Unique Legacy Quest [1]

Kent moved about in a nonchalant manner with a considerable phase without much of a problem after passing the middle area of the rain forest.

In his journey he encountered some beast and monsters here and there, but such beast are nothing in his current prowess as he easily disposed of them like ants.

The passive boosts of his other abilities added to the boost in power due to the newly gained trait [Forest Agile Maneuver] that fit perfectly to his current situation just made things far smoother and easier.

Normally it would take him an entire day just to reach the Golden Titan Mountains from the middle forest zone, but thanks to the current boosts he had, reaching the mountains didn't even take him half a day.

A few seconds after, Kent finally took his first step at the foot of the mountain.

Meanwhile, presently, a sudden notification came from the system.

[System To Player Announcement: Player "Blood Terror" had discovered the Forgotten Land Of Deus]

[System To Player Announcement: A Unique Legacy Quest has been issued "Forgotten Ancient Era"]

[System To Player Announcement: Player "Blood Terror" is temporarily disabled, player's communications to the outside world has been completely blocked. User is unable to leave the Unique Quest until it's completed]

"Nice, the info didn't seem to be tampered or had change in any way."

Going in the golden titan mountain and receiving this unique legacy quest is just one of the several reasons why Kent had his eyes and plans situated to this place.

The situation at the golden titan mountain was simply as the same info from what he could remember in his previous life.

Kent gain the information about such quest from another information broker in his past life when they're talking in a bar drinking alcohol.

One must remember, Kent is previously an assassin, underworld merchant, and an information broker before things gone chaotic when apocalypse genesis descended.

This information broker he had a drink with accidentally spit one of his confidential info to him after Kent purposely made him too drunk.

Unfortunately, in that timeline, this info is already useless for Kent as the Unique Legacy Quest has already been accepted by someone.

Unique Legacy Quest is a mission that can only be challenge by a single individual, and will disappear forever whether the participant succeeds or fail the said quest.

There were some Quests with special characteristics that the Prime Origin System issued randomly or been placed there and waiting for someone to reach ahead of time.

These Quest can only be trigger in certain areas that held high historical values or land where great beings lay down to rest.

Similar to how the system notification implies, Unique Legacy Quest, is a quest that lets a single player gain an inheritance when they succeed in completing the quest.

In his past life the player who got the quest miserably failed.

The treasures, rewards and fame of such quest is enormous that powerhouses all over the world would do anything just to got their hand into such precious quest.

Unfortunately, for the powerhouses such quest isn't easy to find as luck is the prime major factor that lets one have the possibility in gaining such quest.

Moreover, such quest can't be passed to someone no matter what, only the quest receiver could have the chance to acquire the rewards and achievements the said quest offers.

The lucky guy who received the quest in his past life wasted the quest miserably that he didn't gain a thing or two from it.

This time, however, Kent came fast to grab the quest before anyone incompetent got their lucky hands in it.

While he isn't confident in perfectly clearing the requirements and receiving the legacy of the quest as a unique legacy quest is akin to almost impossible.

He could say that he is confident that he wouldn't leave the quest empty-handed, unlike what the previous challenger did.

Kent is a person who despises others that been given second chances and opportunities yet didn't give their all and failed miserably.

So, this is the reason he kept involving the innocent lucky guy in his past life on his thoughts that didn't get a thing out of the unique legacy quest.

This mindset of his is also the primary thing that drives him to work harder in order to change his miserable future and those he cared about around him.

Similar to how he despise others for their lack of effort, the same thing is burdening him as he also despises his very progress.

One might think that Kent's current state is already satisfactory, overkill, overpowered, or broken but in his eyes his current progress is nothing much to be proud of.

Compare to other people's standards Kent's personal standards, mostly to his very purpose and goal in this life is far above the charts common man could ever imagine.

To the point that if gods themselves saw it they'll surely spat out a mouthful of blood due to how absurd it is.

He who came from the future knew that being contempt on one's strength and power would lead to your own downfall.

Just by recalling the terrible scenes he had witness and experience during his previous life made his very confidence falter greatly.

He snap out from his thoughts as he noticed a bright light starting to lit up illuminating under his feet.

Looking down, he saw a massive array magic circle that could fit up to hundreds of people begun rotating, clearly indicating its activation.

Kent didn't bother moving to resist.

First timers might think this is a trap as this the most common assumption when one encounter an unknown array suddenly activating under you.

But to Kent who came from the future, knowing beforehand that others could only envy, the same for this method the Prime Origin System used to realize the Unique Legacy Quest.

His vision started becoming blurry, around him dozens of majestic multicolor bright light shows begun manifesting into that of pillars.

These pillars then converge in a synchronized manner rotating around in a speed that broke through the sound barrier as in the next few seconds everything turned white.

Kent who's in the center of all this vanished completely.

His body being sucked into the wormhole that appeared overhead during the rotation of the multicolor pillars sending him onto another land.