Sealed Nexus: Current available 20% unsealed perks

(Other Privileges)

[Eternal Gene Body]

Bless you a body similar to that of a True Supreme Existence that stood near atop the apex of all existences. This privilege trait grants you the capabilities to quickly adapt in any environment, no matter how strange and phenomenal such environment; adapting in such environments, the possibility of you receiving the environment's blessing is near absolute.

Bloodline Trait abilities

1. [Gene Integration] (auto active)

Let you plunder or copy another creature's bloodline reforming and re-creating it to empower and enhance yourself, increasing your bloodline resource. Integrated bloodlines can be use as a brand-new origin resource to awaken or create abilities and skills that can be used to increase your power or those around you.

2. [Eternal Blood Progenitor] (auto passive/active)

Let you turned any being no matter the level or realm as long as you had their consent into one of your glorious bloodline lineage, boosting their current capabilities randomly based on their own characteristics. Integrated turned beings couldn't betray or have any negative thoughts towards you, they're also allowed to have access to your power-based percentage based on their integrated pyramid status.


- Spouse 50% [infinite] (women only)

- Descendants 50% [Infinite] (child of your spouse)

- Paragon 40% [0/2]

- Royal Guard 40% [0/4]

- Monarch 35% [0/5]

- Emperor 30% [0/10]

- King 20% [0/20]

- Lord 15% [0/50]

- Noble 10% [0/100]

- Common 5% [0/1,000]

• Requirements for next level is to fill up 75% of the available personnel. [0%]

• Slay ten beings one realm higher than yours. [0/10]

[System Player Announcement, Congratulations player "Blood Terror" you have unlocked a new resources point called {Bloodline} a resource point privy to few individuals]

[Bloodline – a unique and exclusive resource for individuals that have reached or been naturally born higher existence and above. (Bloodline) is a resource primarily used for the user's resource activated traits and bloodline power capabilities. For each main stat attribute 2 points of bloodline power is added; main stats attributes are strength, agility, vitality, and intelligence]

[System To Player Announcement, Congratulations you've successfully achieved something uncommon, your understanding about Prime Origin System had increase. Your status info will now undergo an evolutionary state]


Kent stayed there at the same spot passively floating in the spiritual realm dumbfounded to the series of notifications and events foreign even for him unfolding.

Information directly been poured down in his mind stressing his processing capacity to the extremely even with the assistance of the implanted chip in his brain.

Digesting the info about the new title [Primordial One] and new skills made overly joyful.

The requirements to unlock his sealed nexus made his face turned extremely hideous and solemn.

The longer he read, the more headache he had as the requirements for unlocking the sealed nexus is just getting weirder and terrifying.

Gaining titles and unique skill is an easy task due to his experience and bountiful knowledge not to say he almost complete this one.

But receiving a myth grade or higher job class how was he supposed to do such thing.

The hell he needed to devour overly valuable items here and there, not to forget the last item needed to be devoured is an end grade rank item, he never even heard of one being discovered before.

Fifth requirement to unlock 24.4% rating point of the seal: devour 100,000,000 Earth Category Souls, devour 1,000 Sky Category Souls, and devour 10 Transcendental Category Souls.

Just how absurd can the system be isn't it saying that he needed to commit genocide.

Furthermore, what the hell is a Transcendental Category creatures, he never one's heard even a rumor of such creature exists.

On the sixth requirement, this very requirement made Kent throw out a mouthful of blood due to how absurd the requirement is.

The system literally pushed him to create a harem and have several children; otherwise there's no way he could unlock the sealed nexus.

Finally, on the seventh the requirement sound simple and straight.


Successfully evolving your unique skills into that of an ultimate skill; ultimate skills amount required [0/10].

What's an ultimate skill?

Kent didn't even have the slightest idea on what this name implies for, this one he needs to do some digging and research to achieve this requirement.

Lastly, the last requirement.

The system wanted to push him hard and breakthrough the sealed nexus in an unnatural or natural manner.

For this part his own will power and luck would be the main players.


Out of nowhere a bright magisterial dazzling golden light coated Kent's entire body.

He was force back to the material realm being force out by the prime origin system out of the spiritual realm his in.

He could feel his very origin soul tremble in excitement clearly joyful from the mere presence of the golden light coating him whole.

He could perfectly feel and sense that every resource that he had consumed due to the previous battle against the pair of beasts seemed to have been completely restored.

Name: Blood Terror

True Name: Kent Kanzen Santos

True Age: 20

Soul Age: 1,648

Race: Hybrid Human [Purity 99.9%]

Bloodline Traits:

1. [Eternal Gene Body]

- Gene Integration

- Eternal Blood Progenitor


Title: [Novelty Seeker] [Slaughterer] [Conquer Of Fate] [Magisterial Divinity] [Primordial One]

1. Novelty Seeker – 50,000

2. Slaughter – 1,000

3. Conquer Of Fate – 250,000

4. Magisterial Divinity – 500,000

5. Primordial One – 1,000,000

Title Contribution Points: 1,751,000


Group Affiliation: None

Reputation Points: 72,500


Level: 15 [0.05%]

Main Class: None

Origin Main Class Skills: None

Sub Class: None

Origin Sub Class Skills: None


{Special Resource Attributes}

Health – 204/204

Mana – 22/22

Stamina – 168/168

{Unique Resource Attributes}

Twilight – 130/130

Bloodlust – 130/130

Divine – [Lock]

Unnamed – [Lock]

Bloodline – 156/156


{Primary Main Attribute}

• Free Points [4]

Strength – 21, Agility – 25, Vitality – 21, Intelligence – 11


{Unique Skills}

• [Twilight] {Active}

• [Perfect Meditation] {Active}

• [Supreme Sense] {Auto Passive}

• [Absolute Severance] {Active}

• [Perfect Breathing Concentration] {Active}

{Unique Skill Tree}

• [Slaughter]

- Bloodlust {Auto Passive}

• [Fate Stasis]

- Blessing Of Luck {Active}

- Curse Of Misfortune {Active}

• [Divine Gaze]

- Golden Eyes Of Wisdom {Active}

- Sealing Eyes Of Gods {Active}

- Heavenly Eyes Of Verdict {Active}

• [Origin Devourer]

- Gluttonous Devourer {Active}

- Origin Of Wisdom {Auto Passive}

{Ultimate Skills}
