Gluttonous Devourer

Golden Titan Mountains, a mountain range that pierced the sky, located at the center most of the wide Rain Forest region.

On one of the paths forwards to the Golden Titan Mountains, dozens of corpses can be seen mangled terribly or cleanly been disposed, littering the ground.

The shadow momentarily passed through a considerable tree occupied by a beast named Crimson Crazy Monkey, an E Grade beast.

These beasts didn't notice the shadow as in the following second strange red lines appeared everywhere in their bodies, before they knew they were all cut into pieces.

[You have hunted a Crimson Crazy Monkey]

[You're currently a level 15 player that has yet to gain a job class. Experience points from hunting the Crimson Monkey is momentarily been reserved until you gain your first job class]

The man in the shadows ignored the prompts. He raised his right hand, the next moment strange eerie purple colored translucent energy on a form of a smoke manifested.

[Gluttonous Devourer]

The translucent smoke moved like it has an ego of its own following the man's will as it descended onto the terribly cut beasts.

In the next instant before the man himself could react the translucent purple smoke the strange eerie power brought into life by the [Gluttonous Devourer] consumed and absorb the entirety of the beast corpse.

[You have devoured the E Rank Beast – Crimson Crazy Monkey]

[Experience points reward for the hunted creature is permanently nullified]

[You have gained the Crimson Crazy Monkey's Trait – Forest Agile Maneuver]

[Gluttonous Devourer]

Power to devour and digest any form of energy in existence as long as the user can endure and assimilate such energy.

Devoured energies can then be converted to empower the user, build up resistances for such energies and create new techniques and skills that could possibly bloom from such energies.

What is experience points? It's a mystery many scholars in Kent's previous life pondered and questioned, it took them more than 500 years before the mystery of experience points is revealed. However, none of those scholars were the one who uncovered the mystery of experience points.

The mystery of experience points is revealed in one of the most tragic and unforgettable day that happened in Arcane World.

The day of the "Otherworldly Invasion" the day when the already chaotic world of Arcane turned severely far more chaotic to the point of apocalyptic events happening in a daily basis.

The confrontation between the invaders and defenders. The battle of beings Tier 4 and above ranks is something akin to natural catastrophic disasters.

One of the captured invaders, a race called Naos a creature far more advanced and ahead in both magical and technological advancements compare to either earth or inhabitants of Arcane.

One of the defenders of the world, Witch Of Nightmare used her Unique Skill named Soul Reading, allowing her to experience a subdued being's memories like her own.

One of the key crucial information people of Arcane gained after the Witch Of Nightmare used her Unique Skill is the knowledge about the Prime Origin System.

The Prime Origin System is a system used by the cosmos to transform and let weak worlds and beings develop faster.

One of the primary functions of Prime Origin System's is to convert and purity every energy of a dead being into something called experience points.

So, in an easier to understand standpoint, experience points is a form of leftover energy like soul, essence, mana, spirit, etc. that been converted by the Prime Origin System for the victor to safely absorb.

Kent's [Gluttonous Devourer] is just as similar to one of the primary functions of the Prime Origin System letting him devour and gain another creatures' energy.

But instead of turning it into experience points, the unique skill grants him the hidden special of choosing which to recreate and gain.

The devoured creatures memories for him to gain their technique and wisdom, bloodline to recreate their traits, or souls to copy their skills.

Having such ability sounds broken and overpowered.

However, while the [Gluttonous Devourer] really did sound overpowered in one's perspective, but to Kent's eyes the unique skills is like that of a double edge sword that could harm its owner due to how sharp it is.

The unique skill didn't have a limiter to how much he could absorb and for this reason, he needed to be careful not to overuse the skill.

Maintaining a proper check, so his body could adjust to the excessive energies moving about that been absorbed, for him no to suddenly explode into blood mist due to overcharge.

Kent decided to devour the [Crimson Crazy Monkeys] and choose the bloodline of the beast to possibly gain their trait [Nature Leaping] but this trait turned into [Forest Agile Maneuver] for it to perfectly adjust and fit him.

[Forest Agile Maneuver]

Temporarily increase your movement speed, dexterity, vitality and every resource recovery when you are in a natural ecosystem rich zone.

Bloodline Trait abilities

1. [Natures Will] (auto passive)

Spreads your senses to communicate with the nature itself gaining the natures blessing and trust, resulting in your increase in affinity towards nature; boosting your energy form attacks and physical capabilities to another level.

2. [Treasure Hunter] (auto passive)

The ability to automatically notice and discern the location of nearby treasures in a natural ecosystem rich zone.

Bloodline Traits: [1/1]

1. Eternal Gene Body

- Gene Integration

- Eternal Blood Progenitor

Extra Bloodline Traits: [1/5]

1. Forest Agile Maneuver

- Natures Will

- Treasure Hunter

I expected to gain something that could boost my power passively but never did I expect to gain something precious like [Treasure Hunter] is my luck really that high for such boons to appear here and there.

Sadly [Gluttonous Devourer] only let me gain up to 5 extra bloodline traits in level 15.

The Prime Origin System wasn't really concerned about balance or such and more likely boost everyone's power to the point of it being broken.

However, the Prime Origin System is also an insidious system that grants dangerous negative alternatives and side effects along with the granted power.