated every 50 hours.

- 2 supreme tier supreme to epic energy crystal of the energies you possessed is generated every 50 hours.

- 0.20 almighty tier legend to myth energy crystal of the energies you possessed is generated every 50 hours.

- 0.02 paragon tier divine to void energy crystal of the energies you possessed is generated every 50 hours.

- Lock

- Lock

- Lock

- Lock

- ????