Unique Legacy Quest [2]

[System to Player Announcement: Player "Blood Terror" had entered the Unique Legacy Quest – Forgotten Ancient Era]

Kent was whisked away into a blinding white light that in a few seconds turned into complete darkness before he reappeared out of nowhere in a middle of a lively city.

'Where did the quest send me into?'

This the first thought that surface his mind as a second later his domain abilities quickly spread out to gather information.

Looking around he saw countless crowds of people creating huge traffic moving around here and there seemingly in a hurried.

"Go, go fast, don't waste my time."

The skinny hooded merchant about to move out shouted to a group of people ahead blocking his caravans' path.

"Don't block the way."

The man dressed in a somewhat knightly attire shouted to the crowd of people in his front as he run rushing.

"Juniors should go first, don't bother with this old man."

The elderly man clearly having a hard time just by standing straight insisted to the group of young teenagers trying to help him get onto a carriage.

"Mom, mom where are we going?"

The child holding a doll that has a figure of a cat asked her mother in a somewhat anxious voice.

"We're leaving for a more beautiful home, so please stay still so mother…"

The mother who's clear anxious just by looking at her distressed expression didn't finish her words as she hastened her speed.

She carried her child hugging her tightly as they passed through the traffic crowded streets.

Kent who just appeared in this place didn't know a thing on what's going on.

However, thanks to the small info he received just from observing and spreading his domain in the surroundings and listening to the peoples' conversation, he could tell something big is going on.

He was about to take a step forward when he noticed that he was currently wearing nothing but rugged torn clothes that resemble a beggar revealing a portion of his skin.

Some people gaze at him with complicated emotions as his features didn't match his appearance at all.

Kent's undeniable celestial beauty and transcendental features freely spread out in open like a beacon of light attracting most peoples attention.

Noticing this problem he could only shrug in frustration, he was about to move out from where he stood to avoid gaining too much attention when a sudden system prompt appeared out of thin air.

[Unique Legacy Quest – Forgotten Ancient Era]

Description: You've been sent in an unknown forgotten ancient era that wasn't written in any historical events in current era as it was too ancient and been forgotten long ago to be documented.

You have been chosen as the last apostle of a decease True God that herself to protecting peace and prosperity.

You've been given the task to awaken the sleeping heroic legends called the [Trinity Salvation] to fight and drive away the otherworldly invaders.

• First Scenario – Escape the premises of the Bronze Eagle Kingdom safely.

• Second Scenario – Seek the witch of the crimson blood forest and request for her assistance to find a precious material called Seed Of Life.

• Third Scenario – Safely reach the starlight blue mystic pond to fully sprout the Seed Of Life.

• Fourth Scenario – Safely reach the Holy Spirit mountain of endless blood chaos.

• Fifth Scenario – Safely awaken the slumbering Heroic Legends "Trinity Of Salvation".

•Final Scenario – Wipe out the otherworldly invaders or force them to pull back and retreat to their home planet.

Limitation 1: You cannot use any class-based skills or abilities.

Limitation 2: You are restricted from having access to your inventory, as well as your previous equipment's.

Provision 1: You can freely access your status powers, abilities and skills, except for class-based status.

Provision 2: You've been given access to a unique power called [Perfect Map] this unique power allows you to identify your current location and the nearby surroundings by a proximity of a kilometer.

Difficulty: Pseudo Myth

Rewards: Scenario Performance Based

Finally receiving the system assistance, Kent's eyebrows twitch madly in surprise.

"Pseudo Myth grade level unique legacy quest, no wonder that person who previously triggered this quest failed miserably.

How can a common person clear such kind of quest, no… no, no even experts or pros wouldn't do much of a difference?

Only old monsters, geniuses, and legends that have yet to enter the game has the highest probability of achieving something."

Kent left the area escaping from the crowded streets as he entered a disserted alley way.

There he started organizing things mostly digesting the information he got before moving forward.

He isn't as nonchalant as before taking the unique legacy quest seriously, knowing beforehand how tricky and dangerously such quest really are.

Kent moved his fingers onto the status screen display in front as he contemplated his future plans for this unique legacy quest.

However, his expression gradually changed when he heard the sound of footsteps echoing through the alley.

He looked up to see three men walking slowly towards him while clearly ensuring that the exit is blocked.

The group of three men gazed at him with scorn and contempt as Kent appraised them.

They appeared to be in their mid-twenties.

Their clothes were filthy but not as worst as his, and it was as though their inner evil had manifested on their faces.

They weren't subhuman, unlike most of the people he saw in the crowded streets, but they couldn't be called decent humans either.

They were clearly your daily mob city bandits, and considering the state of the country they'll would surely take the advantage to enjoy the situation.

"His frozen still in fear."

"Maybe he doesn't get what's going on. Should we teach him?"

Unlike Kent's expression, the group of three is giggling, clearly enjoying the feeling of stepping onto someone.

This is the reason they approached Kent, they knew he didn't have money just from looking at his attire, but this didn't entitle that they couldn't gain something from him.

What they aim from targeting him is enjoyment, seeing someone suffer under their toes.

Facing the grinning group of men closely approaching, Kent's expression turned cold as ice.

His emotionless eyes stared back at them as a strange, eerie atmosphere begun spreading encompassing the entire alley like a domain.