Unique Legacy Quest [3]

"Mere insignificant characters dare to look down upon me."

Kent majestic voice sounded accompanied by a cold freezing breeze that force the bandits to halt in their advance.

He gazed at them with his cold piercing ethereal crystal blue eyes like how one looked at an insignificant ant passing bye.

The moment they received the cold voice and piercing gaze, a strange feeling encompassed them similar to how a lusty demon hugged their prey.

They felt like their very souls is being grabbed by a terrifying force like a predator's hand holding on to a delicate apple having second thoughts whether to eat the said apple that's the prays soul.

The moment they decided to look down on him is the moment their very life isn't their own anymore.

The bandits who confidently approached him we're now on the ground struggling to even breath.

The three tried to look up only to see no one.

Before they knew he appeared behind them and in his hands, he is holding something bloody the size of a fist; this something is pulsing.

They couldn't even react or see the face of the man who took their life as their bodies slowly slumped to the ground lifeless.

Quickly Kent punctured and plundered their hearts resulting in their inevitable death.

Then with a disgusted look in his face he threw the plundered hearts of the bandits to the side treating it as nothing but garbage.

He then tore a portion of his ragged cloth and begun cleaning the bloody hand, feeling disgusted having his hand be tainted with the blood of some lowlife creatures.

He might not look like it due to his cunning and playful nature, but Kent is a very prideful person.

This pride is birth due to his years of experience and achievements in his previous life, a pride naturally born to few individuals who had achieved something unreachable for the common folks.

So, having some lowlife insignificant characters look down upon him treating him as trash made him a bit enrage.

Then, after cleaning his blood stained hands he looked back at the three corpses on the ground he raised his hand activating and manifesting the [Gluttonous Devourer] this time; however, he didn't devour them to gain their abilities or traits as he knew perfectly that there's no value in them just from a single glance.

One of the functions of the [Gluttonous Devourer] a function that's allows him to steal other creatures experience in life by devouring them.

The eerie essence having a form of a smoke move about as it grab onto the bandits body where in the next instant it passed through nothing remained.

Life experience was sent straight directly towards his brain.

Story about how they were abandoned by their parents.

Story about the suffering and hardship they've experience daily just to have a single meal.

Story about the bullying they've experience from other people who look down on them.

Story about how they work hard only to not get paid.

Story about how cruel and chaotic the world is to those that didn't have a proper family and home.

Story how their comrades that die due to a small conflict.

There stories that's full of suffering and sorrow that ended up transforming them into something akin to higher beings.

Creatures who look down and enjoy the suffering of others as a form of entertainment.

"Life is a beautiful blessing, but the world is cruel.

Now sleep in the darkness and be hope to be purified for your next life to be prosperous."

Kent muttered in a low voice.

He got to know their very life experience and hardships on why they become who they are.

But amidst all of this bitterness, the guilt of killing them didn't bother him in the slightest.

"One shouldn't judge someone by their looks and actions, none knew their thoughts and experience, but one can certainly end others life or let time itself do it's intended job.

Death isn't the end but a new beginning, an unending circle of absolute authority that is death and rebirth.

So accept death when it comes, you can be the judge who punish evil or be the slaughterer who spreads evil either way in the end when death comes everything would just restart.

Darkness to evil and light to righteousness is nothing but a false fragment that originated from chaos as within the chaos life and death prevails."

This is the belief and teaching his past life's sage teacher always mutters when a life end in front of their eyes.

Naturally Kent adapted to these teachings, where in his eyes' death is nothing but a natural manner of continuous cycle.

No matter how fortunate or unfortunately one, no matter how evil or kind they were, no matter how their status is, and no matter a single one or a billion in his eyes' death is the same.

This is also the reason why Kent was able to easily accept his death before, as in his eyes' death is nothing but a matter of natural phenomena that happens to everyone.


He walked out of the deserted alley way after successfully digesting the information he got from the three bandits he devoured.

The street he exited through isn't as crowded as the main street where people us as it's the only path to exit the city.

But based on the memories of the bandits, there were multiple tiny paths present free of passing without much of a traffic.

He passed through the buildings, one of the storefront windows caught his attention, as he glace to his reflection staring back at him.

"I am like an open beacon, I need to cover myself."

Kent muttered.

He noticed it before, but many people were clearly eying him due to how unusual he was.

He had already gotten used to this through the course of his previous and current life, but it's still annoying.

He looked around scrolling through the memories of the bandits trying to discern a certain establishment that sells products to hide one's identity.